13 March 2024 |
OF Far North District Council
Kaitaia Drainage Area
Committee Meeting
HELD AT THE Boardroom
- Te Ahu, Cnr State Highway 1 and Mathews Avenue, Kaitaia
ON Wednesday, 13 March
2024 AT 10:00am
PRESENT: Chairperson Fiona King, Member Adele Gardner, Member Mike Masters, Member Joe King
IN ATTENDANCE: Cr Felicity Foy (joining virtually with speaking rights only)
STAFF PRESENT: Ellie Greenwood (Democracy Advisor – Democracy Services), Imrie Dunn (Democracy Advisor – Democracy Services), Beverly Mitchell (Community Board Co-ordinator – Stakeholder Relationships), Tanya Proctor (Head of Infrastructure Strategy) (virtual), Casey Gannon (Manager – Democracy Services)
1 Meeting opening
The meeting commenced at 10:00am.
2 Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest
An apology from Member Greg Yuretich and Dennis Chapman is noted.
4 Te Whakaaetanga o Ngā Meneti o Mua / Confirmation of Previous Minutes
4.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes Agenda item 4.1 document number A4603341, pages 6 - 10 refers |
Moved: Chairperson Fiona King Seconded: Member Joe King That the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee confirms that the minutes of the meeting of the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee held 17 April 2023 are a true and correct record.
AMENDMENT Moved: Chairperson Fiona King Seconded: Member Adele Gardner That the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee confirms that the minutes of the meeting of the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee held 17 April 2023 are a true and correct record, with an amendment to resolution 2023/2, c) to state “request the proposed rate change of $133k for the 2023/24 year including drone hireage and machine cleaning, be reported back to the Drainage Committee”. Resolution 2024/1 Moved: Chairperson Fiona King Seconded: Member Adele Gardner That the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee confirms that the minutes of the meeting of the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee held 17 April 2023 are a true and correct record, with an amendment to resolution 2023/2, c) to state “request the proposed rate change of $133k for the 2023/24 year including drone hireage and machine cleaning, be reported back to the Drainage Committee”. |
5.1 Kaitaia Drainage Area Programme 2024-2027 Agenda item 5.1 document number A4611103, pages 11 - 12 refers. |
Moved: Chairperson Fiona King Seconded: Member Mike Masters That the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee receive the report Kaitaia Drainage Area Programme 2024-2027.
AMENDMENT Moved: Chairperson Fiona King Seconded: Member Adele Gardner That the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee a) receive the report Kaitaia Drainage Area Programme 2024-2027. b) Recommend Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed Kaitaia Drainage Area 2024/25 work programme, with a contingency of $20,000 in the work programme for machine cleaning maintenance. Resolution 2024/2 Moved: Chairperson Fiona King Seconded: Member Mike Masters That the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee a) receive the report Kaitaia Drainage Area Programme 2024-2027. b) recommend Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed Kaitaia Drainage Area 2024/25 work programme, with a contingency of $20,000 in the work programme for machine cleaning maintenance. Carried |
Attachments tabled at meeting. 1 Kaitaia Programme of Works |
5 tE kAPINGA hUI / Meeting Close
The meeting closed at 11.46am.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee Meeting held on 26 September 2024.