Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board Meeting Minutes

5 August 2020


Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board Meeting
Council Chamber, Memorial Avenue, Kaikohe
Wednesday, 5 August 2020 AT 10.30 am


PRESENT:              Chairperson Mike Edmonds, Member Emma Davis, Member Louis Toorenburg (until 12:30 pm), Member Kelly van Gaalen, Member Alan Hessell, Member Laurie Byers, Member John Vujcich, Member Moko Tepania

STAFF PRESENT: Shaun Clark (Chief Executive Officer) until 11:35 am, Aisha Huriwai (Team Leader - Democracy Services), Kathryn Trewin (Funding Advisor), Marlema Baker (Meetings Administrator)


1            Apologies and conflicts of Interest

Member Toorenburg apologised that he would need to depart the meeting if still in session by 12:30 pm.

Chair Mike Edmonds declared a conflict of interest in relation to item 7.3 Kaikohe Sewing Club Funding Application.

2            Public Forum

Shaun Reilly – Cleaning up the Mill site in Kaikohe and suggested that the Far North District Council acquire 2 separate parcels of land in Kaikohe for future public use.

3            Deputations

10:35 am    Geraldine Pinao - Reed Park Project. 

10:40 am    Rhonda Zielinki - Transitional Housing.    

10:45 am    Brendan Johnson - Bike Traffic on Maihi Park. 

4            Speakers

10:50 am    Jackie Sanders – Jacman Entertainment. 

10:55 am    Joe Carr - Far North Life Education Trust.

11:00 am    Theresia Van Wingerden – Kaikohe Sewing Group.

5            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

5.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 6.1 document number A2918723, pages 10 - 14 refers.

Resolution  2020/42

Moved:       Chairperson Mike Edmonds

Seconded:  Member Emma Davis

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board confirms the minutes of their meeting held 1 July 2020 as a true and correct record.



6            Reports

6.1         Opononi Bowling Club - Contribution to rates

Agenda item 7.1 document number A2920916, pages 15 - 17 refers.


Moved:       Member Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Member Emma Davis

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board approve that:

a)      the Opononi Bowling Club lease requires a contribution of $1,500 plus GST towards the rating costs associated with their occupation of part of the rating unit; and

b)      this sum increase annually by the CPI rate at the end of the quarter immediately preceding the anniversary of the commencement of the lease.


Resolution  2020/43

Moved:       Member Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Member Emma Davis


That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board approve that the Opononi Bowling Club annual lease payment be $1,500 including GST. The reason for this amount is that it is a recognition that payment of rates by the tenant is otherwise not included.



Meeting adjourned for lunch 12:00 pm and reconvened at 12:40 pm.

Member Toorenburg left the meeting 12:00 pm.


6.2         Kaikohe-Hokianga Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 30 June 2020

Agenda item 7.2 document number A2919070, pages 18 - 21 refers.

Resolution  2020/431

Moved:       Member Kelly van Gaalen

Seconded:  Member Laurie Byers

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board receives the report Kaikohe-Hokianga Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 30 June 2020.



6.3         Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.3 document number A2861920, pages 22 - 27 refers.

Resolution  2020/45

Moved:       Member Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Member Alan Hessell

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board, in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $5,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Jacman Entertainment for costs towards Hullabaloo Children’s Arts Festival 2020 to support the following Community Outcomes:

(i)      Proud vibrant communities.

(ii)     Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.




Chairperson Edmonds declared a conflict of interest in relation to the application from Kaikohe Sewing Club Funding Application and abstained from any discussion and vacated the chair.

Deputy Chairperson Davis assumed the Chair for this application.

Resolution  2020/46

Moved:       Member John Vujcich

Seconded:  Member Alan Hessell

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board, in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $5,300 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaikohe Sewing Club for costs towards Community Sewing Skills Course to support the following Community Outcomes:

(i)      Proud vibrant communities.

(ii)     Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



Chairperson Edmonds resumed the Chair.

Resolution  2020/47

Moved:       Member Laurie Byers

Seconded:  Member Emma Davis

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board, in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $1,304 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Okaihau Bowling Club costs towards new mats and jacks to support the following Community Outcomes:

(i)      Proud vibrant communities.

(ii)     Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.


Resolution  2020/48

Moved:       Member John Vujcich

Seconded:  Member Kelly van Gaalen

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board, in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $1,095 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaikohe Community Arts Council for costs towards Te Wairua o Kaikohe art exhibition to support the following Community Outcomes:

(i)      Proud vibrant communities.

(ii)     Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.


Resolution  2020/49

Moved:       Member Kelly van Gaalen

Seconded:  Member Moko Tepania

That the application from Te Tai Tokerau Timebank be left to lie on the table.



Resolution  2020/49

Moved:       Member Kelly van Gaalen

Seconded:  Member Emma Davis

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board, in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $625 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaikohe & Districts Sportsville for costs towards Lindvart Park Promotional Video to support the following Community Outcomes:

(i)            Proud vibrant communities.

(ii)          Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.


Resolution  2020/50

Moved:       Member Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Member John Vujcich

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board, in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $5,001 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Life Education Trust for costs towards mobile classroom refurbishment to support the following Community Outcomes:

(i)            Proud vibrant communities.

(ii)          Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable.



7            Information Reports

7.1         Community and Customer Service Activities 1 January - 30 June 2020

Agenda item 8.1 document number A2917985, pages 78 - 87 refers.

Resolution  2020/51

Moved:       Member Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Member Emma Davis

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board receive the report Community and Customer Service Activities 1 January - 30 June 2020.



8            Meeting Close

The Meeting closed at 1:54 pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board meeting held on 2 September 2020.

