Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes

1 June 2023


   MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Council Chambers, Memorial Ave, Kaikohe
Thursday, 1 June 2023 AT 10:05 am

PRESENT:              Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Cr Ann Court, Cr Felicity Foy, Cr Hilda Halkyard-Harawira (virtually), Cr Babe Kapa, Cr Penetaui Kleskovic, Cr Steve McNally, Cr Mate Radich, Cr Tāmati Rākena, Cr John Vujcich

IN ATTENDANCE: Adele Gardner (Te Hiku Community Board) Chicky Rudkin (Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board), Belinda Ward (Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Ward).

STAFF PRESENT: Janice Smith (Acting Chief Executive), Jill Coyle (Group Manager – People & Transformation), Jacine Warmington (Group Manager – Strategic Relationships), Ruben Garcia (Group Manager - Community & Engagement) , Kevin Johnson (Group Manager – Delivery and Operations), Andy Finch (Acting Group Manager – Corporate Services), Calvin Thomas (Manager – Northland Transport Alliance), Briar Corbett (Principal Advisor – Strategic Relationships), Llani Harding (Manager – Te Hono), Aisha Huriwai (Manager – Democracy Services), Carla Ditchfield (Manager – Legal Services) Nicola Griffin (Senior Communications & Engagement Advisor), Taniora Herewini (Pouawhina Manukura – (Executive Assistant) to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor), Marlema Baker (Democracy Advisor).

1            Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer

The meeting commenced with a mihi whakatau lead by Cr Kapa with Ngati Rehia during which the Kahika/Mayor Tepania declared the meeting open.

Kahika/Mayor Tepania and Acting CEO Janice Smith signed the Reo Rua Kerikeri Bilingual Memorandum of Understanding between the Far North District Council and Ngati Rehia representatives Nora Rameka and Kipa Munroe.

2            NGā WHAKAPāHA ME NGā PāNGA MEMA / Apologies and Declarations of Interest

No apologies or conflicts of interest declared.

The meeting adjourned for morning tea 10:40 am, resumed 11:04 am.


·         Opening welcome/mihimihi

·         Copies of the agenda are available on the FNDC website.

·         Introduction of Kaiwhakawhiti Reo/ Interpreter: Eli Smith

·         In the Māramataka Māori today is Mawharu

·         Due to a large agenda - 5 attachments were removed from the agenda prior to printing but are available for public viewing on the Far North District Council website. Elected Members also occasionally receive briefing papers which will be published in the same space.

-        Item 6.3 Attachment 2 – SH11 Paihia to Waitangi Shared Use Path Preliminary Design

-        Item 6.10 Attachment C – Kerikeri-BOI Speed Technical Report

-        Item 6.11 Appendix 2 – FNDC Service Review Report Final Draft V2

-        Item 6.12 Appendix C – Rural Environment Economic Analysis. and

-        Item 6.12 Attachment 3 – Kerikeri Water Supply Strategy Study June 2021



Item of Business Not on the Agenda Which Cannot Be Delayed

The Mayor Supplementary public excluded Item 8.7 Interim Chief Executive Officer Appointment distributed under separate cover


Announcements / Events

·         Background of Rating Database Information:

-        3-yearly process to update rateable valuations of properties

-        Apology issued for the miscalculation.

-        May impact your rates charges for the 2024 financial year

4            ngā tono kōrero / Deputation

·                 Linda Kaye – Representing Kohukohu Residents (virtual) regarding Kohukohu Streetlights. The Kohukohu Community Plan identifies heritage precincts and dark skies is a priority for Kohukohu. Seeking a directive that the newly replaced bright blue kelvin lights be removed from the Kohukohu heritage precinct and replaced with monochromatic dimmer lights, angled to illuminate the paths rather than the sky and looking for a resolution that the plan will be implemented.

·                 Murray McCully – Representing Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust.

Agenda Item 6.12 Kerikeri Water Sources – Options Review

Spoke to his presentation shared in the room.

5            Te Whakaaetanga o Ngā Meneti o Mua / Confirmation of Previous Minutes

5.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 5.1 document number A4195716, pages 6 - 15 refers

Resolution  2023/54

Moved:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Cr Tāmati Rākena

That Council confirms the minutes of the Council meeting held 4 May 2023 as a true and correct record.


6            Ngā Pūrongo / Reports

6.1         Community Board Minutes - May 2023

Agenda item 7.2 document number A4195704, pages 576 - 590 refers.

The Chairperson’s spoke to their respective minutes.

Resolution  2023/55

Moved:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Cr Mate Radich

That Council note the following Community Board minutes:

a)      9 May 2023 - Te Hiku Community Board

b)      10 May 2023 - Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board

c)      11 May 2023 - Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board


6.2         Annual Plan Deliberations - 2023/24

Agenda item 6.1 document number A4212105, pages 16 - 76 refers.


Moved:       Cr Steve McNally

Seconded:  Cr Mate Radich


a)         rates income remain at the same level as last year i.e. there will be no rate rise for 2023/24 financial year and that the Chief Executive reviews all available cost cutting measures available across opex to address any opex shortfalls.

b)          roading budgets be urgently updated to cover CAPEX and OPEX, including necessary information relating to contractual roading obligations, including the alteration to Government budgets relating to roading to ensure councils financial share is covered.

c)          Pensioner Housing, that no maintenance or improvements are made while Council progress options agreed in recent workshops, that divestment/tender process be completed before 1 December 2023.

The meeting adjourned at 11:37 am and reconvened at 11:49 am


Cr Foy moved that points 1, 2, 3 and 5 from the original recommendation be included in Cr McNally’s motion above and that each item be voted on individually and by division;

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Cr Penetaui Kleskovic

1.   Consultation items;

a.   Partnering with the Turner Centre to better deliver arts and culture for the district

i)          That Council accept the proposal to take over the ownership of the Turner Centre building.

ii)         That additional operating budgets of $71K are included in the annual plan for the

a)     Fixed cost grant

b)   Maintenance of the external fabric of the building

iii)         That Council repays the outstanding balance of the Westpac loan of circa $1.1M and ceases the guarantee and ongoing interest payments.

iv)        That staff develop an operating agreement in conjunction with the Turner Centre Board

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil


b.   Enabling housing development on Māori Freehold Land

i)    That Council adopt the policy R23/15 Enabling Housing Development on Māori Freehold Land as proposed.

ii)   Staff establish clear application guidelines.

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil

carried 11/0


c.   Amend Council rates remission policies to include R23/15

That Council approves amendment to current and future policies to include R23/15 Enabling housing development on Māori freehold land.

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil

carried 11/0

2.   Adopt Fees and Charges

a.   That Council amends the attached Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2023/24 to replace, cancel and amend partial fee types for Resource Consents, Building Consents, Compliance, and Cemeteries.

b.   That Council adopts the Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2023/24.

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Mate Radich and John Vujcich

Against:           Crs Ann Court and Steve McNally

Abstained:       Cr Tāmati Rākena

carried 8/2

3.   Additional capital programme requests

a. That Council approves the additional capital programme funding of            



Kohukohu Hall




In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Crs Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich and John Vujcich

Against:           Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira and Tāmati Rākena

carried 6/5


Maritime Lighting Meters





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil

carried 11/0


Opononi Boat Ramp Parking





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil

carried 11/0



Taipa Point Stormwater





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil

carried 11/0



Objects & Statues





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Crs Penetaui Kleskovic and Steve McNally

Abstained:       Cr Babe Kapa,

carried 8/2


Stormwater Reactive Renewals





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Cr Steve McNally,

carried 10/1



348a SH12 Omapere Stormwater





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil

carried 11/0



Sommerville Ave Kaitaia





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil

carried 11/0



Drainage Districts Resource consents





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Crs Steve McNally and Mate Radich

carried 9/2



Kerikeri Hone Heke Stage 2





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Cr McNally

carried 10/1



Russell WW Treatment Plant





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil

carried 11/0



Wastewater Reactive H&S





In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Mate Radich and John Vujcich

Against:           Crs Penetaui Kleskovic and Steve McNally

Abstained:       Cr Tāmati Rākena

carried 8/2


Water Reactive H&S




In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Cr Penetaui Kleskovic,

carried 10/1


b.   An additional $50k operational budget is required for professional fees to progress the stormwater resource consents capital project for the Te Hiku drainage district.

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Crs Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally and Mate Radich

Abstained:       Cr Babe Kapa

carried 7/3


c.   That Council approves to amend the 2023/24 capital programme with the projects totalling $19.7M that have been rescheduled from 2022/23.

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:          Cr Steve McNally,

carried 10/1


d.   The total capital programme for 2023/24 is $106.9M which excludes the additional requests.


In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Cr Steve McNally

Abstained:       Cr Mate Radich

carried 9/1


5.   Other issues

a.   That Council approves the reinstatement of $100k for Placemaking for the Te Hiku Community Board.

b.   That Council approves the role of Coordinator to Te Kuaka Committee of $87k and includes this sum in the operational budgets.

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Nil

Abstained:       Cr Penetaui Kleskovic

carried 10/0


Moved:       Cr Steve McNally

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

1.         Consultation items;

a.   Partnering with the Turner Centre to better deliver arts and culture for the district

i)          That Council accept the proposal to take over the ownership of the Turner Centre building.

ii)         That additional operating budgets of $71K are included in the annual plan for the

a)     Fixed cost grant

b)   Maintenance of the external fabric of the building

iii)         That Council repays the outstanding balance of the Westpac loan of circa $1.1M and ceases the guarantee and ongoing interest payments.

iv)        That staff develop an operating agreement in conjunction with the Turner Centre Board

b.   Enabling housing development on Māori Freehold Land

i)    That Council adopt the policy R23/15 Enabling Housing Development on Māori Freehold Land as proposed.

ii)   Staff establish clear application guidelines.

c.   Amend Council rates remission policies to include R23/15

That Council approves amendment to current and future policies to include R23/15 Enabling housing development on Māori freehold land.


2.         Adopt Fees and Charges

a.   That Council amends the attached Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2023/24 to replace, cancel and amend partial fee types for Resource Consents, Building Consents, Compliance, and Cemeteries.

b.   That Council adopts the Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2023/24.


3.         Additional capital programme requests

a.   That Council approves the additional capital programme funding of



Kohukohu Hall





Maritime Lighting Meters





Opononi Boat Ramp Parking





Taipa Point Stormwater





Objects & Statues





Stormwater reactive renewals





348a SH12 Omapere Stormwater





Sommerville Ave Kaitaia





Drainage Districts Resource consents





Kerikeri Hone Heke Stage 2





Russell WW Treatment Plant





Wastewater reactive H&S





Water reactive H&S





b.   An additional $50k operational budget is required for professional fees to progress the stormwater resource consents capital project for the Te Hiku drainage district.

c.   That Council approves to amend the 2023/24 capital programme with the projects totalling $19.7M that have been rescheduled from 2022/23.

d.   The total capital programme for 2023/24 is $106.9M which excludes the additional requests.


Moved:       Kōwhai - Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That Kohukohu Hall be reduced to $200,000.

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Crs Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally and Mate Radich.

carried 8/3


Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Cr Penetaui Kleskovic

4.         $400,000 for the Kaitaia Town Centre Development

In Favour:       Crs Felicity Foy, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich and John Vujcich

Against:           Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kowhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court and Hilda Halkyard-Harawira

Abstained:       Crs Babe Kapa and Tāmati Rākena

carried 5/4


5.         rates income remain at the same level as last year i.e. there will be no rate rise for 2023/24 financial year and that the CE reviews all available cost cutting measures available across opex to address any opex shortfalls.

In Favour:       Crs Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally and Mate Radich

Against:           Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kowhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford and Cr Ann Court

Abstained:       Crs Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

carried 6/3

6.         roading budgets be urgently updated to cover CAPEX and OPEX, including necessary information relating to contractual roading obligations, including the alteration to Government budgets relating to roading to ensure councils financial share is covered.

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

Against:           Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford and Cr Ann Court

Abstained:       Cr Babe Kapa

carried 8/2

7.         Pensioner Housing, that no maintenance or improvements are made while Council progress options agreed in recent workshops, that divestment/tender process be completed before 1 December 2023.

In Favour:       Crs Felicity Foy, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally and Mate Radich

Against:           Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa, Tāmati Rākena and John Vujcich

lost 4/7

The amendment became the substantive motion

Resolution  2023/56

Moved:       Cr Steve McNally

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

1.         Consultation items;

a.    Partnering with the Turner Centre to better deliver arts and culture for the district

i)       That Council accept the proposal to take over the ownership of the Turner Centre building.

ii)      That additional operating budgets of $71K are included in the annual plan for the

1.      Fixed cost grant

2.      Maintenance of the external fabric of the building

iii)    That Council repays the outstanding balance of the Westpac loan of circa $1.1M and ceases the guarantee and ongoing interest payments.

iv)    That staff develop an operating agreement in conjunction with the Turner Centre Board


b.    Enabling housing development on Māori Freehold Land

i)     That Council adopt the policy R23/15 Enabling Housing Development on Māori Freehold Land as proposed.

ii)   Staff establish clear application guidelines.


c.    Amend Council rates remission policies to include R23/15

That Council approves amendment to current and future policies to include R23/15 Enabling housing development on Māori freehold land.


2.         Adopt Fees and Charges

a.    That Council amends the attached Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2023/24 to replace, cancel and amend partial fee types for Resource Consents, Building Consents, Compliance, and Cemeteries.

b.    That Council adopts the Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2023/24.


3.         Additional capital programme requests

a.      That Council approves the additional capital programme funding of














Kohukohu Hall





Maritime Lighting Meters





Opononi Boat Ramp Parking





Taipa Point Stormwater





Objects & Statues





Stormwater reactive renewals





348a SH12 Omapere Stormwater





Sommerville Ave Kaitaia





Drainage Districts Resource consents





Kerikeri Hone Heke Stage 2





Russell WW Treatment Plant





Wastewater reactive H&S





Water reactive H&S





b.     An additional $50k operational budget is required for professional fees to progress the stormwater resource consents capital project for the Te Hiku drainage district.

c.      That Council approves to amend the 2023/24 capital programme with the projects totalling $19.7M that have been rescheduled from 2022/23.

d.     The total capital programme for 2023/24 is $106.9M which excludes the additional requests.


4.         $400,000 for the Kaitaia Town Centre Development


5.         Other issues

a.    That Council approves the reinstatement of $100k for Placemaking for the Te Hiku Community Board.

b.    That Council approves the role of Coordinator to Te Kuaka Committee of $87k and includes this sum in the operational budgets.


6.         rates income remain at the same level as last year i.e. there will be no rate rise for 2023/24 financial year and that the CE reviews all available cost cutting measures available across opex to address any opex shortfalls.

Revoked at a later stage during the meeting under S/O 23.5


7.         roading budgets be urgently updated to cover CAPEX and OPEX, including necessary information relating to contractual roading obligations, including the alteration to Government budgets relating to roading to ensure councils financial share is covered.


8.         Pensioner Housing, that no maintenance or improvements are made while Council progress options agreed in recent workshops, that divestment/tender process be completed before 1 December 2023.


In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kowhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Felicity Foy, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Mate Radich and John Vujcich

Against:           Crs Ann Court and Hilda Halkyard-Harawira

Abstained:       Crs Babe Kapa and Tāmati Rākena



The meeting adjourned at 11:37 am and Cr Radich left the meeting at 11:37 am – the meeting resumed at 1:50 pm.


Revocation or alteration by resolution at the same meeting


Moved:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford

That Council, under Standing Orders 23.5, revoke point 6 of substantive motion in item 6.2. above:

“rates income remain at the same level as last year i.e. there will be no rate rise for 2023/24 financial year and that the CE reviews all available cost cutting measures available across OPEX to address any OPEX shortfalls.”



Moved:       Cr Penetaui Kleskovic

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That Council increase that total rate by 5.44% for the 2023/24.

In Favour:       Crs Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Penetaui Kleskovic and John Vujcich

Against:           Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Crs Ann Court, Babe Kapa, Steve McNally and Tāmati Rākena

Abstained:       Kowhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford

lost 4/5

Resolution  2023/57

Moved:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford

That Council, under Standing Orders 23.5, revoke point 6 of the substantive motion in item 6.2 above:

rates income remain at the same level as last year i.e. there will be no rate rise for 2023/24 financial year and that the CE reviews all available cost cutting measures available across OPEX to address any OPEX shortfalls.

In Favour:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Kowhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Babe Kapa and Tāmati Rākena

Against:           Crs Felicity Foy, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally and John Vujcich




6.3     District-Wide Rating For Water Supply And Wastewater Proposal Deliberations.

Agenda item 6.2 document number A4220108, pages 76 - 250 refers


Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Cr Babe Kapa

That Council:

a)         adopts the proposal to change to a ward-wide targeted rate for water supply and wastewater services.

b)         amends its Revenue & Financing Policy to include the change for implementation 1 July 2023.

c)          all operational and depreciation transactions be recorded against each water scheme.



Moved:       Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford

Seconded:  Cr Ann Court

That Council:

a)      adopts the proposal to change to a district-wide targeted rate for water supply and wastewater services

b)      amends its Revenue & Financing Policy to include the change for implementation 1 July 2023.


In Favour:       Kowhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Crs Ann Court, Felicity Foy, Babe Kapa and Tāmati Rākena

Against:           Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania, Crs Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally and John Vujcich

equal - lost


6.4        New Lease to FENZ - 3985 State Highway 1, Northern Aupouri, Pukenui

Agenda item 6.4 document number A4184196, pages 257 - 262 refers

Resolution  2023/58

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

That Council:

a.   approves a new ground lease to be issued to Fire & Emergency New Zealand over 3985 State Highway 1, Northern Aupouri, Pukenui, being Lot 1 DP 90633

The terms of the proposed lease shall be:

a.   Term: 30 (15+15) years.

b.   Rental: $113 + GST for 2022/2023 and reviewed annually in conjunction with the FNDC Fees and Charges Schedule.

b.   approves further conditions to be negotiated and agreed upon by the Group Manager Delivery and Operations and Fire and Emergency New Zealand

c.   approves transferring ownership of buildings and improvements to Fire & Emergency New Zealand for $1.00.

Against:           Cr Felicity Foy



6.5        New Lease to FENZ - 1089 Broadwood Road, Broadwood

Agenda item 6.5 document number A4184182, pages 263 - 270 refers

Resolution  2023/59

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

That Council:

a)         approves a new ground lease under the Reserves Act 1977 to be issued to Fire & Emergency New Zealand over 1089 Broadwood Road, Broadwood, Local Purpose (community buildings) Reserve, being Lot 11 DP 38726,

The terms of the proposed lease shall be:

a.   Term: 30 (15+15) years.

b.   Rental: $113 plus GST for 2022/2023 and reviewed annually in conjunction with the FNDC Fees and Charges Schedule.

b)        approves further conditions to be negotiated and agreed upon by the Group Manager Delivery and Operations and Fire and Emergency New Zealand

c)      approves transferring ownership of buildings and improvements to Fire & Emergency New Zealand for $1.00.

Against:           Cr Felicity Foy



6.6         New Lease to FENZ - 699 Rangiputa Road, Karikari Peninsula

Agenda item 6.6 document number A4184282, pages 271 - 280 refers

Resolution  2023/60

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

That Council:

a.   approves a new ground lease under the Reserves Act 1977 to be issued to Fire & Emergency New Zealand over 699 Rangiputa Road, Karikari, 1600 square meters more or less, subject to survey of the land, being part of section 19 BLK 11 Rangaunu SD being 13.8225 hectares and vested in Far North District Council as Recreation Reserve.

The terms of the proposed lease shall be:

a.   Term: 30 (15+15) years.

b.   Rental: $113 plus GST for 2022/23 and reviewed annually in conjunction with the FNDC Fees and Charges Schedule.

b.   approves the change of classification of the (sqm 1600) of land at 699 Rangiputa Road, Karikari, subject to the lease as Local Purpose (community building) Reserve, with the balance remaining as Recreation Reserve under the Reserves Act 1997.

c.   approves further conditions to be negotiated and agreed upon by the Group Manager Delivery and Operations and Fire and Emergency New Zealand

d.   approves transferring ownership of buildings and improvements to Fire & Emergency New Zealand for $1.00.

Against:           Cr Felicity Foy



6.7         New Lease to FENZ - 721 Taupo Bay Road

Agenda item 6.7 document number A4184976, pages 281 - 284 refers

Resolution  2023/61

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

That Council:

a)   approves a new ground lease to be issued to Fire & Emergency New Zealand over 721 Taupo Bay Road, Mangonui, being Lot 1 DP 200100.

The terms of the proposed lease shall be:

a.   Term: 30 (15+15) years.

b.   Rental: $113 plus GAT for 2022/23 and reviewed annually in conjunction with the FNDC Fees and Charges Schedule.

b)  approves further conditions to be negotiated and agreed upon by the Group Manager Delivery and Operations and Fire and Emergency New Zealand.

c)   approves transferring ownership of buildings and improvements to fire & Emergency New Zealand for $1.00.

Against:           Cr Felicity Foy



6.8         Kaitaia Saturday Market - Licence to Occupy

Agenda item 6.8 document number A4184708, pages 285 - 287 refers

Resolution  2023/62

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Kōwhai/Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford

That Council;

a)   approve the Licence to Occupy to be issued to Shirley Williams for the Melba Avenue Carpark, Lot 3 DP 179628 NA110D/257 for a 12-month term with a Right to Renew, and

b)   any subsequent markets held be charged at the daily fee as an additional charge.



6.9         Kerikeri Water Source - Options Review

Agenda item 6.12 document number A4214365, pages 506 - 515 refers


Moved:       Cr Ann Court

Seconded:  Cr Penetaui Kleskovic

That Council:

a)       indicate to the Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust its support for the proposal with the economic and social benefits it will potentially bring to the District, however, are declining the opportunity to invest based on both timing and priority of spend considerations; and

b)       request that the investigative work for water source options identified in the Kerikeri Water Supply Strategy study be prioritised for 2023/2024

Resolution  2023/63

Moved:       Cr Ann Court

Seconded:  Cr Penetaui Kleskovic

That Council

a)         indicate to the Te Tai Tokerau Trust Water Trust its conditional approval to invest with the purchase of 200 shares in the planned Otawere Domain Reservoir and appropriate watermain infrastructure. This would be subject to Council being able to obtain the necessary approvals for this purchase from the Department of Internal Affairs under the Affordable Waters regime and the negotiation of satisfactory commercial terms that protect Council's borrowing position.

b)         determine the best option out of the suggested solutions including consent/design/build costs

c)         request that the investigative work for water source options identified in the Kerikeri Water Supply Strategy Study be prioritised for 2023/2024.




6.10       Standing Orders 4.2 Meeting Duration

Resolution  2023/64

Moved:       Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Council resolve to continue the meeting beyond the six hour timeframe.



7            te wāhanga tūmataiti / Public Excluded


Resolution  2023/65

Moved:       Kahika - Mayor Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

8.1 - Approval for FNHL to borrow via LGFA

s7(2)(g) - the withholding of the information is necessary to maintain legal professional privilege

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

8.2 - All of Government Electricity Providers

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

8.3 - Rating Sale endorsement Te Hiku

s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

8.4 - Increase In Total Contract Value - FNDC Contract 7/22/159 – EW Slip - Fairburn Rd - (PW)

s7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

8.5- Increase In Total Contract Value - FNDC Contract 7/22/100 - Raised Traffic Facilities 2021/24 (PW)

s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

8.6 Appointment of Interim Chief Executive Officer (under separate cover)

s7(2)(h) the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7


And that Council allow the Community Board Chairs Adele Gardner, Chicky Rudkin and Belinda Ward to remain in the public excluded part of the meeting.



              Confirmation of decisions to be released in public

Resolution  2023/61

Moved:    Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania

Seconded:      Cr John Vujcich

That Council confirms the decisions contained in the part of the meeting held with public excluded be restated in public meeting with figures redacted as follows:

            8.1 - Approval for FNHL to borrow via LGFA

            8.2 - All of Government Electricity Providers

            8.4 - Increase In Total Contract Value - FNDC Contract 7/22/159 – EW Slip - Fairburn Rd - (PW)

            8.5 - Increase In Total Contract Value - FNDC Contract 7/22/100 - Raised Traffic Facilities 2021/24 (PW)


9            Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer

Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania closed the meeting with a karakia.

10          Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 4:56 pm.

The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 29 June 2023.

