Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee Meeting Minutes

16 August 2021


   MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee Meeting
Te Ahu, Cnr Matthews Ave and South Road, Kaitaia
Monday, 16 August 2021 AT 1:00 pm


PRESENT:              Chairperson Fiona King, Member Fred Petricevich, Member Joe Milich, Member Dean Radojkovich, Member Aaron Bainbridge, Member Adreinne Bartlett, Member Darren Axe

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Mate Radich

STAFF PRESENT: Kim Hammond, Dolly Baker, Troy Smith, Glenn Rainham, Richard Jenkins


1            Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and Declarations of Interest


2                Speakers

-       Joanne Murry spoke to the committee in regards to the Hobson Extension drain. Joanne notified the committee that Fonterra required the drain boundary line to fenced, however she could not due to her neighbours planting wattle on the boundary lines. 

-       Joe King spoke to the committee in regards to the Kaikino drains that has been blocked on and a letter received from Council.

3            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

3.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 4.1 document number A3325156, pages 6 – 10 refers.

Resolution  2021/1

Moved:       Chairperson Fiona King

Seconded:  Member Fred Petricevich

That the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee held 03 November 2020 are a true and correct record.



4            Reports

4.1         Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas 2020/2021 Expenditure

Agenda item 5.1 document number A3296237, pages 11 - 16 refers.

Resolution  2021/2

Moved:       Member Fred Petricevich

Seconded:  Member Adrienne Bartlett

That the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas Committee recommends Te Hiku Community Board note the following financial summary for the past financial year 2020/2021:



2019-20 Residual funds (reserve funds available)


2020 Opening Balance (rated income)


2020-21 Expenditure


2020-21 Closing Reserve Balance




2019-20 Residual funds (reserve funds available)


2020 Opening Balance (rated income)


2020-21 Expenditure


2020-21 Closing Reserve Balance



At 2:12 pm, Member Adreinne Bartlett left the meeting. At 2:14 pm, Member Adreinne Bartlett returned to the meeting.

At 2:16 pm, Member Fred Petricevich left the meeting. At 2:18 pm, Member Fred Petricevich returned to the meeting.



4.2         Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas 2021/2022 Programme

Agenda item 5.2 document number A3296261, pages 17 - 22 refers.

Resolution  2021/3

Moved:       Chairperson Fiona King

Seconded:  Member Dean Radojkovich

That the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas Committee recommends Te Hiku Community Board:

a)         approve the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area 2021/2022 work programme.

b)        Request that contractors spray takes place twice a year in late in spring (September/October) and late autumn (April/May).

c)         request that the budgets on page 20 and 21 be updated to reflects the request the full spraying of drains twice a year for the Waiharara drains.

d)        request staff to arrange a workshop with the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee in October 2021 or November 2021 to discuss the draft Waiharara and Kaikino Area Drainage Management Plan.

e)         request staff investigate extending of Hobson Drain.



4.3         Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas 2022/2023 Programme

Agenda item 5.3 document number A3296266, pages 23 - 27 refers.

Resolution  2021/4

Moved:       Chairperson Fiona King

Seconded:  Member Dean Radojkovich

That the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas Committee

a)         recommends the “Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas 22/23 Programme” be referred to Te Hiku Community Board as an information report.

b)        requests details of the Northland Regional Council and Far North District Council resource consents and process to add, change or alter drains connecting to FNDC County  drains.



5            tE kAPINGA hUI / Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 3.10 pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at a future meeting of the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee.

