Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika





Extraordinary Council Meeting


Tuesday, 12 March 2024




Virtually via Microsoft Teams




Kahika - Mayor Moko Tepania - Chairperson

Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford

Cr Ann Court

Cr Felicity Foy

Cr Hilda Halkyard-Harawira

Cr Babe Kapa

Cr Penetaui Kleskovic

Cr Steve McNally

Cr Mate Radich

Cr Tāmati Rākena

Cr John Vujcich


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024



Far North District Council

Extraordinary Council Meeting

will be held in the Virtually via Microsoft Teams on:

Tuesday 12 March 2024 at 1pm

Te Paeroa Mahi / Order of Business

1          Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer. 5

2          Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest 5

3          Ngā Tono Kōrero / Deputations. 5

4          Ngā Kōrero A Te Kahika / Mayoral Announcements. 5

5          Ngā Pūrongo Taipitopito / Information Reports. 6

5.1            Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-27 Supporting Information and Consultation Document 6

6          Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer. 382

7          Te Kapinga Hui / Meeting Close. 382



1            Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer

Ka tuku mātou kia kaha mai ngā māngai kua whiriwhirihia mō Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika ki te mahi me te ngākau auaha me te whakamahi i ngā pūkenga me te mātauranga i roto i ngā wānanga me ngā whakataunga kia whakatūria ai tētahi Hapori e matatika ana, e tū kotahi ana ka mutu ka whakapiki anō i te oranga o tō tātou rohe, ka whakatau anō i ngā take o te rohe i runga i te tika me te pono.

We ask that through Council discussions and decisions the representatives we have elected may govern the Far North District with imagination, skill and wisdom to achieve a fairer and more united Community that enhances the wellbeing of our district and solves the District’s problems efficiently and effectively.

2            Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Members need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a Member of the Council and any private or other external interest they might have. This note is provided as a reminder to Members to review the matters on the agenda and assess and identify where they may have a pecuniary or other conflict of interest, or where there may be a perception of a conflict of interest.

If a Member feels they do have a conflict of interest, they should publicly declare that at the start of the meeting or of the relevant item of business and refrain from participating in the discussion or voting on that item. If a Member thinks they may have a conflict of interest, they can seek advice from the Chief Executive Officer or the Manager - Democracy Services (preferably before the meeting).

It is noted that while members can seek advice the final decision as to whether a conflict exists rests with the member.

3            Ngā Tono Kōrero / Deputations

No requests for deputations were received at the time of the Agenda going to print.

4            Ngā Kōrero A Te Kahika / Mayoral Announcements

Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


5            Ngā Pūrongo Taipitopito / Information Reports

5.1         Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-27 Supporting Information and Consultation Document

File Number:           A4601907

Author:                    Jo Boyd, Corporate Planner

Authoriser:             Jonathan Slavich, Chief Financial Officer


Take Pūrongo / Purpose of the Report

To recommend the adoption of the Supporting Information and Consultation Document (CD) for the Long-Term Plan (LTP) 2024-27. Note that the supporting information must be adopted prior to the CD because it is information on which the CD relies.

WhakarĀpopoto matua / Executive Summary

·        In preparing this LTP, under the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery (SWER) (Local Government Act 2002 – Long Term Plan) Order 2023 requires the local authority to adopt a CD that informs why Council is operating under the Order and the additional key matters Council is considering for inclusion in the LTP proper.

·        The CD must be made available to the community along with any supporting information on which it relies.

·        Under the SWER Order 2023, there is no requirement to have either the CD or supporting information audited. All due care has been exercised in the preparation of this supporting information and CD, having regard to the information available at the time.


tŪtohunga / Recommendation

That Council:

a)      adopt the supporting information as information that is relied upon by the content of the Consultation Document in accordance with section 9 of the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery (Local Government Act 2002—Long-term Plan) Order 2023:

i)       Proposed significant forecasting assumptions

ii)      Proposed financial strategy

iii)     Proposed infrastructure strategy

iv)     Proposed community outcomes

v)      Proposed capital works programme

vi)     Proposed groups and activities

vii)    Proposed Northland Inc activities

viii)   Proposed FNHL activities

ix)     Proposed forecast financial statements

x)      Proposed funding impact statements

xi)     Proposed funding impact statement (rates)

xii)    Proposed forecast reserve funds

xiii)   Proposed accounting policies

xiv)   Proposed revenue and financing policy

xv)    Proposed treasury, liability and investment policies

xvi)   Proposed rating relief policies

xvii)  Proposed fees and charges schedule 2024/25

xviii) Support information disclaimer

b)      Adopt the Consultation Document for the Long Term Plan 2024-27;

c)      Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to approve any final edits and design changes required to the Consultation Document and/or supporting information to finalise documents for printing and distribution.


1) TĀhuhu kŌrero / Background

Council was granted the option of completing a lite version of an LTP under the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery (Local Government Act 2002 – Long Term Plan) Order 2023. This meant several changes including focusing on repairing the damage in 2022/23 caused by severe weather events, modified Infrastructure and Financial Strategies to cover the period of the LTP and the non-audit requirement.

The LTP 2024-27 has been in development for six months, during which time multiple workshops were held to enable Elected Members to review and discuss strategic direction, what the impacts are of the lighter version of the LTP, community outcomes, current and future work programmes, the challenges Council is likely to face over the next three years and new work priorities to navigate those challenges. The CD and supporting information are a culmination of those activities.

2) matapaki me NgĀ KŌwhiringa / Discussion and Options

The preparation, audit and adoption of a CD and supporting information is a statutory requirement. There are no alternative options for discussion in this report.

Consultation Document

The CD recognises that an LTP can be a large, complex, and occasionally technical document that can be difficult for the community to engage with effectively.


The LGA requires that the CD present only the issues that are ‘significant’ against the criteria in Council’s policy on Significance and Engagement or that Council specifically wishes to gather feedback on.


In the CD for 2024-27 the following issues are presented for public feedback:

1. Ngā Hononga Rautaki  |  Strategic linkages

•     He rautaki whakaarotau  |  Our strategic priorities: Have been updated to acknowledge that our overarching priority for this LTP is to repair our transport network.

•     Ngā hua ki te hapori | our community outcomes. The CD acknowledges that our current suite of community outcomes is fit for purpose but minor wording changes to better reflect the outcome:

Change Connected communities that are prepared for the unexpected to Resilient communities that are prepared for the unexpected.

Remove and treasured from ‘A wisely managed and treasured environment that recognises the role of tangata whenua as kaitiaki.

Rewording of ‘We embrace and celebrate our unique culture and heritage and value it as a source of enduring pride to ‘We celebrate our unique culture and history’.

2. Key proposals

•     Issue 1:  Should we change the way we rate stormwater across the district?

This proposal asks if we should introduce a ‘public good’ charge and change the way we rate across the district.

•     Issue 2: Should we change the way we rate for those who access or could access water supply and wastewater services?

This puts forward the same proposal under the consultation we conducted last year for district-wide rating but have included a third and fourth option for rating by scheme and ward.

•     Issue 3: How do we continue to provide community services in the future?

The proposal asks if we either provide a multi-purpose centre for each ward or two multi-purpose centres for Bay of Islands-Whangaroa, one each for Kaikohe-Hokianga and Te Hiku wards.

A preferred option needs to be agreed upon before the consultation document is released to the public and the questions are succinct with the options.

3. Other information

We have a suite of policies etc, that have been updated to reflect changes in legislation, updating to current date/time formats and inclusion of current financial information. No other changes have been made to policies.

The Significance and Engagement Policy does not have to be revised and therefore no changes have been made. This policy will accompany the suite of supporting information, without the need to be adopted.

Supporting information

The information relied upon by the Consultation Document is attached and must be adopted by Council. These are:

·        proposed significant forecasting assumptions

·        proposed three-year financial strategy

·        proposed five-year infrastructure strategy

·        proposed capital works programme

·        proposed forecast financial statements

·        proposed forecast funding impact statements (whole of Council and activity)

·        proposed funding impact statement (rates)

·        proposed forecast reserve funds

·        proposed accounting policies

·        proposed revenue and financing policy

·        proposed treasury, liability and investment policies

·        proposed rates relief policies

·        proposed fees and charges schedule for 2024/25.


Timeline to adoption of the final LTP

Consultation will be run in accordance with s83 of the LGA. The high-level consultation plan is as follows:

·        This meeting – adoption of the supporting information and CD.

·        14 March to 15 April – community consultation consisting of primarily a webpage, with consultation information. We have also planned ‘pop ups’ in our main three service centres as well as an additional venue in Kerikeri. Attendance by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Councillors and Community Board members, and staff are requested.

·        24,30 April, 1 May (2 May - 1/2 day reserved) – verbal submissions to be held in Kaikohe and Kaitaia for those who opt to verbally submit.

·        7 May – Pre-deliberations workshop to discuss the feedback received.

·        15 May (20 May reserve day) – deliberations/decision making incorporating feedback received through submissions. Adoption of Fees and Charges schedule for 2024/25.

·        15 May to 14 June – update of all financials and preparation of final LTP for adoption.

·        26 June - adoption of final LTP, and the setting of rates for 2024/25.



Adoption of the CD and supporting information enables commencement of community engagement as required by section 93A of the LGA.

3) PĀnga PŪtea me ngĀ wĀhanga tahua / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision

The LTP is the fundamental document that underpins all financial and budgetary provisions over the life of the Plan but does not, in itself, require specific financial arrangements other than those used for consultation.

Āpitihanga / Attachments

1.       CD submission form - A4609988

2.       Consultation Document final - A4610021

3.       Proposed accounting policies - A4609824

4.       Proposed capital works programme - A4609986

5.       Proposed Community Outcomes - A4609816

6.       Proposed fees and charges schedule 2024-25 - A4609842

7.       Proposed Financial Strategy - A4609977

8.       Proposed FNHL activities - A4609818

9.       Proposed forecast financial statements - A4609984

10.     Proposed forecast reserve funds - A4609979

11.     Proposed funding impact statement - rates - A4609981

12.     Proposed funding impacts statements - A4610031

13.     Proposed Groups and activities - A4609826

14.     Proposed Infrastructure Strategy - A4609820

15.     Proposed Northland Inc Activities - A4609822

16.     Proposed rating relief polices - A4609828

17.     Proposed Revenue and Financing Policy - A4609836

18.     Proposed significant forecasting assumptions - A4609830

19.     Proposed Treasury, Liability and Investment policies - A4609838

20.     Significance and engagement policy 2021 - A4609832

21.     Supporting information disclaimer - A4609844

22.     Te Mahi Tahi me te Maori working with Maori - A4609834  


Hōtaka Take Ōkawa / Compliance Schedule:

Full consideration has been given to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 S77 in relation to decision making, in particular:

1.       A Local authority must, in the course of the decision-making process,

a)      Seek to identify all reasonably practicable options for the achievement of the objective of a decision; and

b)      Assess the options in terms of their advantages and disadvantages; and

c)      If any of the options identified under paragraph (a) involves a significant decision in relation to land or a body of water, take into account the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral land, water sites, waahi tapu, valued flora and fauna and other taonga.

2.       This section is subject to Section 79 - Compliance with procedures in relation to decisions.


He Take Ōkawa / Compliance Requirement

Aromatawai Kaimahi / Staff Assessment

State the level of significance (high or low) of the issue or proposal as determined by the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

High degree of significance as it outlines Council’s work programme and delivery to the community for the next three years.

State the relevant Council policies (external or internal), legislation, and/or community outcomes (as stated in the LTP) that relate to this decision.

Local Government Act 2002

Local Government Rating Act 2002

Severe Weather Emergency Recovery (Local Government Act 2002 – Long Term Plan) Order 2023

State whether this issue or proposal has a District wide relevance and, if not, the ways in which the appropriate Community Board’s views have been sought.


Community Boards have been included in the development of the Consultation Document and Supporting Information

State the possible implications for Māori and how Māori have been provided with an opportunity to contribute to decision making if this decision is significant and relates to land and/or any body of water.

State the possible implications and how this report aligns with Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi.

 The views and preferences of Māori will be received as part of the engagement on the CD and supporting information. The possible implications for Māori may be considered significant.

Identify persons likely to be affected by or have an interest in the matter, and how you have given consideration to their views or preferences (for example – youth, the aged and those with disabilities).

The community at large is expected to have an interest in the content of the CD and supporting information.

State the financial implications and where budgetary provisions have been made to support this decision.

The LTP is the fundamental document that underpins all financial and budgetary provisions over the life of the Plan but does not, in itself, require specific financial arrangements other than those used for consultation.

Chief Financial Officer review.

The Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report.



Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024



Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

12 March 2024





6            Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer


7            Te Kapinga Hui / Meeting Close