
Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting Minutes

2 July 2020


Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting
Baysport Pavillion, Harmony Lane, Waipapa
Thursday, 2 July 2020 AT 10.00 am

PRESENT:              Chairperson Belinda Ward, Member Lane Ayr, Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell, Member Dave Hookway, Member Bruce Mills, Member Frank Owen, Member Manuwai Wells, Member Kelly Stratford, , Member Rachel Smith


1            Karakia Timatanga – Opening Prayer

Frank Owens opened with the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board opening prayer.

2        Apologies and Conflicts of Interest

At 10:02 am, Members Smith and Stratford left the meeting.

3        Public Forum


Ray Hatch provided a presentation on behalf of the Rangitane Recreation Association.


At 10:17 am, Members Smith and Stratford returned to the meeting.


Kui Croft spoke in regard to Revoke Road Name Report, Matawaia.


Attachments tabled at meeting

1     Presentation Rangitane Recreation Association1

2     Presentation Rangitane Recreation Association2

3     Presentation Rangitane Recreation Association3

4     Presentation Rangitane Recreation Association4


3.1         RESOLUTION

Resolution  2020/32

Moved:       Member Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board request that the Road Naming and Property Numbering policy and process be reviewed.


4            Deputations


5            Speakers

Annika Dickey and Jo Lumkong spoke on behalf of Our Kerikeri in regard to information report item 8.1 Our Kerikeri: Vision and Goals.

Roz Dennis spoke on behalf of National Street Rod Association in regards to funding application item 7.3.

Claire Gordon spoke on behalf of Be Free in regard to funding application item 7.3.

6            reports

6.1         Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Footpaths Programme 2020/21

Agenda item 7.5 document number A2896402, pages 92 - 97 refers.

Resolution  2020/33

Moved:       Member Lane Ayr

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)         agree to the 2020/21 footpath programme as follows:

-     Length of Pa Road – Kerikeri

-     Te Tapui Road to Matauri Bay School link – Matauri Bay

-     Kaeo pedestrian bridge next to Main Street bridge – Kaeo

b)        agree to allocate the remaining funds towards:

-     SH11 - Kaipatiki Rise towards Yorke Road (Unfinished Section in Haruru Falls), completion of Shared Use Path dependent on Slip remediation work by NZTA.


7            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

7.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Agenda item 6.1 document number A2891262, pages 10 - 20 refers.


Moved:       Member Manuwai Wells

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board confirm the minutes of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board meeting held 4 June 2020 are a true and correct record.


Moved:       Member Manuwai Wells

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)    confirm the minutes of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board meeting held 4 June 2020 are a true and correct record.

b)    request that report writers and those responsible for compiling reports are advised that the minimum font size on all documents being considered by the board be 11.

c)    and that the closing karakia be added to previous minutes.


The amendment became the substantive motion.


Moved:       Member Manuwai Wells

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)    confirm the minutes of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board meeting held 4 June 2020 are a true and correct record.

b)    request that report writers and those responsible for compiling reports are advised that the minimum font size on all documents being considered by the board be 11.

c)    and that the Closing Karakia be added to previous minutes.



In lieu of written members reports the Chairperson invited members to provide a verbal update at the meeting.


Attachments tabled at meeting

1     Dave Hookway - Member Report 2 July 2020


The meeting was adjourned from 2:05 pm to 2:31 pm.

8            Reports continued

8.1         Statement of Community Board Fund Account as at 31 May 2020

Agenda item 7.1 document number A2896072, pages 21 - 24 refers.

Resolution  2020/35

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Frank Owen

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receives the report entitled “Statement of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Community Fund account as at 31 May 2020”.



8.2         Project Funding Reports

Agenda item 7.2 document number A2861823, pages 25 - 35 refers.

Resolution  2020/36

Moved:       Member Lane Ayr

Seconded:  Member Kelly Stratford

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board note the project reports received from:

a)      Kaitaia Eco-Centre (Bay of Islands Timebank)

b)      Kawakawa Business Association

c)      Whangaroa Museum



8.3         Funding Applications

Agenda item 7.3 document number A2900244, pages 36 - 68 refers.

Resolution  2020/37

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the report and funding applications be received


At 2:55 pm, Member Rachel Smith left the meeting.


Moved:       Member Kelly Stratford

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $5,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to National Street Rod Association for costs towards hosting the 2020 Nationals over Labour Weekend 2020 to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)          Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii)         Proud, vibrant communities


Moved:       Member Bruce Mills

Seconded:  Member Kelly Stratford

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)         approves the sum of $3,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to National Street Rod Association for costs towards hosting the 2020 Nationals over Labour Weekend 2020 to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)          Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii)         Proud, vibrant communities

b)        request that the vehicles do not access the domain through the basketball court as per the reserve management plan.


The amendment became the substantive motion.

resolution 2020/38

Moved:       Member Bruce Mills

Seconded:  Member Kelly Stratford

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)         approves the sum of $3,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to National Street Rod Association for costs towards hosting the 2020 Nationals over Labour Weekend 2020 to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)          Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii)         Proud, vibrant communities

b)        request that the vehicles do not access the domain through the basketball court as per the reserve management plan.

In Favour:       Belinda Ward, Bruce Mills and Kelly Stratford

Against:           Lane Ayr, Frank Owen and Dave Hookway

Abstained:       Manuela Gmuer-Hornell and Manuwai Wells

Chairman Belinda Ward used her casting vote.


At 3:07 pm, Member Kelly Stratford left the meeting.


Moved:       Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $1,410 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Rangatahi Ora Roa Association for costs towards a traditional Māori practices retreat for teenagers to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)          Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii)         Proud, vibrant communities

iii)         A wisely managed and treasured environment that recognises the special role of tangata whenua as kaitiaki


Moved:       Member Dave Hookway

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

b)         request that the rangatahi attend the retreat for free.


At 3:12 pm, Member Kelly Stratford returned to the meeting.

The amendment became the substantive motion.


Moved:       Member Dave Hookway

Seconded:      Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)         approves the sum of $1,410 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Rangatahi Ora Roa Association for costs towards a traditional Māori practices retreat for teenagers to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)          Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii)         Proud, vibrant communities

iii)        A wisely managed and treasured environment that recognises the special role of tangata whenua as kaitiaki

b)        request that the rangatahi attend the retreat for free.



Moved:       Member Kelly Stratford

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $3,000 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Tukau Community Trust for costs towards period underwear to low income women to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)          Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii)         Proud, vibrant communities


Moved:       Member Kelly Stratford

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board left the item lie on the table and request Tukau Community Trust provide their latest financial report.


The amendment became the substantive motion.


Moved:       Member Kelly Stratford

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board left the item lie on the table and request Tukau Community Trust provide their latest financial report.



Moved:       Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

Seconded:  Member Kelly Stratford

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approves the sum of $1,475 (plus GST if applicable) be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Be Free Inc for costs towards the Battle of the Bands to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)          Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

ii)         Proud, vibrant communities


Moved:       Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

Seconded:  Member Kelly Stratford

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board decline the application received from Be Free Incorporated.


The amendment became the substantive motion.




Moved:       Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

Seconded:  Member Kelly Stratford

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board decline the application received from Be Free Incorporated.



8.4         Item to Lie on The Table - Request for Focus Paihia to Install a Fitness Station on Lucy Elizabeth Williams Reserve, Paihia

Agenda item 7.4 document number A2827638, pages 69 - 91 refers.


Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Kelly Stratford

That the Bay of Islands–Whangaroa Community Board:

a)      uplifts the report “Request for Focus Paihia to Install a Fitness Station on Lucy Elizabeth Williams Reserve, Paihia.

b)      approve the installation of the fitness station consisting of 10 exercise pieces in Lucy Elizabeth Williams Scenic Reserve, Paihia subject to the following:

i)       Construction / installation be carried out by Focus Paihia at its own cost

ii)      That all engineering costs are met by Focus Paihia

iii)     That an archaeological assessment is carried out by Focus Paihia at its own expense, if required

iv)     That an agreement is signed by Far North District Council and Focus Paihia prior to the stations installation concerning future roles and responsibilities including repairs, upgrades, replacements and / or removal requirements

c)         receives the completed fitness station as a gift only when Council is satisfied that construction has been carried out in a manner that does not cause unreasonable liability to the Ratepayer.


At 4:12 pm, Member Rachel Smith returned to the meeting.


Resolution  2020/42

Moved:       Chairperson Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Dave Hookway

That the Bay of Islands–Whangaroa Community Board agree to extend the meeting duration for a further half hour







9.1         Our Kerikeri: Vision and Goals

Agenda item 8.1 document number A2889095, pages 98 - 99 refers.


Moved:       Member Lane Ayr

Seconded:  Member Rachel Smith

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive the report Our Kerikeri: Vision and Goals.


Moved:       Member Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)         receive the report Our Kerikeri: Vision and Goals.

b)         consider action points from the report in the Community Board Strategic Planning process.

c)         recommend to Council that the report be considered as part of the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 process and other relevant processes.


The amendment became the substantive motion.

resolution 2020/43

Moved:       Member Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Member Manuela Gmuer-Hornell

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)         receive the report Our Kerikeri: Vision and Goals.

b)        consider action points from the report in the Community Board Strategic Planning process.

c)         recommend to Council that the report be considered as part of the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 process and other relevant processes.




10          Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 4:47 pm.


The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board meeting to be held on 6 August 2020.

