Te Hiku Community Board Meeting Minutes - CONFIRMED

6 July 2021


Te Hiku Community Board Meeting
Conference Room, Te Ahu, Cnr Matthews Ave and South Road, Kaitaia
Tuesday, 6 July 2021 AT 10:00 am

PRESENT:                            Chairperson Adele Gardner, Deputy Chairperson Jaqi Brown, Member Darren Axe, Member Sheryl Bainbridge (via Microsoft TEAMs), Member John Stewart, Member William (Bill) Subritzky, Member Felicity Foy

IN ATTENDANCE:      Cr Mate Radich, Mike Masters – Kaitaia Drainage Area Member, Joe Milich - Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Member, Dean Radojkovich - Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Member, Aaron Bainbridge - Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Member, Paul Harvey – Motutangi Drainage Area Member, Jeremy White - Motutangi Drainage Area Member

1            Karakia Timatanga – Opening Prayer

Member Brown opened the meeting with a karakia/prayer.

2            Ngā Whakapāha Me Ngā Pānga Mema / Apologies and conflicts of Interest


Resolution  2021/32

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That the apology received from Member Sheryl Bainbridge for lateness be accepted.


3            Public Forum


4            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

4.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 6.1 document number A3254218, pages 12 - 22 refers.

Resolution  2021/33

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board agrees that the minutes of the meeting held 1 June 2021 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



5            Reports

5.1         Road Naming - 3608a Far North Road, Houhora

Agenda item 7.1 document number A3136385, pages 23 - 30 refers.

Resolution  2021/34

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board, pursuant to Council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy #2125, name a private road, Mataroa Way that is currently addressed at 3608a Far North Road, Houhora as per map (A3134544).



5.2         Chairperson and Members Reports

Agenda item 7.2 document number A3244424, pages 31 - 42 refers.


Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Deputy Chairperson Jaqi Brown

That Te Hiku Community Board:

a)         note the reports from Chairperson Gardner and Members Axe, Bainbridge and Subritzky.


Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

b)         requests a copy of the heritage report that forms the basis of the Council decision to propose a blanket heritage precinct on an area of Mangonui that is not confined simply to properties of historic value.


The amendment became the substantive motion.

Resolution  2021/35

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Deputy Chairperson Jaqi Brown

That Te Hiku Community Board:

a)         note the reports from Chairperson Gardner and Members Axe, Bainbridge and Subritzky.

b)        requests a copy of the heritage report that forms the basis of the Council decision to propose a blanket heritage precinct on an area of Mangonui that is not confined simply to properties of historic value.



6            Speakers

Andrea Panther and Tia Hohaia representing Kaitaia Business Association will speak to item 10.1 – Funding Application.

Attachments tabled at meeting

1     Tabled Documents - Kaitaia Business Association

7            Ngā Tono Kōrero / Deputations

Dean Radojkovch, Chair of the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee and Mike Masters member of the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee spoke to the Community Board in regards to the Drainage Committees and the work completed to date and upcoming work.

At 11:08 am, Member Sheryl Bainbridge left the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned from 11.08 am to 11.22 am.

At 11:23 am, Member Felicity Foy left the meeting. At 11:27 am, Member Felicity Foy returned to the meeting.

8            reports continued

8.1         Te Hiku Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 31 May 2021

Agenda item 7.3 document number A3249049, pages 43 - 47 refers.

Resolution  2021/36

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Darren Axe

That Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Te Hiku Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 31 May 2021.


9            Information Reports

9.1         Lake Ohia Community Hall - six monthly update

Agenda item 8.1 document number A3250496, pages 77 - 79 refers.

Resolution  2021/37

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That the Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Lake Ohia Community Hall - six monthly update.


At 11:39 am, Member Sheryl Bainbridge returned to the meeting.

10          reports continued

10.1       Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.4 document number A3254706, pages 48 - 57 refers.

Resolution  2021/38

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Jaqi Brown

That Te Hiku Community Board:

a)         approves the sum of $6,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaitaia Business Association for each of the financial years of 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 for costs towards CCTV monitoring to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii)      Proud, vibrant communities.



10.2       Project Funding Reports

Agenda item 7.5 document number A3254887, pages 58 - 76 refers.

Resolution  2021/39

Moved:       Member John Stewart

Seconded:  Member William (Bill) Subritzky

That Te Hiku Community Board note the project reports received from:

a)      Far North JoyFest Group

b)      Houhora Bowls & Sports Club Inc

c)      Kaitaia Sports & Leisure Trust

d)      Te Pokapu Tiaki Taiao O Te Tai Tokerau Trust

e)      Volunteering Northland


11          Te Kapinga Hui / Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 12.04 pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Te Hiku Community Board meeting held on 24 August 2021.

