Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting Minutes

5 November 2020


BAY OF Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting
Baysport Pavillion, Harmony Lane, Waipapa
Thursday, 5 November 2020 AT 10.00 am


PRESENT:             Chairperson Belinda Ward, Member Lane Ayr, Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell, Member Bruce Mills, Member Frank Owen, Member Manuwai Wells, Member Dave Hookway, Member Rachel Smith

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor David Clendon, Councillor Kelly Stratford

1            Karakia Timatanga – Opening Prayer

All members opened with the opening prayer.

2            Apologies and conflicts of Interest


3            Public Forum

Hone Mihaka spoke on behalf of Taimai Tours Heritage Journeys in regards to Item 8.6 - Ti Point Reserve, Waitangi Removal of Container.

Hinewhare Harawira spoke on behalf of Ngati Rahiri Maori Komiti in regards to Item 8.6 - Ti Point Reserve, Waitangi Removal of Container.

Waireti Paora spoke on behalf of Ngati Rahiri Maori Komiti in regards to Item 8.6 - Ti Point Reserve, Waitangi Removal of Container.

Wiremu Tane spoke on behalf of Ngati Rahiri Maori Komiti in regards to Item 8.6 - Ti Point Reserve, Waitangi Removal of Container.

Dr. Mary-Anne Baker spoke on behalf of Puerua ki Waitangi Hapu and Wai Claimants in regards to Item 8.6 - Ti Point Reserve, Waitangi Removal of Container.

Attachments tabled at meeting

1     Tabled Document - Ti Point Map and Pictures


The meeting was adjourned for a break from 11:10 am to 11:25 am.

motion – spreaking rights for Councillor David Clendon

Resolution  2020/109

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board welcome Councillor Clendon and that he be permitted to speak during member debate.


4            Deputations

Eljon Fitzgerald spoke on behalf of Future Whangaroa.

5            Speakers

Hannah Hunter spoke on behalf of Nga Purapura, Item 8.4 Funding Applications.

Rachel Palmer spoke on behalf of KOAST, Item 8.4 Funding Applications.

Andrew Crerghton and Jan Kennedy spoke on behalf of Northland Coastguard Air Petrol, Item 8.4 Funding Applications.

Morgan Horsford spoke on behalf of Towai/Maromaku Vision Group, Item 8.4 Funding Applications.

Olive Sheperd spoke on behalf of Whangaroa Museum, Item 8.4 Funding Applications.

6            Reports

6.1         Ti Point Reserve, Waitangi - Removal of Container

Agenda item 8.6 document number A2985895, pages 113 - 118 refers.

resolution  2020/110

Moved:       Member Lane Ayr

Seconded:  Member Dave Hookway

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)         receive the report, and;

b)        request an update from staff at the next meeting with progress and/or resolution on this matter.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith


The meeting was adjourned from 1:35 pm to 2:16 pm.

Member Rachel Smith left the meeting at 2:15pm.

7            Notice of Motion

7.1         Notice of Motion - Public Access to Tapu Point Okiato

Agenda item 6.1 document number A2991064, pages 10 - 17 refers.

Resolution 2020/111 

Moved:       Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

Seconded:  Lane Ayr

That Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board recommend that Council:

a)      reviews the public access to Tapu Point, Okiato via unformed paper road, and;

b)      identify the boundaries by survey and erect appropriate signage to officially mark the public access to Tapu Point, Okiato via unformed paper road.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith

Attachments tabled at meeting

Tabled Document - Item 6.1 Notice of Motion Okiato Petition Map


Rachel Smith returned to the meeting returned at 2:26 pm.

8            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

8.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 7.1 document number A2991370, pages 18 - 27 refers.

resolution 2020/112 

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board confirm the minutes of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board meeting held 1 October 2020 are a true and correct record with amendments.


Abstained:       Manuwai Wells and Rachel Smith


9            Reports continued

9.1         Chairperson and Members Report

Agenda item 8.1 document number A2991924, pages 28 - 36 refers.

resolution 2020/113

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board note the reports from Chairperson Belinda Ward, Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell, Member Bruce Mills and Member Frank Owen.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith


motion – acceptance of Member Dave Hookway Report

resolution 2020/114

Moved:       Member Manuwai Wells

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive Member Dave Hookway’s member report.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith

Attachments tabled at meeting

Tabled Document - Member Dave Hookway Report


9.2         Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Statement of Financial Performance Activities by Ward for the period ending 30 September 20

Agenda item 8.2 document number A2981057, pages 37 - 38 refers.

resolution 2020/115

Moved:       Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

Seconded:  Member Frank Owen

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive the report Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Statement of Financial Performance Activities by Ward for the period ending 30 September 20.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith


9.3         Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 30 September 2020

Agenda item 8.3 document number A2976894, pages 39 - 41 refers.

resolution 2020/116  

Moved:       Member Dave Hookway

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receives the report entitled “Statement of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Community Fund account as at 30 September 2020”.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith


9.4         Funding Applications

Agenda item 8.4 document number A2861898, pages 42 - 106 refers.


Moved: Member Bruce Mills

Seconded: Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive the funding applications.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith



Moved:      Member Bruce Mills

Seconded: Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $3,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaeo Festival Group for costs towards Nga Purapura 2021 to support Community Outcomes.




Moved:      Member Lane Ayr

Seconded: Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $5,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaeo Festival Group for costs towards Nga Purapura 2021 to support Community Outcomes.

The amendment became the substantive motion.


That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $5,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaeo Festival Group for costs towards Nga Purapura 2021 to support Community Outcomes.


Abstained:      Rachel Smith



Moved: Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

Seconded: Member Belinda Ward

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board decline the application from the Kerikeri Tennis Club for costs towards resurfacing the tennis courts.


Abstained:      Rachel Smith



Moved:      Member Dave Hookway

Seconded: Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board decline the application from KOAST for the outfitting of a public art gallery.


Abstained:      Rachel Smith



Moved:      Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

Seconded: Member Dave Hookway

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board decline the application from Northland Coastguard Air Patrol Inc for costs towards refurbishment of the operations base at Kerikeri airport.


Abstained:      Rachel Smith



Moved:      Member Bruce Mills

Seconded: Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $2,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to New Zealand Red Cross for costs towards Paihia volunteer knitting group to support Community Outcomes.


Moved:      Member Dave Hookway

Seconded: Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board leave the application from New Zealand Red Cross for costs towards Paihia volunteer knitting group to lie on the table pending more information from the applicant.


The amendment became the substantive motion.


Moved:      Member Dave Hookway

Seconded: Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board leave the application from New Zealand Red Cross for costs towards Paihia volunteer knitting group to lie on the table pending more information from the applicant.


Abstained:      Rachel Smith



Moved:       Member Manuela Gmuer Hornell

Seconded: Member Dave Hookway

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $3,900 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Towai-Maromaku Vision Group for costs towards community road signage to support Community Outcomes, and;

a)         request that bi-lingual sinage be considered,

b)        request acknowledgement of support from Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board by including the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board logo on the signage.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith



Moved:       Member Bruce Mills

Seconded: Member Dave Hookway

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $1,739 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Whangaroa Health Services Trust for costs towards fitness equipment for a community gym to support Community Outcomes.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith



Moved:       Member Dave Hookway

Seconded: Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board leave  the application from Whangaroa County Museum and Archives for costs towards annual operating expenses to lie on the table until further information is received from applicant regarding administration costs.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith  


Motion – meeting duration

Resolution  2020/126

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board agree that the meeting be extended for a further 15 minutes.


Abstained:       Cr Rachel Smith


9.5         Setting of 2021 Meeting schedule

Agenda item 8.5 document number A2990807, pages 107 - 111 refers.

resolution 2020/127 

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board adopt the following meeting dates:

·        4 February 2021

·        4 March 2021

·        1 April 2021

·        6 May 2021

·        3 June 2021

·        8 July 2021

·        5 August 2021

·        2 September 2021

·        7 October 2021

·        11 November 2021

·        2 December 2021


Abstained:       Rachel Smith

10          Information Reports

10.1       BOI/Whangaroa Ward halls budget information for 2020-21

Agenda item 9.1 document number A2984215, pages 119 - 120 refers.

resolution 2020/128 

Moved:       Member Manuwai Wells

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive the report BOI/Whangaroa Ward halls budget information for 2020-21.


Abstained:       Rachel Smith




Manuwai Wells closed with a karakia.

12          Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 4:17pm.


The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board meeting held on 3 December 2020.

