Supplementary Reports


Audit, Risk, and Finance Committee Meeting


Thursday, 25 July 2019


12:45 PM


Council Chamber

Memorial Avenue





Cr John Vujcich - Chairperson

Mayor John Carter

Cr Tania McInnes

Cr Ann Court

Cr Felicity Foy

Cr Colin (Toss) Kitchen

Cr Sally Macauley

Cr Kelly Stratford

Member Bruce Robertson

Member Adele Gardner

Member Mike Edmonds

Member Terry Greening



Audit, Risk, and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

25 July 2019


Order Of Business

5         Corporate Services Group. 4

5.2            Audit Risk and Finance Sub-Committee Draft Terms of Reference. 4

6         Information Reports. 9

6.5            Level of Service KPI Quarter 4 Performance Report 9



Audit, Risk, and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

25 July 2019


5          Corporate Services Group

5.2         Audit Risk and Finance Sub-Committee Draft Terms of Reference

File Number:           A2557674

Author:                    Aisha Huriwai, Team Leader Governance Support

Authoriser:              William J Taylor MBE, General Manager - Corporate Services


Purpose of the Report

To adopt a terms of reference for the sub-committee established at the 30 May 2019 Audit, Risk and Finance Committee meeting.

Executive Summary

·        The Audit, Risk and Finance Committee established a subcommittee.

·        The sub-committee do not yet have any terms of reference to function.



That the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee:

a)      adopts the draft terms of reference for the Data Governance Subcommittee.


1) Background

Data Governance is a quality control discipline for assessing, managing, using, improving, monitoring, maintaining, and protecting organisational information. It is a system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what actions with what information, and when, under what circumstances, using what methods.

It is critical that FNDC has an effective Data Governance framework that ensures we manage data as an asset and thus enabling better decision making at all levels of the organisation.

At the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee meeting held 30 May 2019, when considering the report entitled Far North District Council Data Governance, the following resolution was passed:

“That the Committee form a subcommittee of the Audit, Risk, and Finance Committee with staff, including setting the terms of reference and any other recommendations with respect to data governance, the elected members to be on the subcommittee are Cr John Vujcich, Cr Dave Hookway, Member Mike Edmonds and Member Bruce Robertson.”

Members appointed to the sub-committee and staff that could support the sub-committee were asked to provide guidance on what they believed were the purpose, role and delegations of the sub-committee. Feedback from those members is included in the draft terms of reference.

2) Discussion and Options

The attached draft Terms of Reference has been written to provide scope for the subcommittee to progress. The terms of reference effectively tasks the subcommittee with:

·    developing a clear understanding and definition of Data Governance at the Far North District Council.

·    recommending direction to the Chief Executive Officer, through the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee, of a Far North District Council Data Governance Framework.


While there has been discussion that the subcommittee could be provided, further, more specific tasks, the purpose of the subcommittee has been intentionally left brief. The Local Government Election in two months’ time means that the subcommittee will have a short life-span.

The terms of reference includes that the subcommittee shall be governed by Far North District Council Standing Orders. The Standing Orders apply the same definition to a subcommittee, as it does to a committee. The Standing Orders do not apply to workshops, meetings of working parties or advisory groups.

Reason for the recommendation

To confirm the purpose of the Data Governance Subcommittee.

3) Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision

The costs in providing administrative support to the Data Governance Subcommittee will be minimal and can be covered by existing operational budgets.


1.      draft Delegations for Data Governance Subcommittee - A2558116  


Compliance schedule:

Full consideration has been given to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 S77 in relation to decision making, in particular:

1.      A Local authority must, in the course of the decision-making process,

a)      Seek to identify all reasonably practicable options for the achievement of the objective of a decision; and

b)      Assess the options in terms of their advantages and disadvantages; and

c)       If any of the options identified under paragraph (a) involves a significant decision in relation to land or a body of water, take into account the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral land, water sites, waahi tapu, valued flora and fauna and other taonga.

2.      This section is subject to Section 79 - Compliance with procedures in relation to decisions.


Compliance requirement

Staff assessment

State the level of significance (high or low) of the issue or proposal as determined by the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

This report is of low significance.

State the relevant Council policies (external or internal), legislation, and/or community outcomes (as stated in the LTP) that relate to this decision.

The draft terms of reference is consistent with section 7 of the Far North District Council’s Standing Orders.

State whether this issue or proposal has a District wide relevance and, if not, the ways in which the appropriate Community Board’s views have been sought.

Data Governance is a matter of district wide relevance.

State the possible implications for Māori and how Māori have been provided with an opportunity to contribute to decision making if this decision is significant and relates to land and/or any body of water.

There are no specific implications to māori in forming a subcommittee or adopting a terms of reference for that subcommittee.

Identify persons likely to be affected by or have an interest in the matter, and how you have given consideration to their views or preferences.

The views of the members appointed by the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee members were sought, and included.

State the financial implications and where budgetary provisions have been made to support this decision.

The cost to the organisation in supporting a subcommittee is minimal and can be covered by existing operational budgets.

Chief Financial Officer review.

The Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report.



Audit, Risk, and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

25 July 2019



Authorising Body

Audit, Risk and Finance Committee


Standing Subcommittee







Data Governance Subcommittee Terms of


Approval Date

25 July 2019

Responsible Officer

Chief Executive



The purpose of the Data Governance Subcommittee is to:

·    develop a clear understanding and definition of Data Governance at the Far North District Council.

·    recommend direction to the Chief Executive Officer, through the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee, of a Far North District Council Data Governance Framework.



The Audit, Risk and Finance Committee have appointed 4 members to the subcommittee:

·    Councillor Vujcich,

·    Councillor Hookway,

·    Member Edmonds,

·    Member Bruce Robertson.


The Chief Executive will also appoint technical staff to the subcommittee: Technical staff may include staff with knowledge in:

·    Risk,

·    Information Management,

·    Business Intelligence,

·    Information Services.


The Chairperson of the Data Governance Subcommittee shall be appointed by the subcommittee.



The quorum at a meeting of the Data Governance Subcommittee is 4 members, at least 2 Committee members and 2 technical staff.


Frequency of Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet in workshop form as required and hold a formal subcommittee meeting on 12 September 2019.  The purpose of that meeting will be to make a recommendation to the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee to endorse the recommendation to the Chief Executive.


Subcommittees Objectives

·      Develop a shared vision and strategy for data governance through the establishment, with staff, of the Data Governance Framework, that addresses:

Assurance of data security and data quality

Maximizing the benefit generation of information

Designating accountability for data quality

Enabling evidence-based policy development

Increasing consistency and confidence in decision making

Consistency in reporting

Enabling evidence-based business cases and strategies


Rules and Procedures

Council’s Standing Orders and Code of Conduct apply.



Audit, Risk, and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

25 July 2019


6          Information Reports

6.5         Level of Service KPI Quarter 4 Performance Report

File Number:           A2554782

Author:                    Sam Chapman, Accounting Support Officer

Authoriser:              Janice Smith, Chief Financial Officer


Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this report is to present the Level of Service KPI Performance Report for Committee’s consideration.

Executive Summary

·    This report is to present the Level of Service KPI Performance Report for Committee’s consideration.



That the Audit, Risk, and Finance Committee receive the report “Level of Service KPI Quarter 4 Performance Report “.




An overview of staffing and financial data is included to give an overall picture of the activity groups and what factors may have an influence upon performance.


Discussion and Next Steps

This report is for information only.


Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision

There are no financial implications or budgetary provision needed as a result of this report


1.      Level of Service KPI Report - A2565841  


Audit, Risk, and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

25 July 2019


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