Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting Minutes

7 July 2022


Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting
Thursday, 7 July 2022 AT 10:00 am


PRESENT:              Chairperson Belinda Ward, Member Lane Ayr, Member Bruce Mills, Member Frank Owen, Member Manuwai Wells, Member Dave Hookway-Kopa, Member Rachel Smith

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor David Clendon

STAFF PRESENT: Joshna Panday, Rhonda-May Whiu, Kathryn Trewin


1            Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer

Chair Belinda Ward opened the meeting with a karakia.

2            NGā WHAKAPāHA ME NGā PāNGA MEMA / Apologies and conflicts of Interest

No conflicts of interest were noted. Refer to the end of the mintues for apologies.

3            Te wāhanga tūmatanui / Public Forum

There were no public forum speakers

4            Ngā Tono KŌrero / Deputations

There were no deputations

5            ngā kaikōrero / Speakers

Jaime Pavlicevic from Kerikeri Gymnastics Club spoke regarding item 7.4b funding application

Russell Shaw and Tracy Wakeford from Kerikeri Rifle and Pistol Club spoke regarding item 7.4c funding application

Charles Parker and Hellen McNeil from Bay of Islands Yacht Club spoke regarding item 7.4d funding application

Lorraine Goulton from Whangaroa County Museum and Archives spoke regarding item 7.4f funding application

Teresa Wakelin for Kerikeri Theatre Company spoke regarding item 7.4e funding application

6            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

6.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 6.1 document number A3538442, pages 10 - 21 refers

Resolution  2022/47

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board confirm the minutes of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board meeting held 2 June 2022 are a true and correct record.

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Nil

Abstained:       Rachel Smith



7            Reports

7.1         Chairperson and Members Reports

Agenda item 7.1 document number A3702463, pages 22 - 28 refers

Resolution  2022/48

Moved:       Member Frank Owen

Seconded:  Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board note the reports from Chairperson Belinda Ward, Deputy Chair Frank Owen, and member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell.

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Nil

Abstained:       Rachel Smith




7.3         Project Funding Reports

Agenda item 7.3 document number A3760774, pages 49 - 67 refers

Resolution  2022/49

Moved:       Member Dave Hookway-Kopa

Seconded:  Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board note the project report received from:

a)      Kerikeri Gymnastics Club

b)      Kerikeri Paddlers

c)      Youthline

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen and Manuwai Wells

Against:           Nil

Abstained:       Dave Hookway-Kopa (Dissatisfied with the level of details provided by the Kerikeri Gymnastics Club) and Rachel Smith




7.2         Road Naming - 405 Kerikeri Inlet Road, Kerikeri

Agenda item 7.2 document number A3713060, pages 29 - 48 refers


Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board, pursuant to Council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy #2125, name a private right-of-way (ROW), Egret Way that is currently addressed at 405 Kerikeri Inlet Road, Kerikeri as per map (A3640647).


Moved:       Member Dave Hookway-Kopa

Seconded:  Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board, refers the application for the private right-of-way road naming back to staff for further consultation with Manawhenua.

In Favour:       Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills and Frank Owen

Abstained:       Rachel Smith

lost 2/4


Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board, pursuant to Council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy #2125, name a private right-of-way (ROW), Egret Way that is currently addressed at 405 Kerikeri Inlet Road, Kerikeri as per map (A3640647).

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills and Frank Owen

Against:           Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa (Concerns over the report and options presented)

Abstained:       Rachel Smith


The original motion became the substantive motion.

Resolution  2022/50

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board, pursuant to Council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy #2125, name a private right-of-way (ROW), Egret Way that is currently addressed at 405 Kerikeri Inlet Road, Kerikeri as per map (A3640647.

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills and Frank Owen

Against:           Dave Hookway-Kopa (Concerns over the report and options presented)

Abstained:       Manuwai Wells and Rachel Smith



Meeting adjourned at 11:55 am and resumed at 12:05 pm

At 12:17 pm, Member Rachel Smith left the meeting.

7.4         Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.4 document number A3760765, pages 68 - 118 refers

Resolution  2022/51

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board;

a)      approves the sum of $17,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Bay of Islands Animal Rescue for costs towards 2022/23 animal desexing programme 2022 to meet the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii)      Proud, vibrant communities

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Nil


Resolution  2022/52

Moved:       Member Lane Ayr

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board;

b)   approves the sum of $12,500 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s  Community Fund account to Kerikeri Gymnastics Club for costs towards purchasing a van to transport children to gymnastics to meet the following Community Outcomes:

i) Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii) Proud, vibrant communities

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen and Manuwai Wells

Against:           Dave Hookway-Kopa


Resolution  2022/53

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board;


c)   approves the sum of $10,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kerikeri Rifle and Pistol Club for costs towards construction of a shelter to meet the following Community Outcomes:

i) Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii) Proud, vibrant communities


In Favour:       Belinda Ward

Against:           Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

lost 1/5


Resolution  2022/54

Moved:       Member Lane Ayr

Seconded:  Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board;

d)   approves the sum of $3,235 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Bay of Islands Yacht Club for costs towards CCTV to link in to the Paihia system to meet the following Community Outcomes:

i) Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii) Proud, vibrant communities

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen and Manuwai Wells

Against:           Dave Hookway-Kopa


Resolution  2022/55

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Dave Hookway-Kopa

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board;

e)   approves the sum of $8,536 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kerikeri Theatre Company for costs towards Blackadder Stage Show to meet the following Community Outcomes:

i) Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii) Proud, vibrant communities

In Favour:       Belinda Ward

Against:           Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Abstained:       Lane Ayr

lost 1/4

Resolution  2022/56

Moved:       Member Bruce Mills

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board;

f)   approves the sum of $4,500 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Whangaroa County Museum and Archives for annual operating costs to meet the following Community Outcomes:

 i) Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii) Proud, vibrant communities

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills and Frank Owen

Against:           Dave Hookway-Kopa

Abstained:       Manuwai Wells



8            Information Reports

8.1         Funding Granted by the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board 2016-2022 Financial Years

Agenda item 8.1 document number A3760510, pages 119 - 123 refers


Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive the report Funding Granted by the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board 2016-2022 Financial Years.


Moved:       Member Manuwai Wells

Seconded:  Member Dave Hookway-Kopa

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board leaves the report Funding Granted by the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board 2016-2022 Financial Years to lie on the table pending the inclusion of the additional information provided by Staff.

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Nil



The amendment became the substantive motion.

Resolution  2022/57

Moved:       Member Lane Ayr

Seconded:  Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board leaves the report Funding Granted by the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board 2016-2022 Financial Years to lie on the table pending the inclusion of the additional information provided by Staff.

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Nil



8.2         Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Action Sheet Update July 2022

Agenda item 8.2 document number A3702474, pages 124 - 130 refers


Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive the report Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Action Sheet Update July 2022.


Moved:       Member Bruce Mills

Seconded:  Chairperson Belinda Ward

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive the report Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Action Sheet Update July 2022 and includes the following RFS 4070342 onto the next Action Sheet Update:

-       That the overflow carpark, south of the Whangaroa Fishing Club (green area) to be metaled or surfaced appropriately as an all-weather site. Member Mills to liaise with the CEO.

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Nil


The amendment became the substantive motion.

Resolution  2022/58

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive the report Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Action Sheet Update July 2022 and includes the following RFS 4070342 onto the next Action Sheet Update:

-       That the overflow carpark, south of the Whangaroa Fishing Club (green area) to be metaled or surfaced appropriately as an all-weather site. Member Mills to liaise with the CEO.

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Nil




Resolution  2022/59

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the apology received from Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell, be accepted and leave of absence granted.

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Nil




9            Resolution to exclude the public

Resolution  2022/60

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

9.1 - Confirmation of Previous Minutes - Public Excluded

s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7


In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Lane Ayr, Bruce Mills, Frank Owen, Manuwai Wells and Dave Hookway-Kopa

Against:           Nil



10          tE kAPINGA hUI / Meeting Close

The meeting ended with a karakia by Member Dave Hookway-Kopa and closed at 13:42pm.


The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting held on 4 August 2022.

