Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau ki te Raki





Extraordinary Council Meeting


Tuesday, 28 November 2023


9:00 am


Virtually via Microsoft Teams




Kahika - Mayor Moko Tepania - Chairperson

Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford

Cr Ann Court

Cr Felicity Foy

Cr Hilda Halkyard-Harawira

Cr Babe Kapa

Cr Penetaui Kleskovic

Cr Steve McNally

Cr Mate Radich

Cr Tāmati Rākena

Cr John Vujcich


Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 November 2023



Far North District Council

Extraordinary Council Meeting

will be held Virtually via Microsoft Teams on:

Tuesday 28 November 2023 at 9:00 am

Te Paeroa Mahi / Order of Business

1          Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer. 5

2          Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest 5

3          Ngā Tono Kōrero / Deputations. 5

4          Ngā Kōrero A Te Kahika / Mayoral Announcements. 5

5          Ngā Pūrongo / Reports. 6

5.1            Temporary Road Closure - Paihia Christmas Parade Date Change. 6

6          Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer. 11

7          Te Kapinga Hui / Meeting Close. 11



1            Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer

Ka tuku mātou kia kaha mai ngā māngai kua whiriwhirihia mō Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau ki te Raki ki te mahi me te ngākau auaha me te whakamahi i ngā pūkenga me te mātauranga i roto i ngā wānanga me ngā whakataunga kia whakatūria ai tētahi Hapori e matatika ana, e tū kotahi ana ka mutu ka whakapiki anō i te oranga o tō tātou rohe, ka whakatau anō i ngā take o te rohe i runga i te tika me te pono.

We ask that through Council discussions and decisions the representatives we have elected may govern the Far North District with imagination, skill and wisdom to achieve a fairer and more united Community that enhances the wellbeing of our district and solves the District’s problems efficiently and effectively.

2            Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Members need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a Member of the Council and any private or other external interest they might have. This note is provided as a reminder to Members to review the matters on the agenda and assess and identify where they may have a pecuniary or other conflict of interest, or where there may be a perception of a conflict of interest.

If a Member feels they do have a conflict of interest, they should publicly declare that at the start of the meeting or of the relevant item of business and refrain from participating in the discussion or voting on that item. If a Member thinks they may have a conflict of interest, they can seek advice from the Chief Executive Officer or the Manager - Democracy Services (preferably before the meeting).

It is noted that while members can seek advice the final decision as to whether a conflict exists rests with the member.

3            Ngā Tono Kōrero / Deputations

No requests for deputations were received at the time of the Agenda going to print.

4            Ngā Kōrero A Te Kahika / Mayoral Announcements

Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 November 2023


5            Ngā Pūrongo / Reports

5.1         Temporary Road Closure - Paihia Christmas Parade Date Change

File Number:           A4490327

Author:                    Fraser Hoani, Road Corridor Manager - TMC

Authoriser:             Calvin Thomas, General Manager - Northland Transportation Alliance


Take Pūrongo / Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this paper is to inform Council of an error in the event date information provided in the Paihia Christmas Parades road closure approval agenda report at the Council Meeting of Thursday 16th November, and to subsequently obtain Council approval for temporary road closure for the corrected date of Friday 1st December.

WhakarĀpopoto matua / Executive Summary

At the Council meeting of Thursday 16th November 2023 Council approved an Event Road Closure request for Saturday 2nd December 2023 for the purposes of the safe running of the Paihia Christmas Parade.


On the afternoon of Wednesday 22nd November Council staff became aware that there had been an error made by the applicant in the road closure request for this event and the actual date of the parade is Friday 1st December 2023.


To enable safe operation of the event on the confirmed date of Friday 1st December Council are now requested to reconsider the Event road closure request for this revised date.



That Council

a)   notes the date information originally provided by the applicant for the council decision of 16th November 2023 was incorrect, and

b)   rescinds the decision of 16th November to approve the road closure request for the Paihia Christmas Parade on Saturday 2nd December 2023, and

c)   approves the new proposed date of Friday 1st December for the proposed temporary road closure for the Paihia Christmas Parade to enable safe operations.


1) TĀhuhu kŌrero / Background

The Northland Transportation Alliance manage temporary road closures for events on behalf of Council noting that the task of approving Road Closures, specifically for the safe operation of Events, cannot be delegated by Council.


Road Closure requests compiled by Council staff are based on information provided by the applicant. In the case of the Paihia Christmas parade, subsequent to Council’s approval of the event road closure on the original date of Saturday 2nd December Council staff were made aware of an error in the date made by the applicant in the original request, with the correct date confirmed as Friday 1st December 2023, noting that the event and road closure timings remain unchanged.


Staff are presently working to ensure Council’s obligations to advertise its intention to consider closing any road or part of a road are met through updates on Council’s media channels, noting that the event organisers themselves have been advertising for this correct date for some time. 



2) matapaki me NgĀ KŌwhiringa / Discussion and Options

The Public Notice for the proposed change of date for the temporary road closure will be advertised in the FNDC website.

Proposed road closure and times: Paihia Christmas Parade

25 to 37 Williams Road, Paihia || Friday 1st December || 16:00pm to 19:00pm

It is noted that without Council approval for the proposed change of date the Paihia Christmas Parade cannot take place as planned


Due to an error in the information originally provided by the applicant on the Traffic Management Plans (TMP) the date originally considered and approved by Council for the associated road closure was incorrect.

A correction of the road closure approval date is now requested of Council to enable the Paihia parade to proceed safely as planned. 

3) PĀnga PŪtea me ngĀ wĀhanga tahua / Financial Implications and Budgetary Provision

No Budgetary implications

Āpitihanga / Attachments



Hōtaka Take Ōkawa / Compliance Schedule:

Full consideration has been given to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 S77 in relation to decision making, in particular:

1.       A Local authority must, in the course of the decision-making process,

a)      Seek to identify all reasonably practicable options for the achievement of the objective of a decision; and

b)      Assess the options in terms of their advantages and disadvantages; and

c)      If any of the options identified under paragraph (a) involves a significant decision in relation to land or a body of water, take into account the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral land, water sites, waahi tapu, valued flora and fauna and other taonga.

2.       This section is subject to Section 79 - Compliance with procedures in relation to decisions.


He Take Ōkawa / Compliance Requirement

Aromatawai Kaimahi / Staff Assessment

State the level of significance (high or low) of the issue or proposal as determined by the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

Low Significance

State the relevant Council policies (external or internal), legislation, and/or community outcomes (as stated in the LTP) that relate to this decision.

The council may, subject to such conditions as it thinks fit and after consultation with the police and NZTA, close any road or part of a road to all traffic or any specified type of traffic provided that no road may be closed for any purpose specified, public function, if that closure would, in the opinion of the council, be likely to impede traffic unreasonably.

State whether this issue or proposal has a District wide relevance and, if not, the ways in which the appropriate Community Board’s views have been sought.

The council may, subject to such conditions as it thinks fit and after consultation with the police and NZTA, close any road or part of a road to all traffic or any specified type of traffic provided that no road may be closed for any purpose specified, public function, if that closure would, in the opinion of the council, be likely to impede traffic unreasonably.

State the possible implications for Māori and how Māori have been provided with an opportunity to contribute to decision making if this decision is significant and relates to land and/or any body of water.

State the possible implications and how this report aligns with Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi.

No specific implications for Maori have been identified

Identify persons likely to be affected by or have an interest in the matter, and how you have given consideration to their views or preferences (for example – youth, the aged and those with disabilities).

Local relevance

State the financial implications and where budgetary provisions have been made to support this decision.

 No specific implications for Maori have been identified

Chief Financial Officer review.



Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 November 2023



6            Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer


7            Te Kapinga Hui / Meeting Close