Te Hiku Community Board Meeting Minutes

5 March 2019


   MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Te Hiku Community Board Meeting
Te Ahu, Cnr Matthews Ave and South Road, Kaitaia
Tuesday, 5 March 2019 AT 10:00 am


PRESENT:                   Chairperson Adele Gardner, Member Lawrie Atkinson, Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt, Member Melanie Dalziel, Member Awhina Murupaenga, Member Nuu Ward, Cr Felicity Foy (10:05 am)

STAFF PRESENT:               Melissa Wood - Meeting Administrator, Aya Morris - Community Development Advisor, Glenn Rainham - Manager Alliances, Jaco Cronje - Project Manager Footpath & Cycleways, Bill Hutchinson - Team Leader Civil Defence, Rob Koop - Financial Services

1            Apologies and conflicts of Interest

There were no apologies or declarations of interest

2            Public Forum

Gerard Boekel, resident of Kaitaia spoke to the Board about the possibility of creating a natural burial ground on the site of the old Kaitaia Community Forest on Norman Senn Avenue

Glenn Rainham - FNDC Manager Alliances introduced Sarah Boniface - Civil Defence Emergency Management officer based in Kaitaia (NRC)

3            SPEAKERS

Tony Banks, representative from NZ Offshore Powerboat Association spoke in regard to their funding application agenda item 8.5 refers. Further documentation was provided to the Board

Claire Gordon, representative from Be Free Inc spoke in regard to their funding application agenda item 8.6 refers

Wendy Sporle, representative from Awhina Hoiho Charitable Trust spoke in regard to their funding application agenda item 8.7 refers

4            DEPUTATIONS

There were no deputations

5            PUBLIC FORUM (Continued)

Daniel Thomson representative of the Mangonui Waterfront Working Group spoke to the Board about the urgent need for a footpath in the Mangonui Commercial Area.

6            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

6.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Resolution  2019/1

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

That the Te Hiku Community Board agrees that the minutes of the meeting of the Te Hiku Community Board held 12 December 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



7            Infrastructure and Asset Management Group

7.1         Te Hiku New Footpaths Programme 2018/2019



Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

That the Te Hiku Community Board agrees to the revised 2018/2019 footpath programme as follows:

·         Kaitaia: Arnold Rae park to ticket gate

·         Kaitaia: Pukepoto Road

·         Kaitaia: North Park Drive to Whangatane Drive - Design in 2018/2019, Construction 2019/2020

·         Kaitaia: Donald Road to Hillcrest Road

·         Kaitaia: Dominion Road

·         Kaitaia: SH1 Matthews Avenue

·         Ahipara: Foreshore Road toilets to Panorama Lane - Design in 2018/2019, Construction 2019/2020

·         Kaitaia: A&P to Te Ahu - Design in 2018/2019, Construction 2019/2020


Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board agrees to the revised 2018/2019 footpath programme as follows:


i)          Kaitaia: Arnold Rae park to ticket gate

ii)         Kaitaia: Pukepoto Road

iii)        Kaitaia: North Park Drive to Whangatane Drive - Design in 2018/2019, Construction 2019/2020

iv)        Kaitaia: Donald Road to Hillcrest Road

v)         Ahipara: Foreshore Road toilets to Panorama Lane - Design in 2018/2019, Construction 2019/2020

b)         and the balance of funds to be allocated to a shared 2.2m wide footpath through Centennial Park


Against - Member Hunt requested her vote against the motion be recorded


The amendment became the substantive motion

Resolution  2019/2

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board agrees to the revised 2018/2019 footpath programme as follows:


i)          Kaitaia: Arnold Rae park to ticket gate

ii)         Kaitaia: Pukepoto Road

iii)       Kaitaia: North Park Drive to Whangatane Drive - Design in 2018/2019, Construction 2019/2020

iv)       Kaitaia: Donald Road to Hillcrest Road

v)         Ahipara: Foreshore Road toilets to Panorama Lane - Design in 2018/2019, Construction 2019/2020

b)         and the balance of funds to be allocated to a shared 2.2m wide footpath through Centennial Park


Against - Member Hunt requested her vote against the motion be recorded

The meeting was adjourned from 11:39 am to 11:52 am.

8            District Services Group

8.1         Community and Customer Services Department Information Report 1 July - 31 December 2018

Resolution  2019/3

Moved:       Member Awhina Murupaenga

Seconded:  Member Lawrie Atkinson

That the Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Community and Customer Services Department Information Report 1 July - 31 December 2018.



9            Corporate Services Group

9.1         Lease 8 Melba Street Kaitaia to Nga Wawata Bi-Lingual Early Childhood Centre Limited


Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Te Hiku Community Board recommends that Council grants Nga Wawata Bi-Lingual Early Childhood Centre Limited a further 2 x 3 year right of renewal of the lease on the premises located at 8 Melba Street in Kaitaia from 1 July 2021 taking the final expiry date out to 30 June 2027.


Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Chairperson Adele Gardner


a)         the Te Hiku Community Board recommends that Council grants Nga Wawata Bi-Lingual Early Childhood Centre Limited a further 2 x 3 year right of renewal of the lease on the premises located at 8 Melba Street in Kaitaia from 1 July 2021 taking the final expiry date out to 30 June 2027

b)         Council staff investigate the feasibility of disposing of this Council asset


Resolution  2019/4

Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Chairperson Adele Gardner


a)         the Te Hiku Community Board recommends that Council grants Nga Wawata Bi-Lingual Early Childhood Centre Limited a further 2 x 3 year right of renewal of the lease on the premises located at 8 Melba Street in Kaitaia from 1 July 2021 taking the final expiry date out to 30 June 2027

b)         Council staff investigate the feasibility of disposing of this Council asset




9.2         Chairperson and Member Reports

Resolution  2019/5

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board note the reports from the Chairperson, and Members Dalziel, Bauer-Hunt, Atkinson, and Ward.



At 12:37 p.m., Cr Felicity Foy left the meeting. At 12:40 p.m., Cr Felicity Foy returned to the meeting.

9.3         Funding Project Reports

Resolution  2019/6

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board notes the following project report forms from:

a)      Kaitaia Golf Club

b)      Kaitaia War Memorial Restoration Group

c)      Tokerau Beach Boys

d)      Tokerau Beach-Whatuwhiwhi Residents & Ratepayers Association



The meeting was adjourned from 1:11 pm to 1:40 pm.

9.4         Te Hiku Statement of Community Fund Account as at 31 January 2019

Resolution  2019/7

Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Chairperson Adele Gardner

That the Te Hiku Community Board receives the report Te Hiku Statement of Community Fund Account as at 31 January 2019.



9.5         Application for Funding - NZ Offshore Powerboat Association Inc


Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $7,414 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to NZ Offshore Powerboat Association for costs toward the 2019 Doubtless Bay race day event, to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities


Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $3,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to NZ Offshore Powerboat Association for costs toward the 2019 Doubtless Bay race day event, to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities


The amendment became the substantive motion

Resolution  2019/8

Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $3,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to NZ Offshore Powerboat Association for costs toward the 2019 Doubtless Bay race day event, to support the following Community Outcomes:

          i. Proud vibrant communities



9.6         Application for Funding - Be Free Inc



Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $4,353 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Be Free Incorporated for costs towards the 2019 Be Free Event in Mangonui,  to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)        Proud, vibrant communities

ii)       Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable


Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $1,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Be Free Incorporated for costs towards the 2019 Be Free Event in Mangonui,  to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)        Proud, vibrant communities

ii)       Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable

The amendment became the substantive motion

Resolution  2019/9

Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $1,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Be Free Incorporated for costs towards the 2019 Be Free Event in Mangonui,  to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Proud, vibrant communities

ii)      Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable



9.7         Application for Funding - Awhina Hoiho Charitable Trust

Resolution  2019/10

Moved:       Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $2,978 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Awhina Hoiho Charitable Trust for costs toward operational expenses  to support the following Community Outcomes:

i)       Proud vibrant communities

ii)      Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable




9.8         Te Hiku Statement of Financial Performance Activities by Ward for the period ending 31 December 2018

Committee Resolution  2019/11

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

That the Te Hiku Community Board receives the report Te Hiku Statement of Financial Performance Activities by Ward for the period ending 31 December 2018.



10          Meeting Close

The Meeting closed at 2:10 pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Te Hiku Community Board Meeting held on 16 April 2019.



