Te Hiku Community Board Meeting Minutes - Unconfirmed

13 February 2024


Te Hiku Community Board Meeting
Conference Room - Te Ahu, Cnr State Highway 1 and Mathews Avenue, Kaitaia
Tuesday, 13 February 2024 AT 10:00 am


PRESENT:              Chairperson Adele Gardner, Deputy Chairperson John Stewart, Councillor Felicity Foy, Member Darren Axe, Member Sheryl Bainbridge, Member William (Bill) Subritzky, Member Rachel Baucke

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Hilda Halkyard-Harawira

STAFF PRESENT: Kathryn Trewin (Funding Advisor - Stakeholder Relationships), Beverly Mitchell (Community Board Coordinator – Stakeholder Relationships), Ellie Greenwood (Democracy Advisor – Democracy Services), Imrie Dunn (Democracy Advisor – Democracy Services), Maria Bullen (Support Officer – Strategic Relationships), Peggy Veen (Principal Advisor – Strategic Relationships), Katie May (virtual) (Asset Manager – District Facilities),  Peter Marselos (virtual) (Facilities Technical Officer) Dena-Maree (virtual) (Kaiarahi Kaupapa Māori – Te Hono), Marlema Baker (Te Kuaka – Te Ao Māori Coordinator)



Chairperson Adele Gardner commenced the meeting at 10:00am and Member Rachel Baucke opened with a karakia.

2            NGā WHAKAPāHA ME NGā PāNGA MEMA / Apologies and conflicts of Interest


3            Te wāhanga tūmatanui / Public Forum


4            Ngā Tono KŌrero / Deputations

·         Fiona King regarding drainage updates.

5            ngā kaikōrero / Speakers

·         Charlotte Nightingale representing Glass Ceiling Collective item 7.5, page 42 refers (virtually)

·         Gary Lees and John Drew representing Mangonui Cemetery Committee item 7.5, page 53 refers

·         Pat Millar representing Mangonui Community Patrol item 7.5, page 59 refers

·         John Haines regarding Paewhenua Boardwalk item 7.5, page 70 refers

·         Haylee Koroi representing Toi Tangata item 7.5, page 89 refers (virtually)


The meeting was adjourned from 11.12am to 11.26am.

6            Te Whakaaetanga o Ngā Meneti o Mua / Confirmation of Previous Minutes

6.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 6.1 document number A4535859, pages 8 - 14 refers.

Resolution  2024/1

Moved:       Member Darren Axe

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That Te Hiku Community Board confirm the minutes of the meeting held 12 December 2023, to be a true and correct record.


7            Ngā Pūrongo / Reports

7.1         Road Naming - 1000 Sandhills Road, Ahipara

Agenda item 7.1 document number A4510253, pages 15 - 20 refers.

Resolution  2024/2

Moved:       Deputy Chairperson John Stewart

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That the Te Hiku Community Board, pursuant to Council’s Naming Policy, name a private road Tiromoana Way, currently addressed at 1000 Sandhills Road, Ahipara



7.2         Ground Lease to Doubtless Bay Sea Scouts - East Street Taipa

Agenda item 7.2 document number A4520101, pages 21 - 28 refers.

Resolution  2024/3

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Rachel Baucke

That Te Hiku Community Board recommends that Council:

a)       approve a new ground lease to Scouts Aotearoa over part of the Recreation Reserve being approximately 860 square metres of Part Allot 5 PSH OF Taipa, held in New Zealand Gazette 1984 page 104.

The terms of the proposed lease shall be:

Term: 15 Years (5+5+5)

Rental: As per FNDC Fees and Charges Schedule for a Community lease.

·    $113 plus GST for 2022/23 and reviewed annually in conjunction with the FNDC Fees and Charges Schedule.

b)       approve further conditions to be negotiated and agreed upon by the Group Manager Delivery and Operations.



7.3         Deferral of North Park Toilet Construction

Agenda item 7.3 document number A4543612, pages 29 - 31 refers.

Resolution  2024/4

Moved:       Member Sheryl Bainbridge

Seconded:  Deputy Chairperson John Stewart

That Te Hiku Community Board leave the item Deferral of North Park Toilet Construction to lie on the table.


Note: The Board request further enquiry by staff into alternative locations for the toilet.


7.4         Project Funding Reports

Agenda item 7.4 document number A4553587, pages 32 - 35 refers.

Resolution  2024/5

Moved:       Member William (Bill) Subritzky

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board note the project report received from Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa.



7.5         Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.5 document number A4553594, pages 36 - 96 refers.

Resolution  2024/6

Moved:       Deputy Chairperson John Stewart

Seconded:  Member Rachel Baucke

That Te Hiku Community Board approve the sum of $2,500 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Glass Ceiling Arts Collective for SparkLive at Te Ahu Centre, with the provision that up to $1,200 of this money covers the $15 entry fee to the event for the first 80 Te Hiku locals, to support the following Community Outcomes:

a)   Proud, vibrant communities.

b)   Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



7.5         Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.5 document number A4553594, pages 36 - 96 refers.

Resolution  2024/7

Moved:       Councillor Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That Te Hiku Community Board

a)    approve the sum of $5,280 (plus GST if application) to be paid to from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Mangonui Cemetery Committee for the works quoted in the supporting information tabled at the meeting to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)   Proud, vibrant communities.

ii)   Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable; and,

b)    request a report to Te Hiku Community Board outlining the financial, rating and operational background relating to the Cemetery and other Council owned, volunteer-managed Cemeteries in the District.


Attachments tabled at meeting

1     14 Feb Tabled Document (MC Quote)

2     14 Feb Tabled Document (Map1)

3     14 Feb Tabled Document (Map2)

4     14 Feb Tabled Document (Map3)


7.5         Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.5 document number A4553594, pages 36 - 96 refers.

Resolution  2024/8

Moved:       Member Sheryl Bainbridge

Seconded:  Deputy Chairperson John Stewart

That Te Hiku Community Board

a)      approve the sum of $4,680 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account for the 2023/24 financial year to Mangonui Community Patrol for secure storage or vehicle and safety equipment, to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Proud, vibrant communities.

ii)      Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable; and,

b)      approve the sum of $4,680 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account for the 2024/25  financial year.



7.5         Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.5 document number A4553594, pages 36 - 96 refers.

Resolution  2024/9

Moved:       Member Sheryl Bainbridge

Seconded:  Chairperson Adele Gardner

That Te Hiku Community Board leave the application from John Haines for the construction of a boardwalk at Paewhenua to lie on the table pending further information from staff regarding the consent requirements of a boardwalk, to support the following Community Outcomes:

a)   Proud, vibrant communities.

b)   Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



7.5         Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.5 document number A4553594, pages 36 - 96 refers.

Resolution  2024/10

Moved:       Deputy Chairperson John Stewart

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board approve the sum of $434 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Te Whakaora Tangata for graduation ceremony at Te Ahu Centre to cover the cost of hiring the venue at Te Ahu, to support the following Community Outcomes:

a)   Proud, vibrant communities.

b)   Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



7.5         Funding Applications


Moved:       Deputy Chairperson John Stewart

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board approve the sum of $1,400 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Toi Tangata – Te Hotu Manawa Māori for Māori kai wānanga to cover venue hire, to support the following Community Outcomes:

a)   Proud, vibrant communities.

b)   Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



Moved:       Councillor Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That Te Hiku Community Board approve the sum of $3,000 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Toi Tangata – Te Hotu Manawa Māori for Māori kai wānanga, to support the following Community Outcomes:

a)   Proud, vibrant communities.

b)   Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.


Resolution  2024/11

Moved:       Deputy Chairperson John Stewart

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board approve the sum of $1,400 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Toi Tangata – Te Hotu Manawa Māori for Māori kai wānanga to cover venue hire, to support the following Community Outcomes:

a)   Proud, vibrant communities.

b)   Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.


8            Ngā Pūrongo Taipitopito / Information Reports

8.1         Summary of Applications July - December 2023

Agenda item 8.1 document number A4553655, pages 97 - 100 refers.

Resolution  2024/12

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That Te Hiku Community Board note the report Summary of Applications July – December 2023.



8.2         Te Hiku Community Board February 2024 Open Resolution Report

Agenda item 8.2 document number A4535910, pages 101 - 108 refers.

Resolution  2024/13

Moved:       Member Rachel Baucke

Seconded:  Deputy Chairperson John Stewart

That Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Te Hiku Community Board February 2024 Open Resolution Report.



8.3         Chairperson and Member Reports

Agenda item 8.3 document number A4547957, pages 109 - 119 refers.

Resolution  2024/14

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That Te Hiku Community Board note the February 2024 reports from Chairperson Adele Gardner and Members Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge and Rachel Baucke.


Note verbal report received from Deputy Chairperson John Stewart


9            RESOLUTION TO MOVE INTO Public Excluded

Resolution  2024/15

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That the Te Hiku Community Board move into Public Excluded to allow free and frank discussion.




Resolution  2024/16

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Rachel Baucke

That the Te Hiku Community Board move out of Public Excluded and back readmit the public.



11          tE kAPINGA hUI / Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 12.56pm and Councillor Hilda Halkyard-Harawira closed with a karakia.

The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Te Hiku Community Board Meeting held on 19 March 2024.

