Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Minutes |
29 October 2024 |
OF Far North District Council
Ordinary Te Koukou -
Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting
Chamber, Memorial Ave, Kaikohe
ON Tuesday, 29 October
2024 AT 10:02am
PRESENT: Cr Steve McNally, Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Cr Felicity Foy (virtual), Cr Ann Court, Cr Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Cr Babe Kapa, Cr Tāmati Rākena (virtual), Cr Mate Radich, Cr John Vujcich.
IN ATTENDANCE: Adele Gardner (Chairperson – Te Hiku Community Board)(virtual), Belinda Ward (Chairperson – Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board)(virtual).
STAFF PRESENT: Aisha Huriwai (Manager – Democracy Services), Maria Bullen (Democracy Advisor), Tanya Proctor (Head of Infrastructure Strategy), Roger Ackers (Group Manager – Planning and Policy), Rob Gilmore (Acting Transportation Services Manager), Margriet Veenstra (Manager – Property Information and Business Compliance), Elizabeth Stacey (Senior Road Safety and Traffic Engineer), Di Miller (Asset Management Infrastructure Planning), Guy Holroyd (Chief Executive Officer)(virtual).
1 Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer
At 10:02am, Cr Steve McNally commenced the meeting and Cr Babe Kapa opened with a karakia.
2 NGā WHAKAPāHA ME NGā PāNGA MEMA / Apologies and Declarations of Interest
Resolution 2024/52 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Cr Steve McNally That the apology received from Kahika Moko Tepania and Cr Penetaui Kleskovic be accepted and leave of absence granted. |
3 ngā tono kōrero / Deputation
· Doug Jane spoke in regard to the roading conditions on Wainui Road.
· Ange Waitohi and Jodi Betts spoke on public excluded item 7.5, Road Safety Education - FNDC Contract no 7/21/150 extension.
4 Te Whakaaetanga o Ngā Meneti o Mua / Confirmation of Previous Minutes
4.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes Agenda item 4.1 document number A4668114, pages 10 - 15 refers. |
Resolution 2024/53 Moved: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee confirm the minutes of the meeting held 24 September 2024 are true and correct. |
5.1 Transport Portfolio Member Reports Agenda item 5.1 document number A4668193, pages 16 - 17 refers. |
Resolution 2024/54 Moved: Cr Steve McNally Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee note the verbal October 2024 reports from Members Ann Court and Steve McNally as Transport Portfolio holders. |
6 Ngā Pūrongo Taipitopito / Information Reports
6.1 Te Koukou Open Resolutions Update October 2024 Agenda item 6.1 document number A4900503, pages 18 - 20 refers. |
Resolution 2024/55 Moved: Cr Steve McNally Seconded: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford That Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee Open Resolution Update October 2024. |
6.2 Infrastructure Abatement Notices Agenda item 6.2 document number A4905847, pages 21 - 23 refers. |
Resolution 2024/56 Moved: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford Seconded: Cr Steve McNally That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Infrastructure Abatement Notices. |
6.3 Infrastructure Consent Compliance Status Agenda item 6.3 document number A4907128, pages 24 - 26 refers. |
Resolution 2024/57 Moved: Cr Steve McNally Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Infrastructure Consent Compliance Status. |
6.4 Infrastructure Working Group Updates Agenda item 6.4 document number A4912267, pages 27 - 37 refers. |
Resolution 2024/58 Moved: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Infrastructure Working Group Updates. |
6.5 Infrastructure Consenting Work Programme Agenda item 6.5 document number A4916007, pages 38 - 41 refers. |
Resolution 2024/59 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Infrastructure Consenting Work Programme. |
6.6 Condition Assessment Summary for Council Halls Agenda item 6.6 document number A4907609, pages 42 - 44 refers. |
Resolution 2024/60 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford That the Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Condition Assessment Summary for Council Halls. |
Agenda item 6.7 document number A4912257, pages 45 - 53 refers. |
Resolution 2024/61 Moved: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford Seconded: Cr Steve McNally That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report: Waters KPIs. |
6.8 FNDC Transportation Maintenance and Renewals Activity Update - September 2024 Agenda item 6.8 document number A4917065, pages 54 - 86 refers. |
Resolution 2024/62 Moved: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report FNDC Transportation Maintenance and Renewals Activity Update - September 2024. |
6.9 North Hokianga Roading Update Agenda item 6.9 document number A4917715, pages 87 - 114 refers. |
Resolution 2024/63 Moved: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford Seconded: Cr Steve McNally That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report for North Hokianga Roading Update. |
7 te wāhanga tūmataiti / Public Excluded
Resolution 2024/64 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
At the conclusion of the public excluded discussion, Council confirmed the following decision be restated in public meeting as follows:
Road Safety Education - FNDC Contract No 7/21/150 Extension
That Te-Koukou Transport and Infrastructure Committee:
a) approve the extension of Contract 7/21/150 with Far North REAP for $REDACTED pending final confirmation of NZTA Waka Kotahi Funding for the two renewal periods (2 x 2 years and 1 x 1 year) to a maximum contract period of six years, expiring 30 June 2027; and
b) delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the authority to approve and execute the extension, any further variations, and any additional work during the renewal period within the approved Long Term Plan budgets and/or within the NZTA funding limits.
9 Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer
The meeting closed at 1:20pm.
The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting held on 26 November 2024.