Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting Minutes

13 August 2018


   MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting
Te Tapui Marae, 55 Tapui Road, Matauri Bay
Monday, 13 August 2018 AT 10.38 am


PRESENT:                    Chairperson Terry Greening, Member Lane Ayr, Member Bruce Mills, Member Martin Robinson, Member Belinda Ward, Member Manuwai Wells, Cr Kelly Stratford, Member Rachel Smith (phone).

STAFF PRESENT:      Keith Kent – Transport Planner; Kim Hammond – Meetings Administrator.

1          Apologies and conflicts of Interest


2          Public Forum

Johnathan Foley and Helen Noble spoke in regards to Item 7.7 Road Naming Private Road off Access Road, Kerikeri.

Cr Kelly Stratford spoke regarding the consultation on the Dog Policy and Dog Control Bylaw review.

Neil Blanchfield thanked the Board for the work done on a street sign and drain repairs on Hone Heke Road and Council agreeing to fix this issue.

3          Deputations


4          Speakers

Liz Cook and Neil Blanchfield spoke regarding Item 7.4 Application for Funding – Rotary Club of Kerikeri Incorporated.

The meeting was adjourned from 11.01 am to 11.02 am.

5          Notice of Motion

5.1         Notice of Revocation of previous resolution of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board 2 July 2018

Resolution  2018/1

Moved:       Member Terry Greening

Seconded:  Member Belinda Ward

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

Rescinds the resolution approved in the titled Road Naming – Private Road off Access Road, Kerikeri that was passed at the meeting of 2 July 2018.

i)       That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board, pursuant to Council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy #2125, name a private accessway currently addressed 41 - 43 Access Road, Kerikeri, “Te Ara Lane”, as per map (A2041744).


 6         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

6.1         Confirmation of previous minutes

Resolution  2018/2

Moved:       Member Lane Ayr

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board agree that the minutes of the meeting of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board held 02 July 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Abstained:  Member Rachel Smith

7          Corporate Services Group

7.1         Chairperson and Members Report

Resolution  2018/3

Moved:       Member Terry Greening

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board note the reports from the Chairperson Greening and Members Ward, Wells, Smith and Mills


Abstained:  Member Rachel Smith


7.2         Statement of Community Fund Account as at 30 June 2018

Resolution  2018/4

Moved:       Member Belinda Ward

Seconded:  Member Martin Robinson

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board note the report entitled “Statement of the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Community Fund account as at 30 June 2018”.


Abstained:  Member Rachel Smith

At 11.45 a.m., Cr Kelly Stratford left the meeting. At 11.47 a.m., Cr Kelly Stratford returned to the meeting.

7.3         Funding Project Reports

Resolution  2018/5

Moved:       Member Martin Robinson

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board note the project reports received from Kaeo Festival Group and Be Free Incorporated.


Abstained:  Member Rachel Smith


7.4         Application for funding - Rotary Club of Kerikeri Incorporated

Resolution  2018/6


Moved:       Cr Kelly Stratford

Seconded:  Member Manuwai Wells

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board approve the sum of $7,093 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Boards Community Fund account to Rotary Club of Kerikeri Incorporated for the cost to purchase and install a portable hoist and water chair for the following reasons:

i)    Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable; and

ii)   Proud vibrant communities.


Moved:       Member Martin Robinson

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)      Approve the sum of $7,093 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Boards Community          Fund account to Rotary Club of Kerikeri Incorporated for the purchase and install a portable    hoist and water chair for the following reasons.

      i)     Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable; and

      ii)    Proud vibrant communities.

b)      Notes payment of the grant will not be paid until the   Memorandum of Understanding          between Rotary Club of Kerikeri Incorporated and an independent legal entity who will own   the portable hoist and water chair has been provided to the Board.


That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)      Approve the sum of $7,093 (plus GST if applicable) to be paid from the Boards          Community Fund account to Rotary Club of Kerikeri Incorporated for the purchase   and install a portable hoist and water chair for the following reasons.

      i)     Communities that are healthy, safe, connected and sustainable; and

      ii)    Proud vibrant communities.

b)      Notes payment of the grant will not be paid until the     Memorandum of Understanding   between Rotary Club of Kerikeri Incorporated and an independent legal entity who will    own the portable hoist and water chair has been provided to the Board.



7.5         Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board appointments to external organisations

Resolution  2018/7

Moved:       Member Terry Greening

Seconded:  Member Rachel Smith

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board appoint:

a)      Member Wells to the Simson Park Committee, Kawakawa Domain Committee and  Kawakawa Memorial Library Museum.

b)      Member Ayr to the Disability Action Group.


Abstained:  Member Manuwai Wells

At 12.15 p.m., Member Manuwai Wells left the meeting. At 12.17 p.m., Member Manuwai Wells returned to the meeting.

7.6         Correction of Previous Information Provided to the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board 3 July 2017 - Road Naming - Private Road Created by way of Subdivision

Resolution  2018/8

Moved:       Member Martin Robinson

Seconded:  Cr Kelly Stratford

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board:

a)      Notes attachment 1 – Previous Map - Subdivision 6984D State Highway 1 - Document number A2142394 previously provided to the Community Board was incorrectly labelled.

b)      Notes attachment 2 – Correct Map – Subdivision 6984D State Highway 1 Pakaraka Document number A2142389 is the correct labelled map.

c)      Agrees that the resolution made at the meeting on 3 July 2017 stands – That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board, pursuant to Council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy #2125, name the private road created by way of subdivision at 6984D State Highway 1, Pakaraka, Waikopiro Lane.


Abstained:       Member Manuwai Wells and Member Rachel Smith


7.7         Road Naming Private Road off Access Road, Kerikeri

Resolution  2018/9

Moved:       Member Terry Greening

Seconded:  Member Belinda Ward

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board, pursuant to Council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing policy #2125, name a private accessway currently addressed 41-43 Access Road, Kerikeri, “Ara Lane”, as per map (A2041744)


Against:           Member Manuwai Wells

8          Infrastructure and Asset Management Group

8.1         Item Left to Lie on the Table - Airspace Lease - 30 School Road, Paihia

Resolution  2018/10

Moved:       Member Rachel Smith

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board recommends:

a)      that the Infrastructure Network Committee approves that the Council pursuant to section 341 of the Local Government Act 1974, grants a lease to occupy airspace above the side access road at 30 School Road, Paihia to be used for an entrance deck (level 1) and car parking (level 2) subject to the following conditions:

·    The extent (dimensions) of the leased area shall be such as to enable the protrusions into airspace above legal road depicted in the Boyd Design plans for project no. 176 dated 10-11-2017 and 28-02-2018;

·    The lease shall commence on the date the building consent is granted for the proposed building, and the term of the lease shall be 30 years;

·    The annual rental shall be determined by a registered valuer;

·    The rental shall be reviewed 10 years after the commencement of the lease and reviewed again 20 years after the commencement of the lease;

·    The lessee shall pay the Council’s costs incurred in preparing the lease, obtaining the rental valuation, and subsequently undertaking rent reviews.


The meeting was adjourned from 12.32 pm to 1.20 pm.

8.2         Disability Parking Changes

Resolution  2018/11


Moved:       Member Terry Greening

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay Of Islands Whangaroa Community Board recommend to the Council that the following proposed changes to Disability Parking be approved:

1.      Gillies Street, Kawakawa: Provide 1 new disability park outside the relocated Post Office

2.      Gillies Street (SH1), Kawakawa: Reschedule existing disability park on the right hand side

3.      Williams Road, Paihia: Provide 1 new disability park outside the relocated Post Office

4.      Fairway Drive, Kerikeri: Provide 1 new disability park outside Community Fitness

5.      York Street, Russell. Provide 1 new disability park outside the Chemist

6.      Chapel Street, Russell: Schedule existing marked Disability Park outside RSA


Moved:       Member Terry Greening

Seconded:  Member Lane Ayr

That the Bay Of Islands Whangaroa Community Board recommend to the Council that the following proposed changes to Disability Parking be approved:

1.      Gillies Street, Kawakawa: provide 1 new disability park outside the relocated Post Office

2.      Gillies Street (SH1), Kawakawa: reschedule existing disability park on the right hand side

3.      Williams Road, Paihia: provide 1 new disability park outside the relocated Post Office

4.      Fairway Drive, Kerikeri: provide 1 new disability park outside Community Fitness

5.      York Street, Russell. provide 1 new disability park outside the Chemist

6.      Chapel Street, Russell: remark, sign and schedule existing marked Disability Park outside       RSA

7.      Cass Street, Russell: sign and schedule existing marked disability park near Great Sights         Booking Office

8.      The Strand, Russell: remove disability park from Bylaw Schedule.


That the Bay Of Islands Whangaroa Community Board recommend to the Council that the following proposed changes to Disability Parking be approved:

1.      Gillies Street, Kawakawa: provide 1 new disability park outside the relocated Post Office

2.      Gillies Street (SH1), Kawakawa: reschedule existing disability park on the right hand side

3.      Williams Road, Paihia: provide 1 new disability park outside the relocated Post Office

4.      Fairway Drive, Kerikeri: provide 1 new disability park outside Community Fitness

5.      York Street, Russell: provide 1 new disability park outside the Chemist

6.      Chapel Street, Russell: remark, sign and schedule existing marked Disability Park outside       RSA

7.      Cass Street, Russell: sign and schedule existing marked disability park near Great Sights       Booking Office

8.      The Strand, Russell: remove disability park from Bylaw Schedule.



Additional Papers

Resolution  2018/12

Moved:       Member Terry Greening

Seconded:  Member Bruce Mills

That the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board receive the following additional papers:

a)      Amended report on Disability Parking Changes.

b)      Email from Chairperson Greening in relation to the Disability Parking Changes report.



9          Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 1.52 pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board Meeting held on 24 September 2018.


