Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee Meeting Minutes

10 September 2018


MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee Meeting
Board Room, Te Ahu , Cnr State HIghway One and Mathews Avenue, Kaitaia
Monday, 10 September 2018 AT 10.09 am


PRESENT:                    Chairperson Mike Masters, Member Adele Gardner, Member Brian Dawson, Greg Yuretich


STAFF PRESENT:                Steve Little - Team Leader - 3 Waters Operations, Steven Smith - Stormwater Engineer, Troy Smith – Assistant Engineer - 3 Waters, Maryn Ashby - Meetings Administrator.

The meeting opened with a minute silence in memory of Member Ken Garton.

1          Apologies and Declarations of Interest


Committee Resolution  2018/1

Moved:       Member Adele Gardner

Seconded:  Chairperson Mike Masters

That the apology received from Chairperson Fiona King, Member Joe King and Member Jim Bennett be accepted and leave of absence granted.


2          Confirmation of Previous Minutes

2.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Committee Resolution  2018/2

Moved:       Member Mike Masters

Seconded:  Chairperson Adele Gardner

That the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee confirms that the minutes of the meeting of the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee held 22 March 2018 are a true and correct record.


Note: Mike Masters has spoken to Dave Van Bysterbelt about reintstaing the crossing on the drain located near the Pukepoto outfall. The crossing has not been installed yet.

3          Reports

4.1         Kaitaia Drainage Area 17/18 Expenditure

Committee Resolution  2018/3

Moved:       Member Greg Yuretich

Seconded:  Member Brian Dawson

That Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee:

a)      Note the following financial summary for the past financial year 2017/18:



2016-17 Residual funds (reserve funds available)


2017 Opening Balance (rated income)


2017-18 Expenditure


2017-18 Closing Reserve Balance





4.2         Kaitaia Drainage Area 18/19 Programme

Committee Resolution  2018/4

Moved:       Member Mike Masters

Seconded:  Member Brian Dawson

That Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee:

a)   Recommend the reviewed 2018/19 work programme to the Te Hiku Community Board for approval.

b)That the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee approve partial funding, equal to 25% of the total cost, for the purchase of a drone including the necessary accessories, on the basis the remaining drainage Committees agree to an equal share of the total expense.


Note: the Committee approved payment of $241.50 for North Agriculture’s cleaning of the Hoddles Drain.

4.3         Kaitaia Drainage Area 19/20 Programme

Committee Resolution  2018/5

Moved:       Member Mike Masters

Seconded:  Member Greg Yuretich

That Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee:

a)      Recommend the reviewed 2019/20 work programme to the Te Hiku Community Board for approval.



4          Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 12.17 PM.




The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Kaitaia Drainage Area Committee meeting held on  18 March 2018.



