Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board Meeting Minutes

1 August 2018


   MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board Meeting
Wednesday, 1 August 2018 AT 10.35 am


PRESENT:              Mike Edmonds, Cr John Vujcich, Emma Davis, Shaun Reilly, Louis Toorenburg, Kelly van Gaalen


STAFF PRESENT: Shaun Clarke - Chief Executive Officer, Kate Barnes - Team Leader, Maryn Ashby - Meetings Administrator


1            Public Forum

Horeke School presented story boards detailing their recent beach clean up and the students performed a rap about the waste they had collected.

Emma Davis represented the North Hokianga Community and spoke of the dangerours condition of Pawarenga Road and the slip on Motuti Road.

Janine Tuta’i spoke on behalf of the Horeke School and community about the need for  more 50km speed limit signage on Horeke Road near the playground and school.

Edith Pita and Kim Wares spoke of their concern of the amount of potholes on Motukiore Road especially on the stretch of road past Mangungu bridge.

2            Confirmation of Previous Minutes

5.1         ConfIrmation of Previous Minutes

Resolution  2018/1

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board confirm the minutes of the meeting held 4 July 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record



3            Corporate Services Group

6.1         Chairperson and Members Report


Moved by Member Mike Edmonds, seconded by Member Louis Toorenburg

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board nominate John Vujcich to the Kaikohe and District Sportsville Board, and that the nomination be considered an appointment by the Community Board.


Moved by Member Mike Edmonds, seconded by Cr John Vujcich

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board nominate __________to the Kaikohe and District Sportsville Board, and that the nomination be considered an appointment by the Community Board.


Moved:       Member Shaun Reilly

Seconded:  Member Kelly van Gaalen

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board leaves this item to lie on the table.



Resolution  2018/2

Moved:       Member Mike Edmonds

Seconded:  Member Louis Toorenburg

Mike Edmonds nominated Cr John Vujcich to represent the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board on the Kaikohe Districts Sportsville Board and Shaun Reilly nominated himself.


Cr John Vujcich:  Mike Edmonds, Cr John Vujcich, Emma Davis, Louis Toorenburg and Kelly van Gaalen

Shaun Reilly:  Shaun Reilly

carried 5/1

Resolution  2018/3

Moved:       Mike Edmonds

Seconded:  Emma Davis

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board nominate John Vujcich to the Kaikohe and Districts Sportsville board, and that the nomination be considered an appointment by the Community Board

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board note the report from the Chairperson and Member Reilly.


The meeting adjourned at 12.25 pm and reconvened at 1.11 pm

6.2         Funding Project Reports

Resolution  2018/4

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Member Shaun Reilly

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board note the project report form from Omanaia Marae


6.3         Funding Application - The Kaikohe Community Arts Council

Member Reilly declared an interest

Resolution  2018/5

Moved:       Member Mike Edmonds

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the community grant policy, authorise the sum of ___________ (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the board’s community fund account to the Kaikohe community arts council to assist with the cost involved in hosting the silk purse event aimed at showcasing affordable clothing for the following reason:

I)       Support and value all people, especially the young, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

ii)       Build strong relationships, common vision, values and purpose to create cohesive communities


Resolution  2018/6

Moved:       Member Mike Edmonds

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board in considering the provisions of the community grant policy, authorise the sum of $831.75 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the board’s community fund account to the Kaikohe community arts council to assist with the cost involved in hosting the silk purse event aimed at showcasing affordable clothing for the following reason:

I)             Support and value all people, especially the young, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

II)            Build strong relationships, common vision, values and purpose to create cohesive communities


4            Information Reports

7.1         Information Reports

Resolution  2018/7

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Member Louis Toorenburg

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board receive the following report, titled and dated:

a.   “Community and Customer Services Activities” dated 12 July 2018.



6.4         Petition of Renee Reilly - Basketball Court at Memorial Park

Resolution  2018/8

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Member Emma Davis

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board:

a)      Supports, in principle, the proposal to install a basketball court to Memorial Park, Kaikohe at no cost to Council (excepting potential funding grants), subject to

i)       All funds for the project being secured by 1 December 2018

ii)      The final location and design being approved by the board and subject matter Council staff

iii)     Funds for maintaining the court until the next Long Term Plan budget (2021-31) is set are provided by the petitioner

b)      Notes that the petitioner will work with Council staff to meet legal and safety requirements regarding this project



6.5         Opononi Bowling Club - Lease Proposal

Resolution  2018/9

Moved:       Member Mike Edmonds

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

That the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board recommends:

a)   that the Far North District Council, pursuant to its powers under section 12(2) of the Local Government Act 2002, consents to;

i) the termination of the 1989 lease between the Council and the Opononi Bowling Club;

ii) a lease, of a portion of the land described as Lot 1 DP52947 and marked “A” on the plan attached, to the Opononi Bowling Club for clubrooms and for the purpose of playing bowls; and

iii) a lease, of a portion of the land described as Lot 1 DP52947 and marked “B” on the plan attached, to the Hokianga Coastguard for a shed to be used to store the Coastguard rescue boat.

b)   and that the terms of the lease to the Opononi Bowling Club and the lease to the Hokianga Coastguard shall be;

Term                             10 years

Renewal term              10 years

Annual rental               $100.00 plus GST for each lease

Rent review                 On renewal

c)    and that in making this decision the Council notes that it has taken into account the requirements of section 138 of the Local Government Act 2002 (regarding restrictions on disposal of parks), and section 82 of the Local Government Act 2002 (regarding principles of consultation), and has concluded that no consultation is necessary beyond that which was involved in seeking a recommendation from the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board which itself represents and has knowledge of local community views.


d)   and that necessary action is taken in reviewing the revised rating requirements for the land.



5            Meeting Close

The Meeting closed at 1.53 pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board Meeting held on 5 September 2018.

