Te Hiku Community Board Meeting Minutes

8 November 2018


   MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Te Hiku Community Board Meeting
Te Rarawa Rugby Club, Ahipara
Thursday, 8 November 2018 AT 10:06 am


PRESENT:                   Chairperson Adele Gardner, Member Lawrie Atkinson, Member Melanie Dalziel, Member Awhina Murupaenga, Member Nuu Ward, Cr Felicity Foy

APOLOGIES:              Member Bronwyn Bauer-Hunt

IN ATTENDANCE:               Mayor John Carter from 2:13 pm until 2:45 pm

STAFF PRESENT:               Melissa Wood - Meetings Administrator, Melissa Parlane - Team Leader
     Infrastructure Planning


1            PUBLIC FORUM  

Emma Tracey, resident of Tasman Heights spoke to the Board regarding the need for a footpath, particularly with a view to safety of pedestrians.

Anahera Herbert Graves CEO Te Runanga-a-iwi o Ngati Kahu, and representing Nga Marama o Paruta - updated the Board in regard to Kiritata Pai: Good Neighbours Project (infrastructure and social / community projects) they are undertaking in the Kaitaia township, and requesting the Board’s support and engagement with the progression of these. An information booklet was distributed.

Local residents Andrew Self, Poppy Yates, Elaine Tepania, Reg Payne, Robin Morrogh, Joanne Tracey,  all spoke to the Board on the topic of footpaths and other facilities required in the Tasman Heights, Foreshore Road, Ahipara area.

Tui Tepaa spoke to the Board regarding the need for liaison and discussion with local Iwi / land owners prior to decisions being made in regard to beach access.

2            SPEAKERS

Lesley Wallace, Sport Northland Community Sport Advisor spoke to agenda item 8.3, Rural Travel Funding Applications

Danielle Moa from Doubtless Bay Fishing Contest and Auction, spoke in regard to their Local Community Grant funding application, agenda item 8.6 refers.

Sam Morgan from Epilepsy Association New Zealand, spoke in regard to their Local Community Grant funding application, agenda item 8.7 refers.

Sandra Henare from Te Ropu o Muriwhenua Inc, spoke in regard to their Local Community Grant funding application, agenda item 8.9 refers. An information document was distributed to the Members.

Erroll Murray from Whakawhiti Ora Pai Community Health, spoke in regard to their Local Community Grant funding application, agenda item 8.10 refers.

3            Deputations

There were no deputations


MEETING: The meeting was adjourned from 11:24 am to 11:42 am.




Resolution  2018/24

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the apology received from Member Bauer-Hunt be accepted and leave of absence granted.



Member Dalziel declared an interest in relation to item 8.10 , due to being a Member of the Board.



5            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

5.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Resolution  2018/25

Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Member Lawrie Atkinson

That the Te Hiku Community Board agrees that the minutes of the meeting of the Te Hiku Community Board held 26 September 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



6            Infrastructure and Asset Management Group

6.1         Cable Bay Recreation Reserve - Lease to Doubtless Bay Croquet Club Incorporated

Resolution  2018/26

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Nuu Ward

That the Te Hiku Community Board recommends that the Far North District Council pursuant to its powers under section 54(1)(b) and (c) of the Reserves Act 1977, grants a new lease of part of the Cable Bay recreation reserve being Lot 69 DP 83352 contained in CFR NA39D/282, to the Doubtless Bay Croquet Club Incorporated and that the terms of the lease shall be:

a)      Term: 10 years

Rent: $100 plus GST per annum

Renewal: 5 years

b)      That the clubroom toilets are open to the public only when the leased area is  
    open to the public and the clubroom is open and unlocked


6.2         Kaitaia Drainage Area 17/18 Expenditure

Resolution  2018/27

Moved:       Member Nuu Ward

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board note the following financial summary for the past financial year 2017/18.



2016-17 Residual funds (reserve funds available)


2017 Opening Balance (rated income)


2017-18 Expenditure


2017-18 Closing Reserve Balance




6.3         Kaitaia Drainage Area 18/19 Programme


Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the report entitled Kaitaia Drainage Area be left to lie on the table until further information is provided to the Board.



Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Member Nuu Ward

That the Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed 2018/19 work programme for the Kaitaia Drainage Area


Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed 2018/19 work programme for the Kaitaia Drainage Area subject to:

a)         the removal of planned works $3,000 Alligator weed spraying, and $7,500 Access track improvements

b)         a notice be sent to all property owners, reminding them of the requirements, and that they must comply with the Drainage Bylaw


The amendment became the substantive motion

Resolution  2018/28

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed 2018/19 work programme for the Kaitaia Drainage Area subject to:

a)         the removal of planned works $3,000 Alligator weed spraying, and $7,500 Access track improvements

b)         a notice be sent to all property owners, reminding them of the requirements, and that they must comply with the Drainage Bylaw



6.4         Kaitaia Drainage Area 19/20 Programme

Resolution  2018/29

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed 2019/20 work programme for the Kaitaia Drainage Area subject to:

a)         the removal of planned works $3,000 Alligator weed spraying, and $7,500 Access track improvements

b)         a notice be sent to all property owners, reminding them of the requirements, and that they must comply with the Drainage Bylaw



6.5         Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas 17/18 Expenditure

Resolution  2018/30

Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Member Awhina Murupaenga

That the Te Hiku Community Board note the following financial summary for the past financial year 2017/18:



2016-17 Residual funds (reserve funds available)


2017 Opening Balance (rated income)


2017-18 Expenditure


2017-18 Closing Reserve Balance




2016-17 Residual funds (reserve funds available)


2017 Opening Balance (rated income)


2017-18 Expenditure


2017-18 Closing Reserve Balance





6.6         Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas 18/19 Programme

Resolution  2018/31

Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Member Nuu Ward

That the Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed 2018/19 work programme for the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area.






6.7         Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Areas 19/20 Programme

Resolution  2018/32

Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Member Nuu Ward

That the Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed 2019/20 work programme for the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area.



6.8         Motutangi Drainage Area 17/18 Expenditure

Resolution  2018/33

Moved:       Member Lawrie Atkinson

Seconded:  Member Nuu Ward

That the Te Hiku Community Board note the following financial summary for the past financial year 2017/18:



2016-17 Residual funds (reserve funds available)


2017 Opening Balance (rated income)


2017-18 Expenditure to date


2017-18 Closing Reserve Balance





6.9         Motutangi Drainage Area 18/19 Programme

Resolution  2018/34

Moved:       Member Nuu Ward

Seconded:  Member Lawrie Atkinson

That the Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed 2018/19 work programme for the Motutangi Drainage Area.









6.10       Motutangi Drainage Area 19/20 Programme

Resolution  2018/35

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Lawrie Atkinson

That the Te Hiku Community Board approve the reviewed 2019/20 work programme for the Motutangi Drainage Area.



7            Strategic Planning and Policy Group

Suspension of Standing Orders

Resolution  2018/36

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

A motion was moved that Council suspend standing orders.



Resumption of Standing Orders

Resolution  2018/37

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

A motion was moved that Council resume standing orders.



7.1         Te Hiku Community Board Strategic Plan 2018-19

Resolution  2018/38


Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board

a)      adopts the Te Hiku Community Board Strategic Plan 2018-2019 subject to an amendment to page 6, being the removal of the annual $10,000 strategic allocation to Doubtless Bay Information Centre


Members Ward and Atkinson requested their vote against the motion be recorded


Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board

b)      recommends the following items to an Annual Plan workshop for alteration or inclusion in the 2019/20 Annual Plan

i)       Relocation of old Taipa toilet block to Korora Park, Ahipara, and allocation for ongoing operational expenditure for these public toilets

ii)      Unahi Wharf - new public toilets

iii)     Karikari Recreation Hub project, retimed into Year 3 of the LTP in 2020-2021 in conjunction with the construction of public toilets at the site

iv)     Repurposing of the proposed Ahipara playground funding towards other waterfront foreshore development, in consultation with the community



Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Te Hiku Community Board

c)      allocates funds to Stage 1 of the Jaycee Park project - Children’s Playground - as follows:

i)       Placemaking Fund funds of $33,300

ii)      Local Community Grant Fund funds of $19,500



7.2         Events Investment Funding Decisions for the 2018/19 Financial Year

Resolution  2018/39

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Events Investment Funding Decisions for the 2018/19 Financial Year.



8            Corporate Services Group

8.1         Additional Appointment to the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee

Resolution  2018/40

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board appoints Adrienne Bartlett to the Waiharara and Kaikino Drainage Area Committee.


MEETING: The meeting was adjourned from 1:04 pm to 1:37 pm.

ATTENDANCE: At 1:04 pm, Member Murupaenga left the meeting.

8.2         Chairperson and Member Reports

Resolution  2018/41

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Te Hiku Community Board note the reports from the Chairperson and Members Atkinson, and Ward.



Member Atkinson tabled the annual report received from Kaingaroa Hall Committee


8.3         Rural Travel Funding - Applications Summer round 2018/19

Resolution  2018/42

Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Member Lawrie Atkinson

That the Te Hiku Community Board allocates funding in accordance with the recommendations received from Sport Northland as follows:

a)      Kaingaroa School                                             $1,200

b)      Kaitaia Athletics Club                                      $600

c)      Peria School                                                      $250

d)      Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Pukemiro              $2,000



8.4         Rural Travel Funding Project Reports

Resolution  2018/43

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board note the Rural Travel Project Reports from:

a)      Kaitaia City Rugby Union Football Club

b)      Nga Papahu Swim Club

c)      Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Pukemiro

d)      Te Rarawa JMB Rugby Club

e)      Tu Kaha Sports Inc

f)       Peria School



8.5         Te Hiku Statement of Community Fund Account as at 30 September 2018

Resolution  2018/44

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Te Hiku Community Board receive the report Te Hiku Statement of Community Fund Account as at 30 September 2018.



ATTENDANCE: Member Ward left the meeting at 2:00 pm and returned to the meeting at 2:02 pm

8.6         Application for Funding - Doubtless Bay Fishing Contest



Moved:       Member Nuu Ward

Seconded:  Member Melanie Dalziel

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $8,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to the Doubtless Bay Fishing Contest for costs toward the 2019 Doubtless Bay Fishing Contest and Auction, to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities

          ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable


Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $5,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to the Doubtless Bay Fishing Contest for costs toward the 2019 Doubtless Bay Fishing Contest and Auction, to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities

          ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable


The amendment became the substantive motion

Resolution  2018/45

Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $5,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to the Doubtless Bay Fishing Contest for costs toward the 2019 Doubtless Bay Fishing Contest and Auction, to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities

          ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable



8.7         Application for Funding - Epilepsy Association New Zealand

Resolution  2018/46

Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Member Nuu Ward

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $3000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Epilepsy New Zealand toward the purchase of a field service vehicle for providing services to the Northland region  to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities

          ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable



8.8         Application for Funding - Kaitaia Business Association

Resolution  2018/47

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Nuu Ward

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $2184.00 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to the Kaitaia Business Association for costs toward Christmas wreaths and flags for town decorations to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities

          ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable



IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor John Carter joined the meeting from 2:13 until 2:45 pm

8.9         Application for Funding - Te Ropu o Muriwhenua Inc


Moved:       Member Melanie Dalziel

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $7,247 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Te Ropu o Muriwhenua Incorporated’s for costs toward their wananga series, to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities

          ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable


Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $3,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Te Ropu o Muriwhenua Incorporated’s for costs toward their wananga series, to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities

          ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable


The amendment became the substantive motion

Resolution  2018/48

Moved:       Chairperson Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Cr Felicity Foy

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $3,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Te Ropu o Muriwhenua Incorporated’s for costs toward their wananga series, to support the following Community Outcomes:

     i. Proud vibrant communities

          ii. Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable




8.10       Application for Funding - Whakawhiti Ora Pai Community Health

Resolution  2018/49

Moved:       Member Lawrie Atkinson

Seconded:  Chairperson Adele Gardner

That the Te Hiku Community Board in considering the provisions of the Community Grant Policy authorise the sum of $10,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Board’s Community Fund account to Whakawhiti Ora Pai Community Health for costs towards the Pukenui Clinic accessibility upgrade project, to support the following community outcomes:

i)       Proud vibrant communities

ii)      Liveable communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable


Member Dalziel abstained from voting.


8.11       Te Hiku Statement of Financial Performance Activities by Ward for the period ending 30 September 2018

Resolution  2018/50

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Member Nuu Ward

That the Te Hiku Community Board receives the report Te Hiku Statement of Financial Performance Activities by Ward for the period ending 30 September 2018.



9            Meeting Close

The Meeting closed at 3:05 pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Te Hiku Community Board Meeting held on 12 December 2018.

