Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Minutes - CONFIRMED

30 July 2020


   MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting
Council Chamber, Memorial Avenue, Kaikohe
Thursday, 30 July 2020 AT 9:32 am


PRESENT:              Cr Rachel Smith, Cr David Clendon, Cr Dave Collard, Cr Felicity Foy, Cr Moko Tepania, Cr John Vujcich, Adele Gardner (Te Hiku Community Board Chairperson)


STAFF PRESENT: Darrell Sargent (General Manager Strategic Planning and Policy)Andy Finch (General Manager Infrastructure and Asset Management), Dean Myburgh (General Manager District Services), Damon Campbell (General Manager Corporate Services - Acting)

1            Karakia Timatanga – Opening prayer

Cr Moko Tepania opened the meeting with a Karakia.

2            Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Committee Resolution  2020/1

Moved:       Cr Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr Moko Tepania

That apologies from His Worship the Mayor, Deputy Mayor Ann Court, Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Belinda Ward be received and accepted.



3            Deputation

Phil Grimshaw representing Healthy Families Far North provided a presentation to the Strategy and Policy Committee.

Attachments tabled at meeting

1     Presentation - Healhy Families Far North

Note: The Strategy and Policy Committee support the opportunity to strengthen a collaborative partnership between Healthy Families Far North and Far North District Council.

4            Reports

4.1         Joint Climate Change Adaptation Governance Committee

Agenda item 4.1 document number A2905655, pages 14 - 22 refers.

Committee Resolution  2020/2

Moved:       Cr Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)      approve the forming of a Joint Climate Change Adaptation Governance Committee with one tangata whenua representative from each of the four Councils that are contained in the Northland Region, these being Northland Regional Council, Whangarei District Council, Kaipara District Council and Far North District Council and that; and

b)      approve that Councillor Clendon as the climate change portfolio holder, Councillor Stratford as an alternative, to be appointed as the Far North District Council elected member representative on the proposed Joint Climate Change Adaptation Governance Committee and that;

c)      approve that Te Kahu O Taonui be asked to nominate a representative and an alternate as tangata whenua representation on the proposed Joint Climate Change Adaptation Governance Committee and that;

d)      approve the development of a policy for the remuneration of non-elected members to committees of Council.



4.2         Options Report - Parks and Reserves General Policies Development

Agenda item 4.2 document number A2885500, pages 23 - 45 refers.

Committee Resolution  2020/3

Moved:       Cr Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

The Strategy and Policy Committee agrees and recommends to Council that new general policies for the management of parks and reserves be developed.


Note: The Committee requested the minutes note that the process needs to be inclusive of Community Boards in recognition of their delegations. 


4.3         Nothing But Net Far North Digital Strategy

Agenda item 4.3 document number A2905122, pages 46 - 95 refers.

Committee Resolution  2020/4

Moved:       Cr Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)         recommend that Council adopt the Nothing But Net Far North Digital Strategy and commits to delivering on the actions in the plan as part of the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan.

b)        request a progress update report be provided to the Strategy and Policy Committee, in alignment with the 2022/2023 Annual Plan to track progress.



5            Information Reports

5.1         Section 35 Report - Review of the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Operative Far North District Plan

Agenda item 5.1 document number A2870725, pages 96 - 235 refers.

Committee Resolution  2020/5

Moved:       Cr Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr Moko Tepania

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report, Section 35 Report - Review of the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Operative Far North District Plan under Section 35 of the Resource Management Act.



5.2         Submission on the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity

Agenda item 5.2 document number A2862144, pages 236 - 259 refers.

Committee Resolution  2020/6

Moved:       Cr Moko Tepania

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Strategy and Policy Committee receive the report Submission on the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity.



5.3         Future Libraries Progress Report

Agenda item 5.3 document number A2912504, pages 260 - 272 refers.

COMMITTEE resolution 2020/7

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Cr Moko Tepania

That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)         receive the report Future Libraries Progress Report.



Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Cr Moko Tepania

b)        note to staff that Elected Members would like a future discussion on potential options for Proctor Library and its land title, as soon as practicable on future proofing staff accommodation, library and open spaces with a variety of options to be discussed.

In Favour:       Crs Rachel Smith, Dave Collard, Felicity Foy and Moko Tepania

Against:           Crs David Clendon and John Vujcich



At 11:40 am, Cr Felicity Foy left the meeting. At 11:42 am, Cr Felicity Foy returned to the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned from 11.44 am to 11.57 am.


Moved:       Cr Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

c)         supports the Chief Executive to pursue New Zealand Libraries Partnership Funding to assist in delivering the Far North District Council Library Strategy.

Councillor Clendon abstained from voting.

Attachments tabled at meeting

1     Tabled Document - New Zealand Libraries Partnership Funding


12.02 pm – Deputy Mayor Court joined the meeting.

6            Karakia Whakamutunga – Closing Prayer

Cr Tepania closed the meeting with the a Karakia.

7            Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 12.13 pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Strategy and Policy Committee meeting held on 8 September 2020.

