Te Hiku Community Board Meeting Minutes - Unconfirmed

21 November 2023


Te Hiku Community Board Meeting
Conference Room - Te Ahu, Cnr State Highway 1 and Mathews Avenue, Kaitaia
Tuesday, 21 November 2023 AT 10:00 am


PRESENT:              Chairperson Adele Gardner, Deputy Chairperson John Stewart, Councillor Felicity Foy, Councillor Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Member Darren Axe, Member Sheryl Bainbridge, Member William (Bill) Subritzky, Member Rachel Baucke

STAFF PRESENT: Ellie Greenwood (Democracy Advisor – Democracy Services), Imrie Dunn (Democracy Advisor – Democracy Services), Grace Hamlin (virtual) (Support Officer – Stakeholder Relationships), Beverley Mitchell (Community Board Coordinator – Stakeholder Relationships), Kathryn Trewin (Funding Advisor - Stakeholder Relationships), Elizabeth Stacey (Senior Roading & Traffic Engineer – Northland Transport Alliance), Harley Alexander (virtually) (Multimedia Strategy & Communication – Communications & Engagement)

1            Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer

Member Rachael Baucke opened with a karakia.

2            NGā WHAKAPāHA ME NGā PāNGA MEMA / Apologies and conflicts of Interest


3            Te wāhanga tūmatanui / Public Forum

·         Daniel Thompson representing RSA requesting the He Whakaputanga flag be erected in the park.

4            Ngā Tono KŌrero / Deputations

·         Stephen Allen regarding the Tangonge Domain lease.

5            ngā kaikōrero / Speakers

·         Roz Dennis and Leanne Tasker representing Cruzn the Bay 2024 item 7.3a refers

·         Angela Phillips and Andrea Panther representing Kaitaia Business Association – CCTV Costs item 7.3b refers

·         Rachel Palmer representing Rongopai House Community Trust item 7.3d refers

·         Te Huia Cooper and Jenny Abraham representing Te Hapua Komiti Whaiti item 7.3e refers

·         Donna King from Te Pokapu Tiaki Taioa o Te Tai Tokerau item 7.3f refers

The meeting was adjourned from 10.44 to 11.05.

At 10.45 am, Member Felicity Foy left the meeting.

At 10.45 am, Cr Hilda Halkyard-Harawira left the meeting.


6            Te Whakaaetanga o Ngā Meneti o Mua / Confirmation of Previous Minutes

6.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 6.1 document number A4454914, pages 8 - 15 refers.

Resolution  2023/104

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That Te Hiku Community Board confirms the minutes of the meeting held 24 October 2023, to be a true and correct record.


7            Ngā Pūrongo / Reports

7.1         Setting of Meeting Dates for 2024

Agenda item 7.1 document number A4468895, pages 16 - 22 refers.

Resolution  2023/105

Moved:       Member Rachel Baucke

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board adopt the following meeting dates for Te Hiku Community Board:

·        Tuesday 13 February 2024

·        Tuesday 19 March 2024

·        Tuesday 16 April 2024

·        Tuesday 14 May 2024

·        Tuesday 18 June 2024

·        Tuesday 16 July 2024

·        Tuesday 13 August 2024

·        Tuesday 17 September 2024

·        Tuesday 22 October 2024

·        Tuesday 19 November 2024

·        Tuesday 17 December 2024



7.2         Te Hiku Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 30 September 2023

Agenda item 7.2 document number A4436620, pages 23 - 27 refers.

Resolution  2023/106

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Te Hiku Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 30 September 2023.


7.3a       Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.3a document number A4461842, pages 28 - 78 refers.

Resolution  2023/107

Moved:       Member John Stewart

Seconded:  Member Rachel Baucke

That Te Hiku Community Board

a)      approves the sum $1,500 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Cruzn the Bay for 2024 Cruzn the Bay in Te Hiku Ward, to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Proud, vibrant communities.

ii)      Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



7.3b       Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.3b document number A4461842, pages 28 - 78 refers.

Resolution  2023/108

Moved:       Member Sheryl Bainbridge

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board

b)      approves the sum $7,500 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund from both the 23/24 fund account and the 24/25 fund account for a total amount of $15,000 over two years to Kaitaia Business Association for CCTV operation and maintenance costs in Te Hiku Ward, to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Proud, vibrant communities.

ii)      Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



7.3c       Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.3c document number A4461842, pages 28 - 78 refers.

Resolution  2023/109

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member John Stewart

That Te Hiku Community Board

c)      approves the sum $935 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Ray Clark/Kaitaia Knights Chess Club for venue hire costs in Te Hiku Ward, to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Proud, vibrant communities.

ii)      Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



7.3d       Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.3d document number A4461842, pages 28 - 78 refers.

Resolution  2023/110

Moved:       Member John Stewart

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board

d)      approves the sum $4,235 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Rongopai House Community Trust for purchasing a freezer and storage equipment in Te Hiku Ward, to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Proud, vibrant communities.

ii)      Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



7.3e       Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.3e document number A4461842, pages 28 - 78 refers.

Resolution 2023/111 

Moved:       Member Sheryl Bainbridge

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board

e)      approves the sum $4,313 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Te Hapua Komiti Whaiti for repairs and waterproofing of the Te Hapua Ratana Church building the Bay in Te Hiku Ward, to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Proud, vibrant communities.

ii)      Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.


Abstained: Member William (Bill) Subritzky


7.3f        Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.3e document number A4461842, pages 28 - 78 refers.

Resolution  2023/112

Moved:       Member Rachel Baucke

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board

f)       approves the sum $2,500 (plus GST if application) to be paid from the Board’s Community Grant Fund account to Te Pokapu Tiaki o Te Tai Tokerau Trust for regenerative greening and traditional craft community workshops in Te Hiku Ward, to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)          Proud, vibrant communities.

ii)         Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



7.4         Project Funding Reports

Agenda item 7.4 document number A4464582, pages 79 - 85 refers.

Resolution  2023/113

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board note the project report received from:

a)   R Tucker Thompson Youth Sailing Trust

b)   Whatu Creative



7.5         Te Hiku Community Board 2024-2027 Footpath Programme Priority

Agenda item 7.5 document number A4468760, pages 86 - 88 refers.

Resolution  2023/114

Moved:       Member Sheryl Bainbridge

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That Te Hiku Community Board

a)   receive the report Te Hiku Community Board 2024-2027 Footpath Programme Priority report.

b)   confirm the listed locations below for inclusion in the draft 2024-2027 Long Term Plan.

i)             Mill Bay Road - SH10 to Rangakapiti, Mangonui

ii)            SH 1@ Gill, Awanui

iii)           Kaitaia - Awaroa Rd @ Pukepoto - School to approx #673, Pukepoto

iv)           Kaitaia-Awaroa Rd - Okahu Rd to 240, Kaitaia


8            Ngā Pūrongo Taipitopito / Information Reports

8.1         Chairperson and Member Reports

Agenda item 8.1 document number A4458482, pages 89 - 105 refers.


Moved:       Member Rachel Baucke

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That the Te Hiku Community Board note the November 2023 reports from Chairperson Adele Gardner and Members Darren Axe, and Bill Subritzky, Rachel Baucke and Sheryl Bainbridge.



Moved:       Member Sheryl Bainbridge

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That the Te Hiku Community Board:

a)    note the November 2023 reports from Chairperson Adele Gardner and Members Darren Axe, and Bill Subritzky, Rachel Baucke and Sheryl Bainbridge.

b)    supports the Far North District Council’s promotion of a petition for a referendum to address the condition of the country’s roads.


The amendment becomes the substantive motion.


Moved:       Member Rachel Baucke

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That the Te Hiku Community Board:

a)    note the November 2023 reports from Chairperson Adele Gardner and Members Darren Axe, and Bill Subritzky, Rachel Baucke and Sheryl Bainbridge.

b)    supports the Far North District Council’s promotion of a petition for a referendum to address the condition of the country’s roads.


Note verbal report received from Member John Stewart regarding LGNZ update.


8.2         Te Hiku Community Board November 2023 Open Resolution Report

Agenda item 8.2 document number A4469026, pages 106 - 112 refers.

Resolution  2023/117

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Te Hiku Community Board November 2023 Open Resolution Report.



9            tE kAPINGA hUI / Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 12.21 pm with a closing prayer by Member Rachael Baucke.


The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at Te Hiku Community Board Meeting held on 12 December 2023.

