Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee Meeting Minutes - Unconfirmed

8 August 2022


   MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee Meeting
Conference Room - Te Ahu, Cnr State Highway 1 and Mathews Avenue, Kaitaia ON Monday, 8 August 2022 AT 1:20 pm


PRESENT:              Chairperson Fiona King, Member Fred Petricevich, Member Joe Milich, Member Dean Radojkovich, Member Darren Axe


STAFF PRESENT: Glenn Rainham (Manager – Infrastructure Operations), Richard Jenkins (Ventia), James Ross (3 Waters Engineer), Marlema Baker (Democracy Advisor)


1            Karakia timatanga / opening prayer

Chair Fiona King opened the meeting.

2            Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest


Resolution  2022/5

Moved:       Chairperson Fiona King

Seconded:  Member Dean Radojkovich

That the apology received from Member Adrienne Bartlett and Aaron Bainbridge be accepted and leave of absence granted.


3            Ngā kaikōrero / Speakers

There were no speakers for this meeting.

4            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

4.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 4.1 document number A3803967, pages 6 - 10 refers

Resolution  2022/6

Moved:       Member Dean Radojkovich

Seconded:  Member Fred Petricevich

That the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Waiharara, and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee held 21 March 2022 are a true and correct record with the following amendment;

·           3.2 b) Recommend a reserve balance of $5,000 for Waiharara Drainage and $5,000 for Kaikino Drainage be held for unplanned works should it be required, and that this be referred to Te Hiku Community Board for approval.



·           That an Action Sheet Update Report be included in future agendas with updates to be populated by Glenn / James Ross.

·           Richard Jenkins gave a verbal update on Honeytree Farm (item 2.1 matters arising - bullet point 1 refers).

·           4.3 NRC and FNDC resource consents and processes to add, change or alter drains connecting to FNDC county drains – update requested. Action point: Glenn will send the FNDC's process to get the drains consented under our bylaw, to the drainage committee Chair. Glenn to follow up.

·           Chair Fiona King requests that Kaitaia Drainage Committee members receive a copy of the Drainage Financial Reports when they are completed.

5            Reports

5.1         Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area 2021/2022 Programme Update

Agenda item 5.1 document number A3814706, pages 11 - 16 refers

Resolution  2022/7

Moved:       Chairperson Fiona King

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas Committee:

a)      note and review the 2021/2022 work programme.

b)     recommend the reviewed 2021/2022 work programme to the Te Hiku Community Board for information.

c)      recommend that the Te Hiku Community Board request a report from the Council Rates Staff and a workshop with Council Rates staff regarding the rating of the drainage areas, the boundaries and classifications.



5.2         Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas 2022/2023 Programme

Agenda item 5.2 document number A3814697, pages 17 - 20 refers

Resolution  2022/8

Moved:       Member Fred Petricevich

Seconded:  Member Dean Radojkovich

That the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas Committee recommends that the Te Hiku Community Board;

a)      approve the Spraying Works Programme as per the report and, subject to available funds, the inclusion of machine cleaning for the Hobson Extension Drain.

b)     approve one spray in February/March for Kaikino.


6            karakia whakamutunga / closing prayer

Chair Fiona King closed the meeting

7            tE kAPINGA hUI / Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 2:56 pm.


The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee Meeting held on  .

