5 June 2019 |
MINUTES OF Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board
Chamber, Memorial Avenue, Kaikohe
ON Wednesday, 5 June
2019 AT 10.30
PRESENT: Chairperson Mike Edmonds, Cr John Vujcich, Member Emma Davis, Member Shaun Reilly, Member Louis Toorenburg, Member Alan Hessell
STAFF PRESENT: Aya Morris (Community Development Advisor), Robert Willoughby (Community Development Advisor), Melissa Parlane (Team Leader -infrastructure Planning), Marlema Baker (Meetings Administrator), Kim Hammond (Meetings Administrator)
Richard Leung, National President of the Chinese Association spoke regarding the Item S1 Wandering with Ancesters (Ventnor) Memorial, Rawene Cemetary.
Lorene Royale spoke regarding Item 7.10 - Application for Funding - Rawene Community Hall Management Committee.
Cheryl Smith, representative from Kaikohe Rugby Football and Sports Club Inc spoke regarding report agenda Item 7.9 - Application for Funding - Kaikohe Rugby Football and Sports Club Inc.
Janine McVeagh, representative from Hokianga Community Education Trust, spoke to the report agenda Item 7.11 - Application for Funding - Hokianga Community Education Trust.
Kylie Wesley, representative from Hokianga Harbour Care Inc, spoke to the report agenda item 7.13 - Application for Funding - Hokianga Harbour Care Inc.
Paul Bowker, representative from Rawene Area Residents Association spoke to report agenda Item 7.12 - Application for Funding - Rawene Area Residents Association.
Cheryl Smith, representative from Sport Northland spoke to the report Item 7.2 - Additional Winter Rural Travel Fund Application - Matihetihe School.
3 Apologies and conflicts of Interest
Resolution 2019/46 Moved: Chairperson Mike Edmonds Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That the apology received from Member Kelly van Gaalen be accepted and leave of absence granted for this meeting and apologies for lateness from Member Shaun Reilly be noted. |
4 Confirmation of Previous Minutes
4.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes Agenda item 5.1 document number A2438751, pages 9 - 14 refers |
Resolution 2019/47 Moved: Chairperson Mike Edmonds Seconded: Member Emma Davis That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board agrees the minutes of their meeting held 1 May 2019 be confirmed as a true and correct record subject to the following amendments: i) Meeting held at Kohukohu Fire Station, 24 Beach Road, Kohukohu. |
5 Strategic Planning and Policy Group
5.1 Basketball Court Project - Memorial Park, Kaikohe Agenda item 6.1 document number A2479610, pages 15 - 33 refers |
Resolution 2019/48 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Alan Hessell That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board: a) Allocates the remainder of the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board 2018/2019 Community Fund to the Kaikohe basketball court project at Memorial Park, to assist with costs towards the beautification of the basketball court area. That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board recommends to Council: a) that approval be given to construct a basketball court on Memorial Park reserve once the Kaikohe Community Youth Charitable Trust has secured sufficient funding. b) that Council staff manage the project using funds received from the Kaikohe Community Youth Charitable Trust. c) that sufficient operational funding be allocated in the 2020/21 Annual Plan and subsequent Long Term Plans to maintain, insure and depreciate the asset. |
The meeting was adjourned from 11.41 am to 12.01 pm.
Adrienne Tari, representative from Pou Herenga Tai Twin Coast Cycle Trail Trust provided an update on projects to the Board members as follows:
· The new toilet installed between Kaikohe and Okaihau was funded by Far North District Council
· Pou Herenga Tai Twin Coast Cycle Trail Trust is focusing on community development initiatives that provide opportunities for organisations to contribute to the cycle trail.
· Pou Herenga Tai Twin Coast Cycle Trail Trust is also investigating alternative funding opportunities for the cycle trail.
· A large section of the trail has been completed. Pou Herenga Tai Twin Coast Cycle Trail Trust would like to plant 180 fruit trees along the trail. Planting will be completed in partnership with the Corrections Department. Pou Herenga Tai Twin Coast Cycle Trail Trust would like to plant them on private properties between Kaikohe and Okaihau. This will require alternative funding (not from the Community Board).
· Development of a Pump Track in front of the old dairy factory. Costs for this will be between $30,000 to $35,000.
· A separate Pump Track for younger children will be developed by the skate park in Kaikohe. The Pou Herenga Tai Twin Coast Cycle Trail Trust is happy to apply for funding and request support from the Community Board.
7.1 Chairperson and Members Report Agenda item 7.1 document number A2438794, pages 34 - 42 refers |
Resolution 2019/49 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Shaun Reilly That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board notes the reports from the Chairperson and Member Toorenburg. Carried Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Shaun Reilly That the recommendations from the Chairpersons report and Member Toorenburgs report be include in the minutes as follows: The board amends the strategic statement updated at the May 2019 meeting by adding the following words:
Kaikohe Hall For consistent treatment of halls across the district the board will seek to have the Kaikohe Memorial Hall be classified as a hall of district significance.
Delegations The board seeks to be delegated full responsibility for community halls (except for Kaikohe Memorial Hall). As governance skills, policies, and systems, are developed, further delegations will be sought. The board will work with the other community boards to achieve a consistent approach amongst them.
Revenue Review The board recognises the desire, by FNDC staff, to fund footpaths from the general rate (vs ward service rates). The board submits to the FNDC Revenue Review that footpaths should be equitably distributed and that a general principle that the length of footpaths in each ward should be in proportion to the populations of each ward and that expenditure on footpaths in each ward should be guided (as it is now) by community boards.
Board Communications The board will operate its Facebook page as a means of communication. The board will maintain the domain name “kaikohe-hokianga.community” to be used for email addresses by board members who desire to. It is the board’s aim to have this domain name transferred to FNDC for long term administration.
Kaikohe Business Rate The board will work with the Kaikohe Business Association and the FNDC to establish a targeted rate for the provision of CCTV and under veranda lighting.
Local Government Act In accordance with the Local Government Act (2002), the board will seek sufficient information from the FNDC to enable the board to: a) maintain an overview of services provided by the territorial authority within the community and b) prepare an annual submission to the territorial authority for expenditure within the community
Recreation 1. Safe cycling: The board allocated the funds remaining from the 2017/18 community grant fund to a junior cycle park in Kaikohe 2. Lindvart Park: The board supports Kaikohe and Districts Sportsville and the upgrade of facilities at Lindvart Park 3. Dogs: The board will seek to have a dog exercise park established in Kaikohe General: The board supports well designed spaces in parks and reserves.
Waterways The board will seek ways to reduce, or eliminate, pollution of waterways by wastewater, storm water, and other community waste.
Water The board will advocate for a sustainable water strategy, providing clean, affordable, water for each community.
Economic Development 1. The board will seek to have consistent looking town (and surrounds) visitor information maps in the following settlements: Mangamuka, Horeke, Kohukohu, Kaikohe, Okaihau, Rawene, Opononi, and Omapere. 2. The board will advocate for public Wi-Fi in the ward’s settlements. 3. The board supports the elimination of cell phone blackspots in the ward.
Furthermore, for funding and other purposes, the board declares that the strategic statements have the same status as a strategic plan”
That the Kaikohe Hokianga Community Board asks that Council investigates what has been achieved by Coromandel Thames District Council where community boards have been given more responsibility. That the Kaikohe Hokianga Community Board, invite or co-opt to our board one or more members from the Far North District Council Youth Council, to participate in our meetings. |
7.2 Additional Winter Rural Travel Funding Application from Matihetihe School Agenda item 7.2 document number A2474542, pages 43 - 47 refers |
Resolution 2019/50 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Emma Davis That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board: a) allocates a Rural Travel grant to Matihetihe School of $515 following the advice from Sport Northland. b) authorises a sum of $85 from the Board’s Community Fund account to Matihetihe School to support children participating in regular sporting activity during the 2019 winter season to support the following community outcome: i) Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected, and sustainable |
The meeting adjourned from 12:56 pm - meeting readjourned at 1:09 pm
Agenda item 7.3 document number A2438819, pages 48 - 59 refers |
Resolution 2019/51 Moved: Member Shaun Reilly Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board note the project reports from Kaikohe Business Association and Hokianga Harbour Care Inc. |
7.4 Kaikohe-Hokianga Statement of Community Fund Account as at 30 April 2019 Agenda item 7.4 document number A2485961, pages 60 - 63 refers |
Resolution 2019/52 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Alan Hessell That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board receives the report Kaikohe-Hokianga Statement of Community Fund Account as at 30 April 2019. |
7.5 Application for Funding - Kerikeri Theatre Company Agenda item 7.6 document number A2484524, pages 72 - 90 refers |
RECOMMENDATION 2019/53 Moved: Member Emma Davis Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $657 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kerikeri Theatre Company for costs toward their performances of ‘Ladies Night’ to support the following community outcomes: i) Proud vibrant communities ii) Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected, and sustainable Carried |
7.6 Application for Funding - Kaikohe Rugby Football & Sports Club Inc Agenda item 7.9 document number A2486079, pages 110 - 119 refers
Chairperson Edmonds declared a conflict of interest in relation to this item and abstained from the debate and voting. |
Resolution 2019/54 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Emma Davis That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $4,558 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Kaikohe Rugby Football & Sports Club Inc for costs towards purchasing hardware to repair the clubroom roof and external toilet roof, to support the following Community Outcomes: i. Proud vibrant communities ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable |
7.7 Application for Funding - Rawene Community Hall Management Committee Agenda item 7.10 document number A2486121, pages 120 - 131 refers |
Resolution 2019/55 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Emma Davis That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $2,500 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Rawene Community Hall Management Committee for costs towards the Assurance Review and contributions towards Booking Administration and Cleaning, to support the following Community Outcomes: i. Proud vibrant communities ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable |
7.8 Application for Funding - Hokianga Community Educational Trust Agenda item 7.11 document number A2487589, pages 132 - 141 refers |
Resolution 2019/56 Seconded: Member Shaun Reilly That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $4,800 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Hokianga Community Educational Trust for costs toward the 2020 Festival for Change Book and Film festival to support the following community outcomes: i) Proud vibrant communities ii) Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected, and sustainable |
7.9 Application for Funding - Rawene Area Residents Association - Manning Street Restoration Project Agenda item 7.12 document number A2489853, pages 142 - 155 refers |
Resolution 2019/57 Moved: Member Shaun Reilly Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $2,500 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Rawene Area Residents Association for costs towards professional fees and to hire a heavy duty mulcher for the Manning Street Restoration Project, to support the following Community Outcomes: i. Proud vibrant communities ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable |
7.10 Application for Funding - Hokianga Harbour Care Inc Agenda item 7.13 document number A2494800, pages 156 - 165 refers |
Moved: Member Shaun Reilly Seconded: Member Emma Davis Resolution 2019/58 That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $5,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Hokianga Harbour Care Inc for costs toward the propagation of native tree seeds for donation to improve water quality, to support the following community outcomes: i) Proud vibrant communities ii) Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected, and sustainable |
At 13:58 pm, Chairperson Mike Edmonds and Councillor John Vujcich declared conflicts of interest regarding items 7.5, 7.7 and 7.8 and left the meeting.
Deputy Chair Emma Davis took the Chair.
7.11 Application for Funding - Pioneer Village Kaikohe - CCTV Agenda item 7.5 document number A2455747, pages 64 - 66 refers. |
Resolution 2019/59 Moved: Member Shaun Reilly Seconded: Member Alan Hessell That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $1,928 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Pioneer Village Kaikohe for costs towards the purchase and installation of CCTV, to support the following Community Outcomes: i) Proud vibrant communities ii) Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable At 2:34 pm, Member Alan Hessell left the meeting. At 2:35 pm, Member Alan Hessell returned to the meeting. |
7.12 Application for Funding - Pioneer Village Kaikohe - Park Up Safely Agenda item 7.7 document number A2485172, pages 91 - 93 refers |
Resolution 2019/60 Moved: Member Shaun Reilly Seconded: Member Alan Hessell That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $5,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Pioneer Village Kaikohe for costs towards the creation of a safe park-up zone which will benefit the village and community, to support the following Community Outcomes: i. Proud vibrant communities ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable |
7.13 Application for Funding - Pioneer Village Kaikohe - Growing Opportunities Agenda item 7.8 document number A2485259, pages 102 - 104 refers |
Resolution 2019/61 Moved: Member Shaun Reilly Seconded: Member Alan Hessell That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $6,630 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Pioneer Village Kaikohe to assist with the purchase of a coffee machine and coffee grinder, to support the following Community Outcomes: i. Proud vibrant communities ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable Against: Cr Louis Toorenburg |
At 2:31 pm, Chairperson Mike Edmonds returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair.
At 2:31 pm, Member John Vujcich returned to the meeting.
8.1 Broadwood Community Plan Report Agenda item 8.1 document number A2450925, pages 166 - 169 refers |
Resolution 2019/62 Moved: Chairperson Mike Edmonds Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board receive the Broadwood Community Plan from the Broadwood working party. |
8.2 Kaikohe - Hokianga Hall Committee Annual General Meeting Minutes, Financial Statements and / or Usage Data Agenda item 8.2 document number A2458267, pages 180 - 181 refers |
Resolution 2019/63 Moved: Member Louis Toorenburg Seconded: Member Alan Hessell That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board receive the report Kaikohe - Hokianga Hall Committee Annual General Meeting Minutes, Financial Statements and / or Usage Data. |
9 infrastrucuture and asset management group
Major Item not on the Agenda |
Resolution 2019/64 Moved: Chairperson Mike Edmonds Seconded: Cr John Vujcich That the Kaikohe Hokianga Community Board resolves to consider the item not on the agenda “Wandering with Ancestors (Ventnor) Memorial, Rawene Cemetery” in accordance with section 46A(7) of Local Government Official Information Management Act |
9.1 Wandering with Ancestors (Ventnor) Memorial, Rawene CemetEry |
Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Louis Toorenburg That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board: Agrees that Far North District Council undertake consultation with the Rawene Community on the proposed Ventnor SS Memorial in the Rawene Cemetery also known as the Walking with Ancestors Memorial’. Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Louis Toorenburg That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board recommends that Far North District Council undertake consultation with the Community on the proposed Ventnor SS memorial in the Rawene Cemetery also known as the Walking with Ancestors Memorial. Carried The amendment became the substantive motion. Resolution 2019/65 Moved: Cr John Vujcich Seconded: Member Louis Toorenburg That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board recommends that Far North District Council undertake consultation with the Community on the proposed Ventnor SS memorial in the Rawene Cemetery also known as the Walking with Ancestors Memorial. |
The Meeting closed at 3.10 pm.
The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board Meeting held on 3 July 2019.