15 February 2022 |
Te Hiku Community
Board Meeting
HELD AT THE Virtually
via Microsoft Teams
ON Tuesday, 15
February 2022 AT 10:03 am
PRESENT: Chairperson Adele Gardner, Member Jaqi Brown, Member Darren Axe, Member Sheryl Bainbridge, Member John Stewart, Member William (Bill) Subritzky, Member Felicity Foy.
IN ATTENDANCE: Shaun Clarke (Chief Executive).
1 Karakia Timatanga / Opening Prayer
Chair Adele Gardner commenced the meeting and Member Jaqi Brown opened with a karakia.
2 NGā WHAKAPāHA ME NGā PāNGA MEMA / Apologies and conflicts of Interest
· Member John Stewart declared a conflict regarding item 7.2 Funding Applications.
· Member Felicity Foy arrived at 10:07 am.
3 Te wāhanga tūmatanui / Public Forum
· Manuera Riwai – requested Community Board support for an extension of the Tangonge Park lease.
· Julie Gordon – requests the Community Board include a footpath at Waterfront Road Pukenui.
4 Ngā Tono KŌrero / Deputations
· Mark Osbourne – Mangonui Waterfront development.
There were no speakers.
6 Confirmation of Previous Minutes
6.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes Agenda item 6.1 document number A3538546, pages 12 - 18 refers. |
Resolution 2022/1 Moved: Chairperson Adele Gardner Seconded: Member Darren Axe That Te Hiku Community Board agrees that the minutes of the meeting held 7 December 2021 be confirmed as a true and correct record with the following amendment. · Kaitaia Carparks – removal of 1 carpark outside Riders Sports Store and 1 from Gecko Café In Favour: Adele Gardner, Jaqi Brown, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Nil |
7.1 Chairperson and Members Reports Agenda item 7.1 document number A3573843, pages 19 - 28 refers. |
Resolution 2022/2 Moved: Chairperson Adele Gardner Seconded: Member William (Bill) Subritzky That the Te Hiku Community Board note the reports from Chairperson Adele Gardner, Deputy Chairperson Jaqi Brown and Members Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart and Bill Subritzky. In Favour: Adele Gardner, Jaqi Brown, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Nil |
Agenda item 7.2 document number A3535883, pages 29 - 38 refers. |
Moved: Member Darren Axe Seconded: Member William (Bill) Subritzky That Te Hiku Community Board approves the sum of $2,391 (plus GST in applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaitaia and Districts A&P Association for costs to printing of the outdoor/indoor booklets and purchase of the ribbons for the 2022 Kaitaia A&P show, to support the following community Outcomes: i) Proud, vibrant communities Moved: Chairperson Adele Gardner Seconded: Member Darren Axe That Te Hiku Community Board approves the sum of $500.00 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaitaia and Districts A&P Association for costs to support the 2022 Kaitaia A&P show should it go ahead, to support the following community Outcomes: i) Proud, vibrant communities In Favour: Crs Adele Gardner, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Cr Jaqi Brown Abstained: Cr John Stewart carried The amendment became the substantive motion.
Resolution 2022/3 Moved: Chairperson Adele Gardner Seconded: Member Darren Axe That Te Hiku Community Board approves the sum of $500.00 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaitaia and Districts A&P Association for costs to support the 2022 Kaitaia A&P show should it go ahead, to support the following community Outcomes: ii) Proud, vibrant communities In Favour: Adele Gardner, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Jaqi Brown Abstained: John Stewart Member Stewart declared a conflict of interest, as he provided a quote for this application. |
Agenda item 7.3 document number A3567947, pages 39 - 43 refers. |
Resolution 2022/4 Moved: Member Jaqi Brown Seconded: Member William (Bill) Subritzky That Te Hiku Community Board note the project reports received from Northland Area Floral Art Society. In Favour: Adele Gardner, Jaqi Brown, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Nil |
7.4 Te Hiku Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 31 December 2021 Agenda item 7.4 document number A3569988, pages 44 - 47 refers. |
Resolution 2022/5 Moved: Chairperson Adele Gardner Seconded: Member Darren Axe That the Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Te Hiku Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 31 December 2021. In Favour: Adele Gardner, Jaqi Brown, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Nil |
8.1 Te Hiku Statement of Financial Performance Activities by Ward for the period ending 31 December 2021 Agenda item 8.1 document number A3570023, pages 48 - 50 refers. |
Resolution 2022/6 Moved: Member William (Bill) Subritzky Seconded: Member Darren Axe That the Te Hiku Community Board receives the report Te Hiku Statement of Financial Performance Activities by Ward for the period ending 31 December 2021. In Favour: Adele Gardner, Jaqi Brown, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Nil |
8.2 Community and Customer Services Activities - 6 Monthly Report Agenda item 8.2 document number A3568576, pages 51 - 59 refers. |
Resolution 2022/7 Moved: Chairperson Adele Gardner Seconded: Member Jaqi Brown That the Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Community and Customer Services Activities - 6 Monthly Report. In Favour: Adele Gardner, Jaqi Brown, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Nil |
8.3 Te Hiku Community Board Action Sheet Update January 2022 Agenda item 8.3 document number A3564934, pages 60 - 63 refers. |
Resolution 2022/8 Moved: Member Jaqi Brown Seconded: Member William (Bill) Subritzky That the Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Te Hiku Community Board Action Sheet Report Update January 2022. In Favour: Adele Gardner, Jaqi Brown, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Nil |
Resolution 2022/9 Moved: Chairperson Adele Gardner Seconded: Member Darren Axe That the Te Hiku Community Board request a report from District Services regarding the status of the existing lease for Tangonge Reserve, formerly the Kaitaia soccer field. In Favour: Adele Gardner, Jaqi Brown, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Nil |
Resolution 2022/10 Moved: Member Sheryl Bainbridge Seconded: Chairperson Adele Gardner That the Te Hiku Community Board support, in principle, the expanded scope for the Mangonui Wharf as presented to the Board by Mark Osbourne. In Favour: Adele Gardner, Jaqi Brown, Darren Axe, Sheryl Bainbridge, John Stewart, William (Bill) Subritzky and Felicity Foy Against: Nil |
The meeting was closed with a karakia.
9 tE kAPINGA hUI / Meeting Close
The meeting closed at 12:04 pm.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Te Hiku Community Board Meeting held on 29 March 2022.