Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Minutes |
25 June 2024 |
OF Far North District Council
Ordinary Te Koukou -
Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting
Chamber, Memorial Ave, Kaikohe
ON Tuesday, 25 June
2024 AT 10:00am
PRESENT: Kahika Moko Tepania, Cr Steve McNally, Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Cr Felicity Foy (virtual), Cr Ann Court, Cr Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Cr Babe Kapa (virtual), Cr Penetaui Kleskovic (virtual), Cr Tāmati Rākena, Cr Mate Radich (virtual), Cr John Vujcich
STAFF PRESENT:Tanya Proctor (Head of Infrastructure Strategy),Charlie Billington (Group Manager – Corporate Services), Maria Bullen (Democracy Advisor), Aisha Huriwai (Democracy Service Manager), Jacine Warmington (Group Manager – Strategic Relationships), Roger Ackers (Group Manager Planning and Policy), Ruben Garcia (virtual) (Group Manager – Community and Engagement) , Emma Healy (virtual) (Chief of Staff), Marysa Maheno (virtual) (Democracy Advisor), Casey Gannon (Democracy Advisor), Rob Gilmour (Engineer to contract)
1 Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer
Kahika Mayor Moko Tepania commenced the meeting with a prayer.
2 NGā WHAKAPāHA ME NGā PāNGA MEMA / Apologies and Declarations of Interest
3 ngā tono kōrero / Deputation
Members from The North Hokianga Working Group spoke in regard to Item 6.2 North Hokianga Working Group Update.
Acknowledgement that Ngā Kapa Haka Kura Tuarua o Aotearoa 2024 is happening today.
5 Ngā Pūrongo Taipitopito / Information Reports
5.1 north hokianga roading working group update Agenda item 6.2 document number A4704440, pages 16 - 17 refers. |
Resolution 2024/26 Moved: Kahika Moko Tepania Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the North Hokianga Roading Working Group update. Carried |
6 Te Whakaaetanga o Ngā Meneti o Mua / Confirmation of Previous Minutes
6.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes Agenda item 4.1 document number A4668046, pages 8 - 9 refers |
Resolution 2024/27 Moved: Kahika Moko Tepania Seconded: Cr Tāmati Rākena That Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee confirm the minutes of the meeting held 21 May 2024 are true and correct. |
At 10:16 am, Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford left the meeting.
7 Ngā Pūrongo / Reports
7.1 Transport Portfolio Member Reports Agenda item 5.1 document number A4668174, pages 10 - 13 refers. |
Resolution 2024/28 Moved: Kahika Moko Tepania Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That Te Koukou – Transport and Infrastructure Committee note the verbal June 2024 reports from Members Ann Court and Steve McNally as Transport Portfolio holders. |
At 10:20 am, Cr Tāmati Rākena left the meeting.
At 10:21 am, Cr Tāmati Rākena returned to the meeting.
At 10:22 am, Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford returned to the meeting.
8 Ngā Pūrongo Taipitopito / Information Reports (CONTINUEd)
8.1 Donald Road Catchment Wastewater Upgrades Agenda item 6.1 document number A4704440, pages 14 - 17 refers. |
Resolution 2024/29 Moved: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford Seconded: Kahika Moko Tepania That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Donald Road Catchment Wastewater Upgrades and associated attachments. |
At 10:40 am, Cr Tāmati Rākena returned to the meeting.
That Te Koukou Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the North Hokianga Roading Working Group update.
8.2 FNDC Transportation Activity Update - April 2024 Operations Report Agenda item 6.3 document number A4727989, pages 18 - 73 refers. |
Resolution 2024/30 Moved: Cr Ann Court Seconded: Kahika Moko Tepania That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report FNDC Transportation Activity Update - April 2024 Operations Report. |
At 10:58 am, Cr Tāmati Rākena left the meeting.
At 11:01 am, Cr Tāmati Rākena returned to the meeting.
8.3 Te Koukou Open Resolutions Update June 2024 Agenda item 6.4 document number A4727120, pages 74 - 80 refers. |
Resolution 2024/31 Moved: Kahika Moko Tepania Seconded: Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford That Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee receive the report Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Open Resolution Register Update June 2024. |
9 te wāhanga tūmataiti / Public Excluded
Resolution 2024/32 Moved: Kahika Moko Tepania Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
10 Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer
Kahika Mayor Moko Tepania closed the meeting with a karakia.
11 Meeting Close
The meeting closed at 11.36am.
The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Ordinary Te Koukou - Transport and Infrastructure Committee Meeting held on 23 July 2024.