10 November 2022 |
OF Far North District Council
Ordinary Council
Chamber, Memorial Ave, Kaikohe
ON Thursday, 10
November 2022 AT 10:02 am
PRESENT: Mayor Moko Tepania, Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Cr Ann Court, Cr Felicity Foy, Cr Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Cr Babe Kapa, Cr Penetaui Kleskovic (Virtually), Cr Steve McNally, Cr Mate Radich, Cr Tāmati Rākena, Cr John Vujcich
IN ATTENDANCE: Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Chairperson Belinda Ward, Te Hiku Community Board Chairperson Adele Gardner, Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board Chairperson Chicky Rudkin
STAFF PRESENT: Blair King (Chief Executive Officer), Andy Finch (General Manager Infrastructure & Asset Management), Janice Smith (Acting General Manager Corporate Services), Jacine Warmington (Acting General Manager District Services), Roger Ackers (Acting General Manager Strategic Planning & Policy), Aisha Huriwai (Democracy Services Team Leader), Rhonda-May Whiu (Democracy Advisor)
1 Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer
Kahika/Mayor Moko Tepania commenced the meeting with a karakia.
2 NGā WHAKAPāHA ME NGā PāNGA MEMA / Apologies and Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 ngā tono kōrero / Deputation
There were no deputations scheduled for this meeting.
· Congratulated Te Hiku o te Ika Revitalisation Open Spaces Project on the winning of their recent Awards. Councillor Felicity Foy and Chairperson Adele Gardner spoke on this matter.
· Christmas Events and Parades reminder for Paihia and Kaikohe on the 2nd of December, Kaitaia Kerikeri and Moerewa on the 3rd of December, and Kawakawa on the 4th of December.
· Submissions deadline reminder for the Parking bylaw on the 16th of November, Speed limit Review on the 5th of December.
5 Reports
5.1 Making and Attesting of Declarations Agenda item 6.1 document number A3956338, pages 12 - 13 refers. |
Mayor Moko Tepania witnessed the declarations for; · Councillor Hilda Halkyard-Harawira · Councillor Mate Radich |
6 Confirmation of Previous Minutes
6.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes Agenda item 5.1 document number A3914984, pages 6 - 7 refers |
Resolution 2022/80 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford a) That Council confirms the minutes of the 27 October meeting as a true and correct record. b) That Council appoint Cr Foy as a member of Te Hiku Community Board. |
Agenda item 6.2 document number A3956985, pages 14 - 15 refers. |
Resolution 2022/81 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford That Council adopt the following change to the Far North District Council Standing Orders. 18.3 The Mayor, Chairperson or any other person presiding at a meeting has a deliberative vote and, in the case of an equality of votes, does not have a casting vote. Against: Crs Ann Court and Felicity Foy Abstained: Mayor Moko Tepania |
7.2 Pipeline Easement over Local Purpose (road) Reserve Agenda item 6.3 document number A3923372, pages 16 - 19 refers. |
Resolution 2022/82 Moved: Cr Mate Radich Seconded: Cr Ann Court a) That Far North District Council in its role as the administering body of the Local Purpose (road) Reserve, Lot 8 DP 84384, Title NA40D/677, and pursuant to its powers under section 48(1)(f) Reserves Act 1977 consents to the granting of a pipeline easement (shown as D on LT 560603) over the local purpose reserve subject to meeting Reserves Act requirements and subject to there being no cost to Council. b) And that Council, in its role as the Minister of Conservation’s delegate, and pursuant to the Minister’s powers under section 48 of the Reserves Act 1977, consents to the granting of the proposed pipeline easement. |
8.1 Community Board Updates November 2022 Agenda item 7.1 document number A3956831, pages 21 - 30 refers. |
Resolution 2022/83 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Cr Felicity Foy That Council note the following Community Board minutes: a) 20 October 2022 - Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board b) 20 October 2022 - Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board c) 20 October 2022 - Te Hiku Community Board |
9 Reports
9.1 Establishment and membership of an Executive Review Committee for 2022-2025 Supplementary agenda item 6.4 document number A3969429, pages 4 - 7 refers. |
Resolution 2022/84 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Cr Hilda Halkyard-Harawira That Council establish an Executive Review Committee and appoint the following members: a) Mayor Tepania, Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, Ann Court, Babe Kapa, Felicity Foy, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira; John Vujcich, Mate Radich, Penetaui Kleskovic, Steve McNally, Tāmati Rākena. b) And that Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford is appointed as Chairperson and Mayor Moko Tepania as Deputy Chairperson. Against: Cr Ann Court Abstained: Cr Felicity Foy |
10 te wāhanga tūmataiti / Public Excluded
Resolution 2022/85 Moved: Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford Seconded: Cr Mate Radich That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. And that Adele Gardner, Belinda Ward and Chicky Rudkin remain as Community Board Chairperson’s The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
At the conclusion of the public excluded session Council confirmed the
information and decisions contained in the part of the meeting held with public
excluded be restated in public meeting as follows:
That Council:
a) Approves that the public consultation process, under Reserves Act, is commenced on the granting of a 15-year (5+5+5) ground lease to Okaihau Whanau House over approximately 780 square metres of Pt Lot 1 DP 24206, being part Record of Title NA618/108, vested in Far North District Council as recreation reserve and located at 3 Michie Street, Okaihau.
b) Approves that the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board is appointed to hear any submissions received in response to the consultation process and to then make recommendations to the Council in respect of granting the proposed lease.
11 Karakia Whakamutunga / Closing Prayer
Mayor Moko Tepania closed the meeting with a karakia.
12 Meeting Close
The meeting closed at 11:29 am
The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 15 December 2022.