Infrastructure Network Committee Meeting Minutes

31 July 2018


MINUTES OF Far North District Council
Infrastructure Network Committee Meeting
HELD AT THE Council Chamber, Memorial Avenue, Kaikohe
ON Tuesday, 31 July 2018 AT 10.00 am


PRESENT:                   Cr Ann Court (Chairperson), Mayor John Carter (VC), Cr Felicity Foy (VC), Cr Dave Hookway, Cr Sally Macauley, Cr John Vujcich, Cr Kelly Stratford, Cr Mate Radich (VC), Terry Greening, Adele Gardner (VC) and Mike Edmonds


STAFF PRESENT:       Shaun Clarke - Chief Executive Officer; Andy Finch - General Manager - Infrastructure and Asset Management; Richard Edmonds - Manager  Communication; Glenn Rainham – Manager - Alliances; Jessica Crawford - Infrastructure Consents Planner; Mandy Wilson - Infrastructure Consent Planner; Jon Pheloung - Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Advisor; Simon Millichamp - Solid Waste Engineer; Tim Elliot - Team Leader - Road Safety; Kim Hammond – Meetings Administrator.

1          Apologies and Declarations of Interest


2          Deputation


3          Confirmation of Previous Minutes

3.1         Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Resolution  2018/1

Moved:       Cr Ann Court

Seconded:  Cr Kelly Stratford

That the Infrastructure Network Committee confirm that the minutes of the meeting held 31 May 2018 are a true and correct record.



4          Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board

4.1         Tauranga Bay Holiday Park Lease

Resolution  2018/2

Moved:       Cr Ann Court

Seconded:  His Worship the Mayor

That the Infrastructure Network Committee:

a)      Subject to S54 of the Reserves Act 1977 grants a lease on the Tauranga Bay          Recreation Reserve being Lot 1 DP 69081 to the current lessee, Wupi Investments Ltd          Council grants a lease on the freehold titles being Lot 1 DP 54531 and Lot 1 DP90523    to the current lessee, Wupi Investments Ltd

The term of both leases shall be:

Initial Term:              21 years

Right of Renewal:     One further term of 21 years

b)      Council authorises the General Manager Infrastructure & Asset Management to          negotiate further terms and conditions for both leases which shall be on industry     practise commercial terms, at market rent and in accordance with Council policy        #5020 - Council-Owned Campgrounds



5          Infrastructure and Asset Management Group

Suspension of Standing Orders

Resolution  2018/3

Moved:       Cr Ann Court

Seconded:  Cr John Vujcich

A motion was moved that Council suspend standing orders: 3.8 – Rules of Debate.



Resumption of Standing Orders

Committee Resolution  2018/4

Moved:       Cr Ann Court

Seconded:  Cr Kelly Stratford

A motion was moved that Council resume standing orders.



5.1         Waipapa Refuse Transfer Station Options

Resolution  2018/5


That subject to the identification of additional operational funding, the Infrastructure Network Committee: 

a)      delegate authority to the General Manager of Infrastructure and Asset Management to      negotiate a variation of contract with Northland Waste to provide a class 1 public refuse         transfer station for the Waipapa/Kerikeri area, at an approximate cost of $14k per month until    2020 (the end of the current contract).

b)   delegate authority to the General Manager of Infrastructure and Asset Management to          negotiate with Waste Management to vary the existing contract from providing a class 1       facility at Whitehills, to a class 2 facility to assist in funding the operation of a Waipapa refuse         transfer station in partnership with Northland Waste. 

c)      authorise staff undertake a review of the long term plan option to build a refuse transfer       station at Waipapa to determine what facilities are required and whether to build or lease the         facility.


Moved:       Cr Dave Hookway

Seconded:  Cr Kelly Stratford

That subject to the identification of additional operational funding, the Infrastructure Network Committee: 

a)      delegate authority to the General Manager of Infrastructure and Asset Management to      negotiate a variation of contract with Northland Waste to provide a class 1 public refuse         transfer station for the Waipapa/Kerikeri area, at an approximate cost of $14k per month until    2020 (the end of the current contract).

b)      authorise staff undertake a review of the Long Term Plan option to build a refuse Transfer     Station at Waipapa to determine what facilities are required and whether to build or lease the          facility Waipapa/Kerikeri.

In Favour:       Crs Ann Court, John Carter, Felicity Foy, Dave Hookway, Sally Macauley, John Vujcich, Kelly Stratford and Mate Radich

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


Moved:       Cr Dave Hookway

Seconded:  Cr Kelly Stratford

That subject to the identification of additional operational funding, the Infrastructure Network Committee: 

a)      delegate authority to the General Manager of Infrastructure and Asset Management to negotiate a variation of contract with Northland Waste to provide a class 1 public     refuse transfer station for the Waipapa/Kerikeri area, at an approximate cost of $14k    per month until 2020 (the end of the current contract).

b)      authorise staff undertake a review of the Long Term Plan option to build a refuse        Transfer Station at Waipapa to determine what facilities are required and whether to          build or lease the facility Waipapa/Kerikeri.


Notes – request Infrastructure and Asset Management staff provide an update at the next meeting, including the information requested from Councillors.


Suspension of Standing Orders

Committee Resolution  2018/6

Moved:       Cr Ann Court

Seconded:  His Worship the Mayor

A motion was moved that Council suspend standing: 3.8 – Rules of Debate.


Attendance: Terry Greening left the meeting at 11.08 am and rejoined the meeting at 11.09 am.






Resumption of Standing Orders

Resolution  2018/7

Moved:       Cr Ann Court

Seconded:  Cr Dave Hookway

A motion was moved that Council resume standing orders.



5.2         District Wide Sludge Management Strategy

Resolution  2018/8

Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Cr John Carter


That Council:

a)      endorse the centralised sludge strategy outlined in the document Far North District Council       Sludge Study – Stage 2 and 3 Report - Final

b)      authorise  staff to develop a project to deliver the centralised sludge strategy, including a project plan, budget expenditure, and timeline

c)      authorise staff to commence engagement with Iwi and other stakeholders regarding the    sludge strategy

d)      authorise staff to commence engagement with quarry owners and operators to confirm       viability of former mine and quarry site

e)      request quarterly reports to the Infrastructure Network Committee regarding progress on the         strategy


Moved:       Cr Felicity Foy

Seconded:  Cr John Carter

That Council:

a)      endorse the centralised sludge strategy outlined in the document Far North District Council       Sludge Study – Stage 2 and 3 Report - Final

b)      authorise  staff to develop a project to deliver the centralised sludge strategy, including a project plan, budget expenditure, and timeline

c)      authorise staff to commence engagement with Iwi and other stakeholders regarding the    sludge strategy

d)      authorise staff to commence engagement with quarry owners and operators to confirm       viability of former mine and quarry site use and/or consideration of option of large land block   purchase for viability of site use

e)      request quarterly progress reports to the Infrastructure Network Committee regarding          progress on the strategy.

f)       request staff to capture and report on all the recommendations in the sludge management       strategy



That Council:

a)      endorse the centralised sludge strategy outlined in the document Far North District      Council Sludge Study – Stage 2 and 3 Report - Final

b)      authorise  staff to develop a project to deliver the centralised sludge strategy,          including a project plan, budget expenditure, and timeline

c)      authorise staff to commence engagement with Iwi and other stakeholders regarding the sludge strategy

d)      authorise staff to commence engagement with quarry owners and operators to          confirm viability of former mine and quarry site use and/or consideration of option of   large land block purchase for viability of site use

e)      request quarterly progress reports to the Infrastructure Network Committee regarding progress on the strategy.

f)       request staff to capture and report on all the information in the sludge management      strategy.


Note: The Infrastructure Network Committee request information be provided to the Committee on the Taipa Waste Water Treatment Plan project.


5.3         Russell Community Water Supply Discontinuing

Resolution  2018/9

Moved:       Cr Ann Court

Seconded:  His Worship the Mayor

That Council:

a)      notes the intention of the existing private water supplier, The Motor Camp, to          discontinue the supply of potable water to a limited number of commercial users in     Russell.

b)      approves the recommendation to encourage the properties impacted to identify their own alternative water supply which would include working as a collective with the    Motor Camp operators as to alternative options.

c)      that the Infrastructure Network Committee recommend the CEO be authorised to      engage an appropriate external resource to undertake the consultation and lead          technical input into a community based solution.



6          Information Reports

6.1         Information Report

Committee Recommendation  

Moved:       Cr John Vujcich

Seconded:  Cr Ann Court

This Report is noted.

Note: Report to be brought back to the Infrastructure Network Committee on the possibility of connecting Ahipara to Kaitaia sewage.

7          Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 12.00 pm.

The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Infrastructure Network Committee meeting held on 27 September 2018.



