Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting
Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Time: |
10:00am |
Location: |
Council Chamber, Kaikohe |
Kahika Moko Tepania - Chairperson
Deputy Chairperson Steve McNally
Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford
Cr Felicity Foy
Cr Ann Court
Cr Hilda Halkyard-Harawira
Cr Babe Kapa
Cr Penetaui Kleskovic
Cr Tāmati Rākena
Cr Mate Radich
Cr John Vujcich
Authorising Body |
Mayor/Council |
Status |
Standing Committee |
Title |
Te Koukou - Transport and
Infrastructure Committee |
Approval Date |
11 April 2023 |
Responsible Officer |
Head of Infrastructure Strategy |
Kaupapa / Purpose
The purpose of Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee (the Committee) is to ensure cost effective, quality and sustainable infrastructure decisions are made to meet the current and future needs of Far North communities and that Councils infrastructure assets are effectively maintained and operated.
The Committee will review the effectiveness of the following aspects:
• Affordable core infrastructure to support healthy and sustainable living;
• Operational performance including monitoring and reporting on significant infrastructure projects
• Delivery of quality infrastructure and district facilities
• Financial spend and reprogramming of capital works
• Property and other assets
To perform his or her role effectively, each Committee member must develop and maintain his or her skills and knowledge, including an understanding of the Committee’s responsibilities, Councils’ infrastructure assets such as roading, three waters and district facilities.
Ngā Huānga / Membership
The Committee will comprise of all Mayor and Councillors.
Kahika Mayor Tepania
Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford
John Vujcich
Ann Court
Babe Kapa
Felicity Foy
Hilda Halkyard-Harawira
Mate Radich
Penetaui Kleskovic
Steve McNally
Tāmati Rākena
Kōrama / Quorum
The quorum at a meeting of the Committee is 6 members.
Ngā Hui / Frequency of Meetings
The Committee shall meet 4 weekly.
Ngā Apatono / Power to Delegate
The Committee may not delegate any of its responsibilities, duties or powers.
Ngā Herenga Paetae / Responsibilities
The Committees responsibilities are described below:
Quality infrastructure and Facilities
Significant Projects – spend, monitoring and reporting
Service levels (non regulatory)
Receive updates on changes to national and regional policies and Transport Plans that impact on Council provision of infrastructure and where appropriate make submissions or recommendation to Council.
Ngā Ture / Rules and Procedures
Council’s Standing Orders and Code of Conduct apply to all meetings.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
Far North District Council
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting
will be held in the Council Chamber, Memorial Ave, Kaikohe on:
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 10:00am
Te Paeroa Mahi / Order of Business
1 Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer
2 Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest
3 Ngā Tono Kōrero / Deputation
4 Te Whakaaetanga o Ngā Meneti o Mua / Confirmation of Previous Minutes
4.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes
5.1 Transport Portfolio Member Reports
5.2 Water Portfolio Member Reports
6 Ngā Pūrongo Taipitopito / Information Reports
6.1 Te Koukou Open Resolutions Update October 2024
6.2 Infrastructure Abatement Notices
6.3 Infrastructure Consent Compliance Status
6.4 Infrastructure Working Group Updates
6.5 Infrastructure Consenting Work Programme
6.6 Condition Assessment Summary for Council Halls
6.8 FNDC Transportation Maintenance and Renewals Activity Update - September 2024
6.9 North Hokianga Roading Update
7 Te Wāhanga Tūmataiti / Public Excluded
7.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes - Public Excluded.
7.2 Te Koukou Public Excluded Open Resolutions Update August 2024
7.3 3Waters Capital Works Programme - September 2024
7.4 Road Safety Education & Engineering Update
7.5 Road Safety Education - FNDC Contract No 7/21/150 Extension
7.6 New Kerikeri Motorhome & Caravan Dump Station
8 Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer
9 Te Kapinga Hui / Meeting Close
2 Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest
Members need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a Member of the Committee and any private or other external interest they might have. This note is provided as a reminder to Members to review the matters on the agenda and assess and identify where they may have a pecuniary or other conflict of interest, or where there may be a perception of a conflict of interest.
If a Member feels they do have a conflict of interest, they should publicly declare that at the start of the meeting or of the relevant item of business and refrain from participating in the discussion or voting on that item. If a Member thinks they may have a conflict of interest, they can seek advice from the Chief Executive Officer or the Manager - Democracy Services (preferably before the meeting).
It is noted that while members can seek advice the final decision as to whether a conflict exists rests with the member.
3 Ngā Tono Kōrero / Deputation
· Doug Jane speaking in relation to the roading conditions on Wainui Road.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
4 Te Whakaaetanga o Ngā Meneti o Mua / Confirmation of Previous Minutes
4.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes
File Number: A4668114
Author: Maria Bullen, Democracy Advisor
Authoriser: Aisha Huriwai, Manager - Democracy Services
Take Pūrongo / Purpose of the Report
The minutes are attached to allow the Committee to confirm that the minutes are a true and correct record of previous meetings.
That Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee confirm the minutes of the meeting held 24 September 2024 are true and correct. |
1) TĀhuhu kŌrero / Background
Local Government Act 2002 Schedule 7 Section 28 states that a local authority must keep minutes of its proceedings. The minutes of these proceedings duly entered and authenticated as prescribed by a local authority are prima facie evidence of those meetings.
2) matapaki me NgĀ KŌwhiringa / Discussion and Options
The minutes of the meetings are attached.
Far North District Council Standing Orders Section 27.3 states that no discussion shall arise on the substance of the minutes in any succeeding meeting, except as to their correctness.
The reason for the recommendation is to confirm the minutes are a true and correct record of the previous meetings.
3) PĀnga PŪtea me ngĀ wĀhanga tahua / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no financial implications or the need for budgetary provision as a result of this report.
1. 2024-09-24 Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Minutes - A4893414 ⇩
Hōtaka Take Ōkawa / Compliance schedule:
Full consideration has been given to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 S77 in relation to decision making, in particular:
1. A Local authority must, in the course of the decision-making process,
a) Seek to identify all reasonably practicable options for the achievement of the objective of a decision; and
b) Assess the options in terms of their advantages and disadvantages; and
c) If any of the options identified under paragraph (a) involves a significant decision in relation to land or a body of water, take into account the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral land, water sites, waahi tapu, valued flora and fauna and other taonga.
2. This section is subject to Section 79 - Compliance with procedures in relation to decisions.
He Take Ōkawa / Compliance Requirement |
Aromatawai Kaimahi / Staff Assessment |
State the level of significance (high or low) of the issue or proposal as determined by the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy |
This is a matter of low significance. |
State the relevant Council policies (external or internal), legislation, and/or community outcomes (as stated in the LTP) that relate to this decision. |
This report complies with the Local Government Act 2002 Schedule 7 Section 28. |
State whether this issue or proposal has a District wide relevance and, if not, the ways in which the appropriate Community Board’s views have been sought. |
It is the responsibility of each meeting to confirm their minutes therefore the views of another meeting are not relevant. |
State the possible implications for Māori and how Māori have been provided with an opportunity to contribute to decision making if this decision is significant and relates to land and/or any body of water. |
There are no implications for Māori in confirming minutes from a previous meeting. Any implications on Māori arising from matters included in meeting minutes should be considered as part of the relevant report. |
Identify persons likely to be affected by or have an interest in the matter, and how you have given consideration to their views or preferences (for example, youth, the aged and those with disabilities). |
This report is asking for minutes to be confirmed as true and correct record, any interests that affect other people should be considered as part of the individual reports. |
State the financial implications and where budgetary provisions have been made to support this decision. |
There are no financial implications or the need for budgetary provision arising from this report. |
Chief Financial Officer review. |
The Chief Financial Officer has not reviewed this report.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
5.1 Transport Portfolio Member Reports
File Number: A4668193
Author: Maria Bullen, Democracy Advisor
Authoriser: Aisha Huriwai, Manager - Democracy Services
Te Take Pūrongo / Purpose of the Report
To note the verbal reports from Transport Portfolio holders. The verbal reports provide feedback to Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee on matters of interest or concern to the Committee.
ngĀ tŪtohunga / Recommendation That Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee note the verbal October 2024 reports from Members Ann Court and Steve McNally as Transport Portfolio holders. |
1) te TĀhuhu kŌrero / Background
Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee Chair Kahika-Mayor Tepania allows members reports as a mechanism to have open communication and transparency on activities undertaken by the Transport Portfolio Members of the Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee.
2) Te matapaki me NgĀ KŌwhiringa / Discussion and Options
Member reports are provided verbally during the meeting.
To formally receive the Member verbal reports.
3) NgĀ PĀnga PŪtea me ngĀ wĀhanga tahua / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no financial implications or the need for budgetary provision as a result of this report.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
5.2 Water Portfolio Member Reports
File Number: A4903666
Author: Maria Bullen, Democracy Advisor
Authoriser: Aisha Huriwai, Manager - Democracy Services
Te Take Pūrongo / Purpose of the Report
To note the verbal reports from Water Portfolio holders. The verbal reports provide feedback to Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee on matters of interest or concern to the Committee.
ngĀ tŪtohunga / Recommendation That Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee note the verbal October 2024 reports from Members Penetaui Kleskovic and Mate Radich as Water Portfolio holders. |
1) te TĀhuhu kŌrero / Background
Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee Chair Kahika-Mayor Tepania allows members reports as a mechanism to have open communication and transparency on activities undertaken by the Water Portfolio Members of the Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee.
2) Te matapaki me NgĀ KŌwhiringa / Discussion and Options
Member reports are provided verbally during the meeting.
To formally receive the Member verbal reports.
3) NgĀ PĀnga PŪtea me ngĀ wĀhanga tahua / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no financial implications or the need for budgetary provision as a result of this report.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
6 Ngā Pūrongo Taipitopito / Information Reports
6.1 Te Koukou Open Resolutions Update October 2024
File Number: A4900503
Author: Maria Bullen, Democracy Advisor
Authoriser: Aisha Huriwai, Manager - Democracy Services
Take Pūrongo / Purpose of the Report
To provide Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee with an overview of outstanding Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee and the previous term Committee decisions from 1 January 2018.
WhakarĀpopoto matua / Executive Summary
· Open resolutions are a mechanism to communicate progress against decisions/resolutions.
· Open resolutions are also in place for all formal elected member meetings.
That Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee Open Resolution Update October 2024. |
1) TĀhuhu kŌrero / Background
Any resolution or decision from a meeting is compiled on an open resolution status report, to capture actions trigged by Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee decisions. Staff provide updates on progress against tasks that are not yet completed.
o Infrastructure Committee (February 2020 – September 2022)
o Infrastructure Network Committee (May 2018 – September 2019)
2) matapaki me NgĀ KŌwhiringa / Discussion and Options
The outstanding tasks are often multi-facet projects that take longer to fully complete. Where a decision differs to the recommendation of staff there may be unintended consequences or challenges that take longer for staff to work through.
To provide Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee with an overview of outstanding Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee decisions from 1 January 2018.
3) PĀnga PŪtea me ngĀ wĀhanga tahua / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no financial implications or need for budgetary provision in receiving this report.
1. Te Koukou Open Resolutions - A4943276 ⇩
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
6.2 Infrastructure Abatement Notices
File Number: A4905847
Author: Simone Elsmore, Infrastructure Consenting Team Leader
Authoriser: Tanya Proctor, Head of Infrastructure Strategy
TAKE PŪRONGO / Purpose of the Report
The purpose of this information report is to provide to Te Koukou with an update on progress made towards the removal of Abatement Notices from Northland Regional Council.
· In September 2023, Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika – Far North District Council had four abatement notices received from Northland Regional Council. The abatement notices were for wastewater non-compliances.
· As at September 2024, three abatement notices remain outstanding.
· The Kororāreka/Russell Wastewater Treatment Plant Abatement Notice was cancelled by Northland Regional Council in April 2024 after an upgrade to the ponds and commissioning of an ultraviolet (UV) unit.
· Monthly updates on abatement notices will be provided to Te Koukou.
· Monthly updates on remediation works to address abatement notices will be provided to Northland Regional Council.
That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Infrastructure Abatement Notices.
tĀHUHU KŌRERO / Background
Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika – Far North District Council had hold approximately 128 resource consents for water, wastewater and stormwater activities throughout the District.
Northland Regional Council are the Compliance Regulator for the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA). Any activity that contravenes or is likely to contravene the RMA, any Regulations, a Rule in a plan or a resource consent can result in an Abatement Notice being issued - s322(1) (a) (i).
In September 2023 the following Abatement Notices for breaches of the RMA were:
Scheme |
Issued Date |
Notice Number |
Reason |
Ōpononi/Omāpere Wastewater Treatment Plant |
20 April 2016 |
EAC.066718.01 |
The discharge from the WWTP was not complying with condition 19 of AUT.002667 in particular the ecoli median and 90 percentile levels. |
Kaitāia Wastewater Network |
20 April 2016 |
EAC.066717.01 |
The unconsented discharge of untreated wastewater from the Kaitāia reticulated wastewater network into the Tarawhaturoa Stream, Kaitāia. |
Kororāreka/Russell Wastewater Treatment Plant |
6 March 2017 |
EAC.067566.01 |
Contravention of condition 6 of AUT.0038339.01.03 relating to discharge from the wastewater treatment plant, in particular ecoli levels. |
Ahipara WWTP |
5 September 2022 |
EAC.071083.01 |
As per condition 10, faecal coliform concentration exceeded the median and 90 percentile concentrations of the AUT.003775 limits. |
MATAPAKI ME NGĀ KŌWHIRINGA / Discussion and Next Steps
Addressing Abatement Notice non-compliance is a priority and progress is ongoing.
Currently there are three unresolved Abatement Notices, with the Kororāreka/Russell WWTP being cancelled by NRC in April 2024.
Abatement Notices are being addressed as per the table below, together with the expected date for cancellation of those tasks.
Scheme |
Mitigation |
Expected Completion |
Progress |
Compliant – Abatement Lifted |
Ōpononi/Omāpere Wastewater Treatment Plant |
Desludging of ponds |
February 2025 |
Mobilising to site September 2024 |
Still in progress |
Wetland reinstatement |
June 2025 |
Detailed design and procurement to be completed. |
Installation of baffle curtains |
Ultraviolet disinfection unit |
Kaitāia Wastewater Network |
Construct a new DN450 wastewater main between the Bank Street engineered overflow Point (EOP) and Bonnett Road. Construct a new 500 m3 of emergency storage at Bonnett Road. |
May 2025 |
Design complete. Consultation commenced September 2024. Tender documents and consent application are near completion. Award tender for December 2024 Council meeting. |
Still in progress |
Kororāreka/Russell Wastewater Treatment Plant |
Upgrade of pond liner Install an ultraviolet unit |
Completed December 2023 |
Completed |
12 April 2024 |
Results showing compliant |
Completed April 2024 |
Ahipara Wastewater Treatment Plant |
Installation SCUV treatment |
September 2024 |
Compliant results are required for 6 months before a request can be made for the abatement notice to be removed. Application will be made in March 2025 for the abatement notice removal. |
Still in progress |
Monthly updates on abatement notices will be provided to Te Koukou.
Monthly updates on remediation works to address abatement notices will be provided to Northland Regional Council.
PĀNGA PŪTEA ME NGĀ WĀHANGA TAHUA / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no financial or budgetary implications arising from this report.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
6.3 Infrastructure Consent Compliance Status
File Number: A4907128
Author: Simone Elsmore, Infrastructure Consenting Team Leader
Authoriser: Tanya Proctor, Head of Infrastructure Strategy
TAKE PŪRONGO / Purpose of the Report
The purpose of the information report is to provide an update to Te Koukou on the compliance status of all Infrastructure consents granted by Northland Regional Council.
· Te Kaunihera o te Hiku o Te Ika – Far North District Council currently holds resource consents for Infrastructure as required under the Resource Management Act 1991.
· Council staff report compliance with water and wastewater consent conditions to Northland Regional Council monthly, and stormwater discharges annually.
· In August 2024, seven (7) of the eight (8) water schemes and four (4) of the 15 wastewater schemes were fully compliant with their consent conditions.
· Council also holds resource consents for various District Facility activities, e.g. maritime, airports, onsite wastewater, solid waste.
· No additional abatement notices or infringement notices were received in August 2024.
· Due to the timing of this report to Te Koukou, only August was captured as September had not been analysed.
That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Infrastructure Consent Compliance Status.
tĀHUHU KŌRERO / Background
Council holds multiple resource consents for the operation of infrastructure activities as required under the RMA 1991. This includes water, wastewater, stormwater, maritime, airports, solid waste, onsite wastewater for public toilets and campgrounds.
Compliance reporting to Northland Regional Council of water and wastewater consent conditions is monthly (15th) via email with stormwater discharges reported annually each July.
Reporting of all other consent conditions is as required by the consent.
MATAPAKI ME NGĀ KŌWHIRINGA / Discussion and Next Steps
Analysis of consents and consent conditions
CSVue is a nationwide software system that Council uses to hold its consent details. A review of all 3water consents and consent condition data highlighted some discrepancies in the data setup. The implications are that CSVue may be reporting that some consent conditions may be compliant when they are not, or vice versa.
To mitigate this are the following steps:
· Recruit to the refocused compliance officer role.
· Validate the status with of all FNDC 3water consents with NRC.
· Validate and update the data in CSVue for all consents and conditions.
· Audit of FNDC all non-3water consents and conditions.
Compliance status for 3waters consents
The last 12 months (to 31/08/2024) compliance status for FNDC wastewater treatment plants and water takes is tabled below in the dot report.
Sites |
Aug 23 |
Sep 23 |
Oct 23 |
Nov 23 |
Dec 23 |
Jan 24 |
Feb 24 |
Mar 24 |
Apr 24 |
May 24 |
Jun 24 |
Jul 24 |
Aug 24 |
Kaitāia water |
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Kaikohe water |
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Kawakawa water |
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Rāwene Ōmanaia water |
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Kerikeri water |
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Okaihau water |
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Ōpononi water |
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Paihia water |
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Ahipara Wastewater (WW) |
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Hihi WW |
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Kāeo WW |
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Kaikohe WW |
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Kaitāia WW |
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Kawakawa WW |
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Kerikeri WW |
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Kohukohu WW |
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Ōpononi WW |
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Paihia WW |
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Rāwene WW |
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Rangiputa WW |
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Kororāreka/Russell WW |
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Taipā WW |
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Whatuwhiwhi WW |
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Non-compliant and has an abatement notice in place |
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Non-compliant but not yet subject to an abatement notice or enforcement action |
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Complied with water quality and flow data requirements for the month. There may still be administrative non-compliances that are not reported on at a monthly level. |
? |
No data provided that month |
Due to the timing of this report to Te Koukou, only August 2024 was captured as September had not been analysed.
For the month of August 2024, seven (7) of the eight (8) water schemes and four (4) of the 15 wastewater schemes were fully compliant.
Compliance is measured across all consent conditions which includes reporting, so non-compliance can be the result of failure to submit a report on time.
Abatement Notices
No additional Abatement Notices or Infringements were received in August 2024.
In summary the next steps are as follows:
· Recruit for the compliance officer role
· Validate the status with of all FNDC 3water consents with NRC.
· Validate and update the data in CSVue for all consents and conditions.
· Audit of FNDC all non-3water consents and conditions.
· Establish compliance programmes, such as monitoring and sampling.
PĀNGA PŪTEA ME NGĀ WĀHANGA TAHUA / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
This is an information report of resource consent compliance levels and as such does not have any direct financial implications or budgetary provision.
Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
6.4 Infrastructure Working Group Updates
File Number: A4912267
Author: Simone Elsmore, Infrastructure Consenting Team Leader
Authoriser: Tanya Proctor, Head of Infrastructure Strategy
TAKE PŪRONGO / Purpose of the Report
The purpose of this information report is to provide an update to Te Koukou on the Infrastructure Working Groups.
· Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o Te Ika – Far North District Council (FNDC) have multiple working groups with iwi, hapū and community representatives.
· To date there are 6 active working groups where FNDC are actively engaging.
· There are a number of consents with conditions requiring working groups to be in place or sent regular updates. Resourcing challenges have led to non-compliances for this condition for some of these consents.
That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Infrastructure Working Group Updates.
tĀHUHU KŌRERO / Background
FNDC have multiple working groups with iwi, hapū and community representatives. These working groups have been set up to provide input into FNDC infrastructure consent applications, FNDC infrastructure projects, or as a condition of a current consent.
MATAPAKI ME NGĀ KŌWHIRINGA / Discussion and Next Steps
Resourcing working groups in respect of appropriate FNDC representation and meeting administration has proven challenging from a staff availability perspective, along with budgetary provision. This has led to some working groups not yet being established, which in turn can mean non-compliance for consents.
Table 1 outlines active Working Groups established to meet consent conditions.
Table 2 outlines Working Groups established through providing input into FNDC infrastructure consent applications.
Table 3 outlines non-active Working Groups required to meet consent conditions.
Consent Number & Scheme |
Purpose of Consent |
Condition # |
Relevant working group condition |
Membership |
Current situation |
Remediation |
AUT.025683.01 Kaitāia Water Treatment Plant |
To take up to 5,000 cubic metres of groundwater or 1,460,000 cubic metres yearly from 2 bores for the purposes of public water supply to the township of Kaitaia. |
Condition 18 |
FNDC will ensure these annual meetings will be held in accordance with condition 18 of the Resource Consent. Once first meeting is confirmed, FNDC will notify NRC. |
· Aupouri Groundwater users including Landcorp · Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa · Mahimaru marae · Waimanoni marae (or their iwi representatives) · Consent Holder · Northland Regional Council |
Iwi have received information updates. No meetings have taken place
FNDC will ensure these annual meetings will be held in accordance with condition 18 of the Resource Consent. Once first meeting is confirmed, FNDC will notify NRC.
AUT.004007 East Coast* Bays Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)
*Also known as Taipā
To undertake activities associated with the operation of the East Coast WWTP |
Condition 7 |
The consent holder must no later than 1 October 2021 establish a working group… |
· 3 representatives of Ngāti Kahu (appointed by mana whenua) · 1 representative of the broader Doubtless Bay community (appointed by Te Mana o Te Wai hapū Integration Roopu Charitable Trust) · 2 senior officers appointed by the Consent Holder · Supported by an independent person qualified and specialising in wastewater engineering and land disposal system
FNDC have been working with the Taipā working group to install an electro-coagulation trial and investigating discharge to land options. |
AUT.002577 Rāwene WWTP |
To undertake activities associated with the operation of a wastewater treatment system that services the township of Rāwene |
Condition 19A |
Within one month from the date of commencement of these consents, the Consent Holder shall assist in the formation of the community liaison group |
· Ngāti Kaharau hapū · Ngāti Hau ki Ōmanaia hapū · Te Māhurehure hapū · Te Hikutu hapū · Ngāti Korokoro · Ngāi Tūpoto hapū · Hokianga Community · Rāwene Community The actual composition of the community liaison group is subject to invitees' willingness or availability to participate. The community liaison group may appoint, or invite, other persons to participate. |
There is an active working group for the Rāwene WWTP. Current work programme includes upgrading the plant with electro-coagulation by Better Off Funding. |
Condition 21B |
Within six months of the written report required by Condition 21A being provided to the Northland Regional Council and the Community Liaison Group, the Consent Holder shall, with the involvement of the Community Liaison Group, engage an appropriately qualified and experienced wastewater design professional, or environmental engineer, to investigate and report on options for the treatment and disposal of wastewater from the Rāwene area of benefit. The Consent Holder shall meet the costs of the investigation up to a maximum value of $15,000 excluding GST. |
AUT.003839 Kohukohu WWTP |
To undertake activities associated with the operation of a wastewater treatment system that services the township of Kohukohu. |
Condition 9 |
Within one month of commencement of these Consents, the Consent Holder must invite representatives from the following groups to form a Community Working Group |
Te Ihutai Hapū, supported by Ngā hapū o Hokianga, Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa, and Te Rūnanga a Iwi o Ngāpuhi; and the Kohukohu community (duly appointed).
The Community Working Group may appoint or invite other people to participate in meetings. |
There have been 3 meetings to date with Tauteihiihi marae. A meeting has been scheduled for mid-October. The group have been working to understand the current state of the Kohukohu WWTP. The group wanted to understand the current issues before working towards future alternative options for discharge. |
Table 2: Working Groups established through providing input into FNDC infrastructure consent applications
Scheme |
Membership |
Status |
Kaitāia Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) |
· Ngai Tohianga/Ōturu Marae · Ngā hapū tokotoru o Pukepoto (Ngāti Te Ao, Te Uri o Hina, Te Tahawai) · Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa |
FNDC staff have been actively engaging with iwi and hapū and have proposed consent conditions for the formation of a kaitiaki forum. |
Kaikohe WWTP |
· Ngā hapū o Kaikohekohe representatives: o Te Matarahurahu, o Ngāti Ueoneone, o Te Uri-O-Hua, o Takotoke, o Ngāti Kura, o Ngāti Tautahi, · Ngāti Whakaeke. |
Keeping regular updates with the working group on plant upgrades. |
Hihi WWTP |
· Waiaua Marae · Matarahurahu |
Relationship was formed, but due to staff changes relationship needs to be reestablished. |
Kāeo WWTP |
· Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa An email had been sent through to Kahukuraariki Trust and Ngāpuhi. |
Relationship was formed, but due to staff changes relationship needs to be reestablished. |
Consent Number & Scheme |
Purpose of Consent |
Condition # |
Relevant working group condition |
Membership |
Current situation |
Remediation |
AUT.003775 Ahipara WWTP |
To undertake activities associated with the operation of the Ahipara Wastewater Treatment Plant. |
Condition 24 |
The Consent Holder shall establish, convene and provide reasonable administrative support for a Community Liaison Group. |
At least one representative from the following: · The Ahipara community; · Te Runanga O Te Rarawa; · Te lwi O Ngai Takoto; · The Ahipara Hapū Marae. |
Keeping regular updates with the Ahipara Takiwā on plant upgrades. |
AUT.002667 Ōpononi WWTP |
To undertake activities associated with the operation of a wastewater treatment system that services the township of Ōpononi. |
Condition 21 |
The Consent Holder shall hold a meeting with the liaison group not less than once every year to discuss matters related to these consents. |
· Pakanae · Kokohuia · Waiwhatawhata · Waimamaku Marae (Ngā Marae O Te Wahapū) · Te Rūnanga O Te Rarawa · duly appointed representative from each of the Ōmāpere and Ōpononi communities |
Previous compliance advisor shared data about the WWTP with community representatives however liaison group has not been established. |
Compliance advisor to be recruited for and highlighted as a high priority and to work to get working groups established for compliance purposes. |
AUT.0004111 Kerikeri WWTP Discharge |
To undertake activities associated with the operation of the Kerikeri WWTP. |
Condition 18 |
The Consent Holder shall organise and convene a Liaison Group for the purposes of facilitating information about compliance with the conditions of this consent and general matters relating to it |
The Liaison Group shall consist of at least one representative from: · the Consent Holder; · the Northland Regional Council; · the Department of Conservation; · Ngāti Rēhia; · The Otahuao Burial Trust; · Te Uri Taniwha; and · Ngāti Pou |
Representatives were engaged with for the consent variation to increase the discharge from 1,000 m3 to 1,350m3 (average dry weather flow).
Attempts have been made in the past to organise and convene a Liaison Group however FNDC staff have been unable to do so. |
Compliance advisor to be recruited for and highlighted as a high priority and to work to get working groups established for compliance purposes. |
AUT.004369 - Ōpononi Ōmāpere Water Treatment Plant (WTP) - Intake from Waiotemarama Stream |
To undertake activities associated with a public water supply servicing the township of Ōmāpere and Ōpononi. |
Condition 14 |
The Consent Holder shall, for the purpose of discussing matters relating to this consent, form a community liaison group. The Consent Holder shall hold a meeting with the liaison group not less than once every year to discuss matters related to these consents. The meeting shall only be held if a representative(s) of the community liaison group request a meeting with the Consent Holder. If such a request is made, then the Consent Holder shall organise a meeting at a local venue for members of the community liaison group to attend and invite all other representatives of the community liaison group. The meeting shall be held at a time convenient for the majority of the community liaison group. |
Consisting of representatives from: · Pakanae, · Kokohuia, · Waiwhatawhata and · Waimamaku Marae (Ngā Marae O Te Wahapu) |
Previous compliance advisor shared data about the WWTP with community representatives however liaison group has not been established. |
Compliance advisor to be recruited for and highlighted as a high priority and to work to get working groups established for compliance purposes. |
AUT.007356.01.02 Ōpononi Ōmāpere WTP - intake from Waiarohia Stream Dam |
To undertake activities associated with a public water supply servicing the township of Ōmāpere and Ōpononi. |
Condition 20 |
The Consent Holder shall, for the purpose of discussing matters relating to this consent, form a community liaison group… |
Consisting of representatives from: · the Pakanae, · Kokohuia, · Waiwhatawhata and Waimamaku Marae (Ngā marae o te Wahapū), and · A duly appointed representative from each of the Ōmāpere, Ōpononi and Waiotemarama communities. |
Previous compliance advisor shared data about the WWTP with community representatives however liaison group has not been established. |
Compliance advisor to be recruited for and highlighted as a high priority and to work to get working groups established for compliance purposes. |
AUT.005112 - Kaitāia WTP Intake - Awanui River |
Take water from the Awanui River for water supply purposes of Kaitāia township and surrounding areas. |
Condition 10 |
The Consent Holder shall establish, convene, maintain and provide reasonable administrative support for an lwi Liaison Group consisting of representatives of Māori groups whose rohe includes the Consent Holder's water abstraction point in the Awanui River. The role of the lwi Liaison Group will be to discuss matters related to these consents, including the results of any monitoring |
Initially the Iwi Liaison Group need only include Ngāti Kahu and Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa.
However, if other Māori groups wish to join the lwi Liaison Group then they may do so by advising the Consent Holder. The role of the lwi Liaison Group will be to discuss matters related to these consents, including the results of any monitoring |
In 2019, FNDC staff recorded that a community liaison group meeting was requested but no attendance confirmed so meeting was cancelled, and NRC were advised. |
Compliance advisor to be recruited for and highlighted as a high priority and to work to get working groups established for compliance purposes. |
Condition 11 |
The Consent Holder shall give written notice of an lwi Liaison Group meeting not less than once annually… |
AUT.002041.01.03 Take water from the Petaka Stream |
Take water from the Petaka Stream. |
Condition 30 |
The Consent Holder shall establish, convene, maintain and provide reasonable administrative support for a liaison group….. The Consent Holder shall hold a meeting of the liaison group at least one month before the commencement of the construction of the water treatment plant and then not less than once every three months thereafter. The frequency of the meetings can be changed with agreement |
Representatives of · Ngāti Kaharau and · Ngāti Hau Ngā Hapū o Omanaia and · the Consent Holder |
Attempts have been made by staff however, group has yet to be established |
Compliance advisor to be recruited for and highlighted as a high priority and to work to get working groups established for compliance purposes. |
AUT.001862.01.04 Monument Hill Water Take Kaikohe drinking water |
To take water from two bores (Monument Hill). |
Condition 10 |
…The consent shall hold a meeting… not less than once every 3 months to discuss the report prepared in accordance with condition 9 and any other relevant matters. The meeting shall be held at a time convenient for the majority of the Waikotihe Māori Reservation Trustees |
Waikotihe Māori Reservation Trust and the Consent Holder |
Attempts have been made by staff however, group has yet to be established |
Compliance advisor to be recruited for and highlighted as a high priority and to work to get working groups established for compliance purposes. |
Condition 14 |
Unless otherwise agreed by the Waikotihe Trust, the Consent Holder must offer to hold a meeting with the Waikotihe Trustees each year to discuss the report prepared in accordance with Condition 14 and any other relevant matters related to the consent. A meeting must be held at a time convenient for the majority of the Trustees. A record of the minutes of each meeting must be kept and provided to the Trust in advance of the next meeting. A copy of the minutes for each meeting shall be provided to the Northland Regional Councils€™s assigned monitoring officer within 1 month of the meeting being held. |
AUT.002041.01.03 and AUT.002041.06.01 Ōmanaia Rāwene Water Treatment Plant |
To undertake activities associated with the supply of potable water to Rāwene and Ōmanaia. |
Condition 30 |
The Consent Holder shall establish, convene, maintain and provide reasonable administrative support for a liaison group consisting of representatives. The Consent Holder shall hold a meeting of the liaison group at least one month before the commencement of the construction of the water treatment plant and then not less than once every three months thereafter. The frequency of the meetings can be changed with agreement of the Consent Holder, Ngāti Kaharau, and Ngāti Hau Ngā hapū o Ōmanaia. |
Representatives of: · Ngāti Kaharau and · Ngāti Hau ngā hapū o Ōmanaia and · the Consent Holder |
Yet to be established |
Compliance advisor to be recruited for and highlighted as a high priority and to work to get working groups established for compliance purposes. |
AUT.001168 Kawakawa WWTP |
To undertake activities associated with the operation of wastewater treatment system located at Kawakawa. |
Condition 19 |
The Consent Holder shall hold a meeting with representatives of Ngāti Hine and Ngāti Manu not less than once every year to discuss the report(s) prepared in accordance with Condition 18 and any other relevant matters related to the exercise of these consents. The meeting shall only be held if a representative(s) of Ngāti Hine and/or Ngāti Manu request a meeting with the Consent Holder. If such a request is made, then the Consent Holder shall organise a meeting at a local venue for the representative(s) of Ngāti Hine and Ngāti Manu to attend. The meeting shall be held at a time agreed with the representative(s) of Ngāti Hine and Ngāti Manu |
· Ngāti Hine · Ngāti Manu |
No record of information being shared with Ngāti Hine and Ngāti Manu. |
Compliance advisor to be recruited for and highlighted as a high priority and to work to get working groups established for compliance purposes. |
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
· Quarterly reporting to Te Koukou is proposed, with the next update due February 2025.
· In the next update to include working groups that have not been set up and have resulted in non-compliances.
PĀNGA PŪTEA ME NGĀ WĀHANGA TAHUA / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no financial or budgetary implications arising from this report.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
6.5 Infrastructure Consenting Work Programme
File Number: A4916007
Author: Simone Elsmore, Infrastructure Consenting Team Leader
Authoriser: Tanya Proctor, Head of Infrastructure Strategy
TAKE PŪRONGO / Purpose of the Report
The purpose of the information report is to give an overview and update to Te Koukou on the Infrastructure Consenting work programme.
Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika – Far North District Council (FNDC) holds a substantial number of resource consents for 3Waters and District Facility infrastructure assets to comply with the provisions of the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA).
Applications to renew expiring consents should be lodged with Northland Regional Council (NRC) no later than 3 months prior to the expiry date. Applications can be placed on hold to allow time to collect technical information and complete processes such as engagement.
A focus for the Infrastructure Consenting team is to better manage the consent renewal application process to achieve the lodgement of fully completed applications first time no later than 6 months prior to expiry date.
To achieve this, historical applications must be completed alongside initiating the consent renewal process for consents expiring in the next 2 years. Excluding non-3Waters District Facility consents, there are a total of 18 consents in the FY24 work programme made up of:
· 7 expired wastewater treatment plant consents
· 1 unexpired wastewater treatment plant consent
· 2 unexpired campground wastewater system consents
· 1 expired urban stormwater consent
· 3 new urban stormwater/drainage consents
· 4 unexpired water take consents
Consent assessments and applications for capital projects are in addition to the above programme and are currently undertaken on an ad hoc basis as project design is developed.
The primary cause of applications being placed on hold is to undertake meaningful engagement. With improved planning and initiating the consent renewal process earlier, engagement will be completed in advance of lodging applications, avoiding the need to place the application on hold. This is also expected to significantly reduce the number of Council assets operating under expired consents, improving compliance with the RMA and levels of service.
That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Infrastructure Consenting Work Programme.
tĀHUHU KŌRERO / Background
FNDC holds multiple resource consents for 3Waters and District Facilities infrastructure assets to comply with the provisions of the RMA.
The RMA requires applications to renew expiring consents to be lodged no later than 3 months prior to the expiry date (with the regulators agreement). Applications can be placed on hold to allow time to complete necessary steps such as technical investigations and engagement.
The Infrastructure Consenting team has a Key Success Factor of lodging fully completed applications no later than 6 months before the consent expires. To achieve this, the consent renewal process must be initiated at least 2 years prior to the consent expiring.
Aligning with Te Pae o Uta, staff are encouraged to ensure meaningful engagement with tangata whenua and key stakeholders to capture local knowledge and effects. A key action is ensuring iwi and hapū are informed of the consent application prior to lodgement.
In addition to consent renewals, consent assessments and applications required for the delivery of capital projects is also required. These are currently unplanned and are undertaken on an ad hoc basis.
Maritime consent renewals are completed by Far North Holdings Ltd.
Quarterly reporting to Te Koukou is proposed, with the next update due February 2025.
MATAPAKI ME NGĀ KŌWHIRINGA / Discussion and Next Steps
The tables below set out 3Waters related consents only. District Facility consents will be introduced in the next quarterly report.
FY24 Consent Applications in progress
Table 1: Consent Application Progress table for wastewater and stormwater discharges
Scheme, Consent Number & Expiry Date |
Application lodged to NRC |
Application progress |
Wastewater |
Hihi Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) AUT.007399.01.02 Expired 30/11/2022 |
31/8/2022 |
· Application on hold · Public notification requested · FNDC to re-establish discussions with tangata whenua and lodge addendum with NRC |
Kāeo WWTP AUT.007205.01.03 Expired 31/10/2022 |
27/7/2022 |
· Application on hold · Public notification requested · FNDC to re-establish discussions with tangata whenua and lodge addendum with NRC |
Kaikohe WWTP AUT.002417.01.03 |
27/8/2021 |
· Application on hold · Public notification requested · Focus is on planning the implementation of a Best Practicable Option (BPO) / upgrade |
Kaitāia WWTP AUT.000932.01.03 Expired 30/11/2021 |
24/8/2021 |
· Public notification completed · 2 submissions received · Staff in discussion with submitters to incorporate feedback into proposed consent conditions |
Ōpononi & Omāpere WWTP AUT.002667.01.03 Expired 31/8/2019 |
17/5/2019 |
· Mediation completed · Paperwork has been submitted with the Environment Court and awaiting final decision |
Rāwene WWTP AUT.002577.01.03 Expired 31/8/2023 |
March 2023 |
· Application to be on hold for 2 years to allow discussions with tangata whenua |
Kororāreka/Russell WWTP AUT.008339.01.03 Expires 30/4/2024 |
December 2023 |
· Application on hold to allow meaningful engagement with key stakeholders and tangata whenua · Feedback has been received and being incorporated into Council’s application · Preparation to lodge addendum with NRC is underway · Public notification has been requested |
Whatuwhiwhi WWTP AUT.007205.02.02 Expires 30/11/2025 |
· Consent renewal process commenced – technical data being collected and assessed, engagement initiated, technical experts engaged for advice · Lodgement of a full application targeted for April 2025 · Public notification is planned to be requested for full transparency |
Houhora Campground AUT.007711.01.02 Expires 30/11/2025 |
· Consent renewal has been assigned – preliminary stages · Lodgement of a full application targeted for April 2025 |
Tauranga Bay Campground AUT.004237.01.03 Expires 30/11/2025 |
· Consent renewal has been assigned – preliminary stages · Lodgement of a full application with NRC by April 2025 |
Stormwater |
Kerikeri Stormwater discharge AUT.004835.01.02 Expired 31/3/2012 |
4/10/2011 |
· Section 92 request for more information received in 2011/2012 · NRC requirements have been clarified · Application has been assigned · Lodgement of Addendum Application targeted for February 2025 and to request public notification |
Kaitāia Stormwater discharge |
· Consent application has been assigned · Lodgement of a full application targeted for 2025 |
Consent Applications to commence in the next 6 months
Table 2: List of new consents or renewals to be applied for:
Scheme |
New consent or a renewal |
Expiry |
Waipapa stormwater discharge |
New |
Drainage Districts discharge consents |
New |
Kaikohe – Monument Hill and Squires Springs AUT.001862.01 & 02.04 |
Renewal |
31/5/2027 |
Kaikohe – Wairoro Stream AUT.004109.01.03 |
Renewal |
31/5/2026 |
Ōpononi/Omāpere Waiotemarama Stream Dam AUT.004369.01.03 |
Renewal |
31/08/2026 |
Ōpononi/Omāpere Waiarohia Stream Dam AUT.007356 |
Renewal |
31/08/2026 |
Additional Work Streams
District Facility related consents are yet to be incorporated into the Infrastructure Consenting team’s work programme. These will be identified and incorporated into the next update report.
The proposed Regional Plan may result in additional consent applications, but the extent of this is currently unknown.
A strategic approach needs to be developed for ad hoc consenting needs to address water resilience and water take compliance, especially during dry weather/low rainfall periods.
Next steps
· Quarterly reporting to Te Koukou is proposed, with the next update due February 2025.
· District Facility consents, including solid waste, to be included in next update
PĀNGA PŪTEA ME NGĀ WĀHANGA TAHUA / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no financial implications or budgetary provision arising from this report.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
6.6 Condition Assessment Summary for Council Halls
File Number: A4907609
Author: Katie May, Asset Manager District Facilities
Authoriser: Tanya Proctor, Head of Infrastructure Strategy
TAKE PŪRONGO / Purpose of the Report
To provide information to Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee about the condition of Council halls.
· In 2021 condition assessments were carried out on council owned halls
· The attached matrix provides a summary of these findings
That the Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Condition Assessment Summary for Council Halls.
tĀHUHU KŌRERO / Background
Asset Management applied for and was approved funding to undertake condition assessments on council assets to determine the current state of our assets. This work had not previously been undertaken for several years.
This work was completed in 2021 and is due to be repeated on a five-year rolling programme.
MATAPAKI ME NGĀ KŌWHIRINGA / Discussion and Next Steps
Condition assessments were carried out on Council owned halls and a matrix developed to understand the extent of work required at each location. The attached matrix provides a summary of these findings and shows the priority of required works, status of the condition and the information on recent or current planned works.
This report does not include any future planned renewal works, dates or budgets as they are yet to be determined as part of the next LTP process. Staff will utilise this matrix and information provided by our operations team to determine future planned works and develop a programme accordingly.
Financial details for the halls will be provided to a Te Koukou committee meeting following receipt of that detail.
PĀNGA PŪTEA ME NGĀ WĀHANGA TAHUA / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no current financial implications from the provision of this information report.
1. Halls Condition Matrix - A4934047 ⇩
Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
File Number: A4912257
Author: Tui Mokaraka, Customer Service Manager - Far North Waters
Authoriser: Tanya Proctor, Head of Infrastructure Strategy
TAKE PŪRONGO / Purpose of the Report
That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report: Waters KPIs.
tĀHUHU KŌRERO / Background
Elected members have requested more information on our Waters KPI’s.
MATAPAKI ME NGĀ KŌWHIRINGA / Discussion and Next Steps
PĀNGA PŪTEA ME NGĀ WĀHANGA TAHUA / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
Wai Ua me Hopuwai - Stormwater and
Drainage - Levels of Service
7.1 Compliance with the territorial authority’s resource consents for discharge from its stormwater system, measured by the number of:
7.1.1 Compliance
with the territorial authority’s resource consents for discharge from its
stormwater system measured by the number of:
a. Abatement notices
b. Infringement notices
c. Enforcement orders
d. Convictions.
LTP Target 2024/25 a = ≤ 1; b = 0; c = 0; d = 0
This Month a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0
Previous Year: a
= 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0
7.1.2 Residents’ satisfaction with stormwater drainage service (Recorded through the Annual Residents Survey).
LTP Target 2024/25 ≥70%
This Month N/A for this month
Previous Year: Not
available at time of report
7.1.4 The total number of complaints received by a territorial authority about the performance of its stormwater system, expressed per 1,000 properties connected to the territorial authority’s stormwater system.
* This metric is reported based on the total number of RFS raised, irrespective of whether they were complaints or service requests.
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤16
This Month 0.75
Previous Year: 0.69
Monthly Comments:
5 Stormwater
complaints (RFS) received. Majority requesting for drains to be cleared.
Remainder asset ownership queries.
7.1.5 a. The number of flooding events that occur in a territorial authority district
LTP Target 2024/25 1 or
This Month 0
Previous Year: 0
Monthly Comments: No flooding events for
this month
b. The number of flooding events that occur in a territorial authority district
LTP Target 2024/25 0
This Month 0
Previous Year: 0
Monthly Comments: No flooding events for this month
7.1.6 The
median response time to attend a flooding event, measured from the time
that the territorial authority receives notification to the time that service
personnel reach the site.
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤ 48 hours
This Month 0
Previous Year: 0
Monthly Comments: No flooding events for this month
Waipara - Wastewater - Levels of Service
10.1 In defined areas, the council will collect, treat, and dispose of wastewater through a reliable wastewater network which is managed to ensure blockages, breaks or spillages are kept to a minimum.
10.1.1 Compliance with the territorial
authority’s resource consents for discharge from its sewerage system
measured by the number of:
a. Abatement notices
b. Infringement notices
c. Enforcement orders
d. Convictions.
LTP Target 2024/25 a = ≤ 2; b = ≤1; c = 0; d = 0
This Month a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0
Previous Year: a
= 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0
10.1.2 The number of dry weather sewerage overflows from the territorial authority’s sewerage system, expressed per 1,000 sewerage connections to that sewerage system
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤ 12 per 1,000 connections
This Month: 0.49
Previous Year: 0.73
Monthly Comments: 2x Dry weather spills in total this month, in the northern region. Failure information due to blockages.
10.1.3 The
total number of complaints received by the territorial authority about any of
the following:
This metric is reported based on
the total number of RFS raised, irrespective of whether they were complaints or
service requests.
a. Sewage odour
b. Sewerage system faults
c. Sewerage system blockages
d. The response to issues with the sewerage system
e. Expressed per 1,000 connections to the territorial authority’s sewerage system.
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤ 50 per 1,000 connections
This Month: 4.45
Previous Year: 0.73
Monthly Comments: 21 wastewater complaints (RFS) received. Majority were due to
10.2 Where the territorial authority attends
to sewerage overflows resulting from a blockage or other fault in the
territorial authority’s sewerage system, the following median response
times measured:
10.2.1 Attendance
time: from the time that the territorial authority receives notification to the
time that service personnel reach
the site
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤
2 hours
This Month: 1.40
Previous Year: 1.30
10.2.2 Attendance
time: from the time that the territorial authority receives notification to the
time that service personnel reach the site (Median)
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤
4 hours
This Month: 2.74
Year: 2.00
Monthly Comments: 21 wastewater RFS received. 7 were reported as
urgent. 50% were in the East coast area and were due by blockages. There was 1
break in Kaeo.
11.1 To provide a safe, continuous, high quality drinking water to all our customers.
11.1.1 The extent that all water treatment plants comply with the Taumata Arowai Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules for bacterial treatment and monitoring Each scheme continuously meets the required standards for drinking water. Each scheme to be reported on separately.
LTP Target 2024/25 Each scheme is compliant.
This Month: No - Ōpononi
Previous Year: No - Ōpononi
- Rāwene Ōmanaia
11.1.2 The extent that all water treatment plants comply with the Taumata Arowai Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules for protozoal treatment and monitoring Rules.
LTP Target 2024/25 Each scheme is compliant.
This Month: No - Ōpononi
Previous Year: No - Ōpononi
Rāwene Ōmanaia
11.1.3 The extent to which the pipeline networks comply with Taumata Arowai Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules for distribution networks. This is a New Measure.
LTP Target 2024/25 To be determined
This Month: To
be determined
11.1.4 The total number of complaints received by the local authority about any of the following:
a. Drinking water clarity
b. Drinking water taste
c. Drinking water odour
d. Drinking water pressure or flow
e. Continuity of supply
f. The local authority’s response to any of these expressed per 1000 connections to the local authority’s networked reticulation system.
LTP Target 2024/25 <100 complaints per 1,000
This Month 3.27
Previous Year: 3.54
Monthly Comments: 34 water complaints (RFS) received. 4 RFS were due to quality faults in South area. Remainder were due to temporary water shut off to complete repairs.
11.2 In times of emergency there is adequate water supply available.
11.2.1 Where the local authority attends a call-out in response to a fault or unplanned interruption to its networked reticulation system, the following median response times:
a. Attendance for urgent call-outs: from the time the local authority received notification
to the time service personnel reach the site. (Median)
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤ 2 hours
This Month: 0.91
Previous Year: 0.70
b. Resolution of urgent
call-outs: from the time the local authority received notification to the time
that service personnel confirm resolution of the fault or interruption.
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤ 4 hours
This Month: 6.91
Previous Year: 4.00
c. Attendance for non-urgent call-outs: from the time that the local authority
receives notification to the time that service personnel reach the site.
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤ 2 working days
This Month: 1.50
Previous Year: 0.70 days
d. Resolution of non-urgent call-outs: from the time that the local authority receives notification to the time that service personnel confirm resolution of the fault or interruption. (Median)
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤ 3 working days
This Month: 2.07
Previous Year: 0.70 days
Monthly Comments: 121 water fault RFS’
received.5 mains breaks, (4 reported failure due to poor asset condition)
Majority were in Northern area. Traffic Management required.
11.2.2 Total number of waters leaks
(expressed as number per 100km of mains, including service connections) This is a New Measure.
LTP Target 2024/25 To be determined.
This Month: To be determined.
11.2.3 Water restriction days (NEPM D-R19) This is a New Measure.
LTP Target 2024/25 To be determined.
Month: Zero
11.3 To manage the water supply system in a sustainable way that also caters for growth.
11.3.1 The amount of real water loss from the networked reticulation system (calculated as Current Annual Real Losses for whole district in litres /connection/day).
LTP Target 2024/25 <26%
This Month: 32%
Previous Year: 29.3%
Monthly Comments: 121 water faults in this month. Continued focused leak detection and consumption audits in progress in Kerikeri and Paihia. Renewal our aged water infrastructure and pipelines in the district has had minimal focus due to recent water reforms, which is a necessary factor to getting water loss under control.
11.3.2 Network Leakage Index score (Infrastructure Leakage Index for whole district) (NEPM D-RE3). This is a new measure.
LTP Target 2024/25 To be determined.
11.3.3 Median Residential Water Consumption (litres/connection / day) (NEPM D-RE4) The average residential water use for entire network This is a new measure.
LTP Target 2024/25 ≤600
This Month: To be determined.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
Examples of RFS works during the month of August 2024.
Example: RFS 4214204 (Sewer Urgent) Summary: Wastewater line blocked at Seascape Lane; Coopers Beach was reported at 9:04 AM on 8th August 2024. Our team attended the site by 12:28 PM, hydroblasted from manhole to clear blockage. Washed down and disinfected site. Cause: Blockage.
Example: RFS 4217302 (Water Urgent) Summary: The Mains break at Tangonge Cres, Kaitaia was reported at 9:05pm on 25th
August 2024. Our team attended the site by 10:00pm and worked through the night
to restore the service by 7:30am the next morning. Cause: Poor pipe condition.
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
6.8 FNDC Transportation Maintenance and Renewals Activity Update - September 2024
File Number: A4917065
Author: Apikali Rokobigi, Maintenance Lead
Authoriser: Tanya Proctor, Head of Infrastructure Strategy
TAKE PŪRONGO / Purpose of the Report
The purpose of this briefing is to present the September 2024 Transportation Maintenance and Renewals activity monthly reports, as an update on progress with approved transportation programmes and activities, for Committee review, discussion and questions.
· Activity reports from contractors in the roading and transport space are attached.
· The reports are intended to provide insight into operational activity completed over that month.
That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report FNDC Transportation Maintenance and Renewals Activity Update - September 2024.
tĀHUHU KŌRERO / Background
Each month Council’s two main roading contractors – Fulton Hogan and Ventia provide updates on works undertaken. The two attachments report on the works undertaken through the month of September 2024.
These reports are published on our FNDC website for public information and attached to this report for governance oversight.
MATAPAKI ME NGĀ KŌWHIRINGA / Discussion and Next Steps
The monthly reports are for information only.
PĀNGA PŪTEA ME NGĀ WĀHANGA TAHUA / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no financial implications or need for budgetary provision.
1. September 2024 Monthly Report 7-18-100 North Contract - A4917074 ⇩
2. September 2024 Monthly Report 7-18-101 South Contract - A4917356 ⇩
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
6.9 North Hokianga Roading Update
File Number: A4917715
Author: Apikali Rokobigi, Maintenance Lead
Authoriser: Tanya Proctor, Head of Infrastructure Strategy
TAKE PŪRONGO / Purpose of the Report
The purpose of this report is to present the North Hokianga Roading update report on the progress with approved transportation programmes and completed roading maintenance activities for August and September 2024 are attached for Committee review, discussion and questions.
That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report for North Hokianga Roading Update.
tĀHUHU KŌRERO / Background
The North Hokianga Working Group is a Working Group of the Far North District Council formally established to address various issues raised by Mana Whenua of North Hokianga.
The aim of this strength-based partnership between FNDC (on behalf of Local Government) and the Takiwā (on behalf of whanau, hapū and whenua) is to improve roading conditions in the North Hokianga.
MATAPAKI ME NGĀ KŌWHIRINGA / Discussion and Next Steps
The North Hokianga roading update is for information only.
PĀNGA PŪTEA ME NGĀ WĀHANGA TAHUA / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision
There are no financial implications or need for budgetary provision.
1. Roading Update for North Hokianga Meeting Report - A4938300 ⇩
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
7 Te Wāhanga Tūmataiti / Public Excluded
Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Agenda |
29 October 2024 |
8 Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer
9 Te Kapinga Hui / Meeting Close