Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

19 October 2021


   MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting
held virtually via Microsoft TEAMs
Tuesday, 19 October 2021 AT 1.00 pm


PRESENT:              Cr Rachel Smith (Chairperson), Cr David Clendon (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor John Carter (HWTM), Deputy Mayor Ann Court, Cr Dave Collard, Cr Felicity Foy, Cr Kelly Stratford, Cr Moko Tepania, Cr John Vujcich, Member Belinda Ward

IN ATTENDANCE: Shaun Clarke (Chief Executive Officer), William J Taylor, MBE (General Manager Corporate Services), Dean Myburgh (General Manager District Services), Andy Finch (General Manager Infrastructure and Asset Management), Darren Edwards (General Manager Strategic Planning and Policy)

1            Karakia TimatAnga – Opening Prayer

Cr Rachel Smith commenced the meeting and opened with a karakia.

2            Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest

2.1         Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Resolution  2021/34

Moved:       Cr Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr Kelly Stratford

That there are no apologies or declarations if interest.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil


3            Ngā Tono Kōrero / Deputation

•             Rod Brown (1:05 pm) Slideshow presentation provided

•             Annika Dickie (1:15 pm)  - Slideshow presentation provided

•             Jane Johnston (1:25 pm)

•             Jackie Edwards-Bruce (1:35 pm) – Slideshow presentation provided

4            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

4.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 4.1 document number A3052749, pages 16 - 31 refers.

Resolution  2021/35

Moved:       Chair Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr Kelly Stratford

That the Strategy and Policy Committee agrees that the minutes of the meeting held 7 September 2021 be confirmed as a true and correct record.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil


5            Reports

5.1         Adoption of Far North 2100

Agenda item 5.1 document number A3377402, pages 32 – 57 refers.

Resolution  2021/36

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Ann Court

Seconded:  Cr Kelly Stratford

That the Strategy and Policy Committee recommend to Council the adoption of Far North 2100 Strategy.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Crs David Clendon, Dave Collard and Felicity Foy



5.2         Roading Policies Review

Agenda item 5.2 document number A3379712, pages 58 - 99 refers


Moved:       Deputy Mayor Ann Court

Seconded:  Mayor John Carter

That the Strategy and Policy Committee recommend that Council:

a)     agree, the Road Speed Limits Policy continue without amendment.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil

carried 10/0

b)     agree, the Community Initiated Infrastructure – Roading Contributions Policy, and the Limits of Council Responsibility for Formation / Maintenance of Roads Policy be continued with amendment.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil

carried 10/0

c)      agree, the Dust Management Policy, Private Roads and Rights of Way Policy, Road Maintenance Policy, and Road Mirrors – Private Crossings Policy be revoked.


Moved:       Cr Kelly Stratford

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

b)    agree, the Community Initiated Infrastructure – Roading Contributions Policy, and the Limits of Council Responsibility for Formation / Maintenance of Roads Policy, Dust Management Policy, and the Private Roads and Right of Ways Policy be continued with amendment;

c)    agree, the Road Maintenance Policy and Road Mirrors – Private Crossings Policy be revoked.


In Favour:   Crs David Clendon, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania and John Vujcich

Against:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, Dave Collard and Member   Belinda Ward


Resolution  2021/37

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Ann Court

Seconded:  Mayor John Carter

That the Strategy and Policy Committee recommend that Council:

a)         agree, the Road Speed Limits Policy continue without amendment.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil

carried 10/0

b)        agree, the Community Initiated Infrastructure – Roading Contributions Policy, and the Limits of Council Responsibility for Formation / Maintenance of Roads Policy be continued with amendment.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil

carried 10/0

c)         agree, the Dust Management Policy, Private Roads and Rights of Way Policy, Road Maintenance Policy, and Road Mirrors – Private Crossings Policy be revoked.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, Dave Collard, Moko Tepania and Belinda Ward

Against:           Crs David Clendon, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford and John Vujcich

carried 6/4




Meeting adjourned 3:15 pm – 3:26 pm


5.3         Naming Policy Proposal

Agenda item 5.3 document number A3382702, pages 100 - 110 refers

Resolution  2021/38

Moved:       Chair Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr Moko Tepania

That the Strategy and Policy Committee recommend that Council agree to develop a new Naming Policy for roads, open spaces, and Council facilities.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil

carried 10/0Carried


5.4         Far North Spaces and Places Plan

Agenda item 5.4 document number A3389446, pages 111 - 169 refers


Moved:       Chair Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Strategy and Policy Committee recommend that Council supports in principle the Far North Spaces and Places Plan as the plan to implement Kōkiri ai Te Waka Hourua 2021-2030.


Moved:       Deputy Mayor Ann Court

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Strategy and Policy Committee recommend that Council:

a)    supports in principle the Far North Spaces and Places Plan as the plan to implement Kōkiri ai Te Waka Hourua 2021-2030; and

b)    that an enablement plan be developed in support of the 2022 Annual Plan.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Member Belinda Ward

Against:           Cr David Clendon

carried 9/1

The amendment became the substantive motion

Resolution  2021/39

Moved:       Chair Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Strategy and Policy Committee recommend that Council:

a)    supports in principle the Far North Spaces and Places Plan as the plan to implement Kōkiri ai Te Waka Hourua 2021-2030; and

b)      that an enablement plan be developed in support of the 2022 Annual Plan.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Member Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil

Abstained:       Cr David Clendon


6            Information Reports

6.1         Update on Spatial Planning

Agenda item 6.1 document number A3391562, pages 170 - 172 refers

Resolution  2021/40

Moved:       Mayor John Carter

Seconded:  Deputy Mayor Ann Court

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report Update on Spatial Planning.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil


6.2         Kaikohe Civic Hub Working Party update

Agenda item 6.2 document number A3270171, pages 173 - 174 refers

Resolution  2021/41

Moved:       Cr Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report Kaikohe Civic Hub Working Party update.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil



6.3         Future Libraries progress report

Agenda item 6.3 document number A3344015, pages 175 – 186 refers

Resolution  2021/42

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Cr Moko Tepania

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report Future Libraries progress report.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil



6.4         Museum at Te Ahu Strategy Update

Agenda item 6.4 document number A3399124, pages 187 - 211 refers

Resolution  2021/43

Moved:       Cr Dave Collard

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report Museum at Te Ahu Strategy Update.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil



6.5         Natural and Built Environments Act Exposure Draft Submission

Agenda item 6.5 document number A3320129, pages 212 - 307 refers

Resolution  2021/44

Moved:       Chair Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Mayor John Carter

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report Natural and Built Environments Act Exposure Draft Submission.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil



At 4:44 pm, Cr Moko Tepania left the meeting.

6.6         Audit report for the 2021-31 Long Term Plan

Agenda item 6.6 document number A3334278, pages 308 - 321 refers

Resolution  2021/45

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Chair Rachel Smith

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report Audit report for the 2021-31 Long Term Plan.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil





6.7         Strategic Planning & Policy Business Quarterly Report

Agenda item 6.7 document number A3396885, pages 322 - 352 refers

Resolution  2021/46

Moved:       Mayor John Carter

Seconded:  Chair Rachel Smith

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report Strategic Planning & Policy Business Quarterly Report.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Cr Kelly Stratford



6.8         Strategy and Policy Action Sheet Update October 2021

Agenda item 6.8 document number A3409261, pages 353 - 353 refers

Resolution  2021/47

Moved:       Chair Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Mayor John Carter

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report Action Sheet Update October 2021.

In Favour:       Mayor Carter, Deputy Mayor Court, Crs Rachel Smith, David Clendon, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy, Kelly Stratford, Moko Tepania, John Vujcich and Belinda Ward

Against:           Nil


7            Karakia Whakamutunga – Closing Prayer

Cr Rachel Smith closed the meeting with a karakia.

8            tE kAPINGA hUI / Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 5:08 pm.


The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting held on 24 November 2021.

